So far we have described two simple functional languages based on λ
- Calculus: abstract programming and a prefix s-expression equivalent. The operations of these languages has been described in terms of interpreters for such languages (written in themselves) - denotational semantics.
An alternative approach is through interpretative semantics, where we define a simple abstract machine and combine this with a description of how a compiler would take programs written in the language of interest and generate matching code for the abstract machine.
We will define SECD Machine as an abstract machine with properties which are well suited to functional languages, and we will give a simple compiler for the prefix s-exression.
The SECD Machine was invented by Peter Landin (1963) as a sample target for the
first function-based langauge, LISP.
The basic SECD memory model assumes a large collection of identically formatted cells in a single memory pool.
The tag field in each cell describes how the rest of the cell should be interpreted. For this chapter, we assume only two types: integers and cons cells. For integers, bytes after the tag represent the value, for cons cells, the space after tag is split into two halves, the car field and cdr field. Both of these fields contain pointers (addresses) to other cells in the memory. A pointer value of 0 indicates nil pointer.
A register in the machine called freelist pointer (or F register), points to the first free cell in the memory. When a cell is allocated, a value in the F register is incremented. Program starts with F initialized to 0. What will happen when F runs over the top of available memory will be explained later.
There are five key kinds of data structures that the SECD Machine will build, manipulate, and keep in memory:
- Arbitrary s-expressions for computed data
- Lists representing programs to be executed
- Stacks used by the program's instructions
- Value lists containing the arguments for uncompleted function applications
- Closures to represent unprocessed function applications
Programs for SECD Machine are lists. Each element of the list corresponds to an individual instruction. A call to function involves saving where are we in the current list and starting execution at the beginning of the list associated with the called function.
Individual elements of a program list are of two types: simple integers or
arbitrary lists. The former are equivalend to an opcode specifying some
basic instruction in the SECD Machine's architecture. The latter usually
represent alternative branches of program flow (for example if-then-else
Stacks are represented as lists, pushing on top of the stack is in fact consing an object onto the list. Popping an element returns caar to get element's value and a cdr to return a pointer to the rest of the list.
A subtle but important difference between these stacks and the conventional stacks build out of sequential memory is that whilst a pop following a push does not overwrite the storage allocated by the element popped off. New cell is allocated for push, and a cell holding popped value still exists after push. There are cases when this is valuable feature, but most of the time this just introduces garbage. Garbage collection will be addressed in future sections.
Given that the SECD Machine supports arbitrary s-expressions, it naturally supports association lists. The instruction set supports directly a form of alist that includes only the value half of each pair. The SECD form is then a list of sublists where each sublist contains the argument values (and not the names) for a particular function call that has been made but as yet is not complete.
A simple compiler can eliminate the need for the identifier name by building an
analog at compile time and encoding the index into the appropriate SECD Machine
instruction. Index will be in the form (i,j)
where i
determines which
sublist of the alist is desired, and j
determines which element of that
sublist is needed.
To the SECD Machine a closure is the combination of the code for some function and a value list.
The basic instruction set architecture of the SECD Machine consists of instructions that manipulate four main data structures found in memory:
- evaluation stack (or just simply stack)
- environment
- control list
- dump
These are accompanied by the fifth - F register.
The S register is threated as a conventional evaluation stack for built-in
functions, such as +, -, *, /
and stack operations (car,cdr,cons
The environment register points to the current value list of function arguments. This list is referenced by the machine when a value for an argument is needed, augumented, when a new environment for a function application is constructed, and modified when previously created closure is unpacked.
The control register functions just like the program counter or
instruction pointer. It points to the memory cell that designates
through its car the current instruction to execute. When an instruction is
completed, the content of the C register is replaced by the content of the cdr
field of the last memory cell used by the current instruction C <- cdr(C)
The dump register points to a list in memory called dump. The purpose of the dump is to remember the state of a function application when a new application in that function's body is to be started. This is done by appending onto the dump three new cells which record in their cars the values of the S, E, and C registers before the application. When the application completes, popping the top of the dump restores those registers to their original values so that the original application can continue. This is similar to call-return sequence found in conventional machines for procedure or subprogram activation and return.
These instructions push values of objects onto the S stack.
- NIL pushes a nil value
- LDC pushes a constant. The constant is found as the next element on the C list after the instruction (the card of the C list).
- LD loads an element from current environment. The cadr of the
C list is a cell of the form
These instructions handle build-in functions such as car, cdr, cons, atom, add, sub ... Proper number of arguments is popped from the S stack and the result is pushed on the S stack.
SEL instruction assumes that the top of the S is an integer either zero or nonzero. Following the SEL is the C list are two elements (cadr and caddr of the C list) both of which are lists of instructions. The last instruction in both lists is JOIN. When executed, the SEL will push onto the D a pointer to the C list just beyond the second sublist (cdddr of the C). The machine will then pop the S stack, test it, and replace C with cadr or caddr depending if the value was zero. The JOIN then resumes the original program by popping the top off the D and resetting C to point to it.
LDF (load function) is followed in the C list by an element pointing to a sublist containing the code representing some program-defined function. The last instruction of this subprogram list is RTN which functions similarly to JOIN.
