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/ cnp-module-postgres Public archive

Module that creates a Postgres paas instance


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cnp-module-postgres (deprecated)

Warning do not use for new services.

All new teams are to deploy PostgreSQL Flexible server.

This module will be archived once all teams have migrated.


A module that lets you create an Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Refer to the following links for a detailed explanation of the Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

Azure Database for PostgreSQL


The following example shows how to use the module to create an Azure Database for PostgreSQL instance and expose the host and port as environment variables in another module.

module "database" {
  source                = ""
  product               = var.product
  component             = var.component
  location              = var.location
  env                   = var.env
  postgresql_user       = var.postgresql_user
  database_name         = myproduct
  postgresql_version    = 11
  common_tags           = var.common_tags
  subscription          = var.subscription

Additional databases in PostgreSQL instance

The following example shows how to create additional databases within the PostgreSQL instance

module "database" {
  source                = ""
  product               = var.product
  component             = var.component
  location              = var.location
  env                   = var.env
  postgresql_user       = var.postgresql_user
  database_name         = myproduct
  postgresql_version    = 10
  common_tags           = var.common_tags
  subscription          = var.subscription
  additional_databases  = var.additional_databases

Example of the variable additional_databases being referenced

additional_databases = [



The following parameters are required by this module

  • product the name of the product or project i.e. probate, divorce etc
  • component the name of the component, i.e. data-store-api
  • location the azure region for this service. Note: Check to ensure the service is available in the region.
  • env this is used to differentiate the environments e.g dev, prod, test etc
  • postgresql_user the username for the admin database login. Cannot be 'azure_superuser', 'azure_pg_admin', 'admin', 'administrator', 'postgres', 'root', 'guest', or 'public'. It can't start with 'pg_'.
  • database_name the name of the database to create within the Postgres server. Please note currently, hyphens are NOT allowed in the database name and will be removed automatically to ensure a successful deployment.
  • common_tags tags that need to be applied to every resource group, passed through by the jenkins-library
  • subscription the subscription this module is currently being run in
  • postgresql_version the postgres version. Currently 10 and 11.

If you are using the SDS platform then you will need to add Key Vault parameters as per below

  key_vault_rg       = "genesis-rg"
  key_vault_name     = "dtssharedservices${var.environment}kv"

The following parameters are optional

  • sku_name the size of the postgres instance, specifically cores. Default is "GP_Gen5_2".
  • sku_tier Basic, Generanl Purpose or Memory Optimised. Note that the sku_name chosen must belong to the sku_tier. Default is "GeneralPurpose"
  • sku_capacity The number of vCores. Default is 2, note the database is charged per vCore/month
  • storage_mb the amount of storage available to the DB instance. Default is "51200".
  • ssl_enforcement specifies whether SSL is enabled on the DB endpoint, options are "true" and "false" Default is "true".
  • backup_retention_days number of days to retain a backup. Default is 35.
  • georedundant_backup specifies whether to use geo-redundant backup over local. Default is "Enabled".
  • auto_grow_enabled specifies whether to grow underlying storage automatically. Default is "true"
  • business_area Business area. Either CFT or SDS. Default is "CFT".
  • additional_databases if additional databases are required within the postgres server


The following variables are provided by the module for use in other modules

  • host_name the host name which can be used to connect to PostgreSQL
  • postgresql_listen_port the port to connect to
  • user_name the username given in postgresql_user combined with the server name in the format
  • postgresql_database
  • postgresql_password the randomly generated password for the admin login. It will be 16 characters and contain characters from three of the following categories: English uppercase letters, English lowercase letters, numbers (0 through 9), and nonalphanumeric characters (!, $, #, %, etc.).
  • resource_group_name the resource group name of the PostgreSQL database resource
  • name the server name of the PostgreSQL database resource

Access to databases

Databases are restricted to access from specific subnets, these can be updated in the cnp-database-subnet-whitelisting GitHub repo.

Typically, you will need to set up an SSH tunnel to access the database you want to.

All developers can access non production databases with reader access.

Security cleared developers can access production DBs using just in time access and an approved business justification.

Note: access is only granted on a case by case basis, and is removed automatically

More process details to follow, it's currently being worked out.

