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Lukas Holecek edited this page Jan 9, 2016 · 3 revisions

Advanced Usage


Tab layout used by default is similar to modern web browser. Tabs has a simple name and are usually placed at the top of main window.

You can define key hint or accelerator key for new tab by prefixing a letter with ampersand (&). For instance tab name "No&tes" will be opened with Alt+t shortcut. Similarly "&1" will be opened with Alt+1.

To employ more hierarchical structure for tab select Tree for "Tab Layout" option in configuration dialog. This enables to use slash (/) as path separator in tree of tabs. E.g. creating tabs with name "group/subgroup/tab1" and "group/subgroup/tab2" will make the tree look like this:

+ group
    + subgroup
        - tab1
        - tab2

After tabs are placed in tree they can be moved to different groups by renaming or simply dragging them with mouse.


You can run multiple instances of the application given that they have different session names.

To start new instance with test1 name, run:

copyq --session=test1

This instance uses configuration, tabs and items unique to given session name.

You can still start default session (with empty session name) with just:


In the same manner you can manipulate the session. E.g. to add an item to first tab in test1 session, run:

copyq --session=test1 add "Some text"

Default session has empty name but it can be overridden by setting COPYQ_SESSION_NAME environment variable.

Writing Raw Data

Application allows you to save any kind of data using drag and drop or scripting interface.

To add an image to Images tab you can run:

cat image1.png | copyq tab Images write image/png -

This works for any other MIME data type (though unknown formats won't be displayed properly).

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