Non production:

First time setup

  1. Join either 'DTS CFT Developers' or 'DTS SDS Developers' AAD group via GitHub pull request
Bastion configuration

Ensure you have Azure CLI version 2.22.1 or later installed

Run az login

Ensure ssh extension for the Azure CLI is installed: 'az extension add --name ssh'

Run az ssh config --ip \* --file ~/.ssh/config

Steps to access

  1. Connect to the VPN
  2. Request access to the non production bastion via JIT, this will be automatically approved, and lasts for 24 hours.
  3. Copy below script, update the variables (search for all references to draft-store and replace with your DB) and run it
# If you haven't logged in before you may need to login, uncomment the below line:
# az login
# this should give you a long JWT token, you will need this later on
az account get-access-token --resource-type oss-rdbms --query accessToken -o tsv


export PGPASSWORD=<result-from-earlier>

# you can get this from the portal, or determine it via the inputs your pass to this module in your code

# this matches the `database_name` parameter you pass in the module

# Update the suffix after the @ to the server name
DB_USER="DTS\ CFT\ DB\ Access\ Reader@rpe-draft-store-aat" # read access
#DB_USER="DTS\ Platform\ Operations@rpe-draft-store-aat" # operations team administrative access

psql "sslmode=require host=${POSTGRES_HOST} dbname=${DB_NAME} user=${DB_USER}"

Note: it's also possible to tunnel the connection to your own machine and use other tools to log in, IntelliJ database tools works, pgAdmin 4 works with a workaround for the password field length limit, when creating a new connection untick the "Connect now?" option and don't set the password, save the connection, afterwards when trying to connect a newly created db connection, the password pop up will accept the long password token generated.

Tunnel version of the script
# you can get this from the portal, or determine it via the inputs your pass to this module in your code

ssh -N -L 5440:${POSTGRES_HOST}:5432
# expect no more output in this terminal you won't get an interactive prompt

# in a separate terminal run:
export PGPASSWORD=$(az account get-access-token --resource-type oss-rdbms --query accessToken -o tsv)
# this matches the `database_name` parameter you pass in the module

# Update the suffix after the @ to the server name
DB_USER="DTS\ CFT\ DB\ Access\ Reader@rpe-draft-store-aat" # read access
#DB_USER="DTS\ Platform\ Operations@rpe-draft-store-aat" # operations team administrative access

psql "sslmode=require host=localhost port=5440 dbname=${DB_NAME} user=${DB_USER}"


First time setup

  1. Join either 'DTS CFT Developers' or 'DTS SDS Developers' AAD group via GitHub pull request
  2. Request access to production via JIT, this requires SC clearance, or an approved exception. Note: after this is approved it can take some time for the other packages to show up, try logging out and back in.

Ensure you have Azure CLI version 2.22.1 or later installed

Run az login

Ensure ssh extension for the Azure CLI is installed: 'az extension add --name ssh'

Run az ssh config --ip \* --file ~/.ssh/config

Steps to access

  1. Request access to the database that you need via JIT, the naming convention is Database - <product> (read|write) access.
  2. Wait till it's approved, you can also message in #db-self-service on slack.
  3. Connect to the VPN
  4. Copy below script, update the variables (search for all references to draft-store and replace with your DB), and run it
# If you haven't logged in before you may need to login, uncomment the below line:
# az login
# this should give you a long JWT token, you will need this later on
az account get-access-token --resource-type oss-rdbms --query accessToken -o tsv

# follow the prompts to login

export PGPASSWORD=<result-from-earlier>

# you can get this from the portal, or determine it via the inputs your pass to this module in your code

# this matches the `database_name` parameter you pass in the module

# make sure you update the product name in the middle to your product
# and also update the suffix after the @ to the server name
DB_USER="DTS\ JIT\ Access\ draft-store\ DB\ Reader\ SC@rpe-draft-store-prod" # read access
#DB_USER="DTS\ Platform\ Operations\ SC@rpe-draft-store-prod" # operations team administrative access

psql "sslmode=require host=${POSTGRES_HOST} dbname=${DB_NAME} user=${DB_USER}"
# note: some users have experienced caching issues with their AAD token:
# psql: error: FATAL:  Azure AD access token not valid for role DTS JIT Access send-letter DB Reader SC (does not contain group ID c9e865ee-bc88-40d9-a5c1-23831f0ce255)
# the fix is to clear the cache and login again: rm -rf ~/.azure && az login

Note: it's also possible to tunnel the connection to your own machine and use other tools to log in, IntelliJ database tools works, pgAdmin 4 works with a workaround for the password field length limit, when creating a new connection untick the "Connect now?" option and don't set the password, save the connection, afterwards when trying to connect a newly created db connection, the password pop up will accept the long password token generated.

Tunnel version of the script
# you can get this from the portal, or determine it via the inputs your pass to this module in your code

ssh -L 5440:${POSTGRES_HOST}:5432
# expect no more output in this terminal you won't get an interactive prompt

# in a separate terminal run:
export PGPASSWORD=$(az account get-access-token --resource-type oss-rdbms --query accessToken -o tsv)

# this matches the `database_name` parameter you pass in the module

# make sure you update the product name in the middle to your product
# and also update the suffix after the @ to the server name
DB_USER="DTS\ JIT\ Access\ draft-store\ DB\ Reader\ SC@rpe-draft-store-prod" # read access
#DB_USER="DTS\ Platform\ Operations\ SC@rpe-draft-store-prod" # operations team administrative access

psql "sslmode=require host=localhost port=5440 dbname=${DB_NAME} user=${DB_USER}"