When LDF is executed, it builds in a new cell a closure consisting of a pointer to the new function's code and a copy of the current E register. The closure is pushed on the S stack.
The closure is executed by AP (apply) instruction. Top of the S stack should contain a closure, and underneath it a list representing the argument values to be applied to the function. Executing the AP causes the cddr of S, the E, and the cdr of C to be pushed onto the dump. After this, the S register is set to nil, the C register is set to the beginning of the code specified by the closure, and the E register is set to the cons of the arguments (second element of the original S list) and the environment from closure (cdr of the closure cell).
RTN takes the top of the S as the value to return from the application. This value is consed to the old S from the dump, S register is set to point to this list. The E and C registers are restored directly from the dump and the calling function is restored.
The DUM instruction conses onto the E list a new cell whose car is nil. This corresponds to a new argument list tat is initially empty (a dummy list). This will eventually be a pointer to the self-looping value list.
A DUM instruction is used just before the LDF instruction to build a recursive closure. This will make the environments stored in those closures point to a value list where the first element is this current dummy sublist.
The RAP (recursive apply) assumes that the top of the S stack looks like that for an AP (a closure representing a function to be executed, and an argument list). In this case the function in the closure is the expression that calls the recursively defined functions. The closure's environment is a pointer to the same list indicated by the current E register. This, in turn, should be a list where the first element was that built by the DUM. Furthermore, the list of argument values should be a list of closures, one per recursively defined function, where the environments of these closures are also pointer to the same dummy cell.
Execution of the RAP is identical to the AP except that the car of the cell pointed to by E (the dummy cell) is reset to point to the second argument of the S stack (the list of closures). Given that the closures in that argument also point to the dummy cell, the result is exactly the loop of pointers desired.
Within the code called by the RAP, any required calls to the i-th recursively defined function fi are initiated by a LD(1,i) followed by the AP. The LD fetches the closure for the function from the environment, and AP unpacks it as before. The environment established by the closure is the same environment it came from, with the exception that the AP adds a list to the front representing the arguments to the function. Thus, a LD(2,i) from inside the code for the function fi will retrieve an identical copy of its closure, and another AP will thus start a recursive call to fi properly.
Again, a RTN at the end of the expression unstacks the original S, E, and C values stacked by the RAP function(s).
- STOP stops the machine in its tracks.
- READC and WRITEC perform simple input/output operations.
stands for SECD code compiled from the s-expression <expr>
stands for the result of appending list B
to list A
as in (1 2)(3 4) = (1 2 3 4)
The function compile has three arguments, the expression e
compiled, a namelist n
, and an accumulating parameter c
. The namelist
represents the variables that would be available in the environment when the
s-expression e
is executed. The accumulating parameter represents already
generated code. Initial call to compile an expression e
would be:
compile(e, nil, (STOP))
Code sequences for s-expressions:
Syntax: <number>
Code: (LDC <number>)
Syntax: nil
Code: (NIL)
Syntax: <identifier>
Code: (LD (i,j))
Syntax: (<builtin> <expr1> ... <exprn>)
Code: (*<exprn> ... *<expr1> <builtin>)
Example: (mpy (add x 1) 256) =>
(LDC 256 LDC 1 LD (1.1) ADD MPY)
Syntax: (if <expr1> <expr2> <expr3>)
Code: *<expr1> SEL (*<expr2> JOIN) (*<expr3> JOIN) *<expr2>
Example: (if (null x) 1 (car x)) =>
(LD (1.1) NULL SEL (LDC 1 JOIN) (LD (1.1) CAR JOIN))
Syntax: (lambda (<id1> ... <idn>) <expr>)
Code: (LDF (*<expr> RTN))
Example: (lambda (x y) (add x y)) =>
(LDF (LD (1.2) LD (1.1) ADD RTN))
Syntax: (let (<id1> ... <idn>) (<expr1> ... <exprn>) <expr>)
Code: (NIL *<exprn> CONS ... *<expr1> CONS LDF *<expr> RTN AP)
Example: (let (x y) (1 2) (+ x y)) =>
Syntax: (letrec (<id1> ... <idn>) (<expr1> ... <exprn>) <expr>)
Code: (DUM NIL *<exprn> CONS ... <expr1> CONS LDF (*<expr> RTN RAP))
Example: (letrec (f)
((lambda (x m)
(if (null x)
(f (cdr x) (+ m 1)))))
(f (1 2 3) 0)) =>
(LD (1.2) JOIN)
(NIL LDC 1 LD (1.2) ADD
You still there? Ok, let's continue.
A compiler from s-expressions to SECD code:
compile(e,n,c) =
if atom(e)
then #a nil, number, or identifier
if null(e)
then cons(NIL, c)
else let ij = index(e, n)
in if null(ej)
then cons(LDC, cons(e, c))
else cons(LD, cons(ij, c))
else let fcn = car(e)
and args = cdr(e)
in if atom(fcn)
then #a builtin, lambda or special form
if member(fcn, builtins)
then compile-builtin(args, n, cons(fcn, c))
elseif fcn = LAMBDA
then compile-lambda(cadr(args), cons(car(args), n), c)
elseif fcn = IF
then compile-if(car(args), cadr(args), caddr(args), n, c)
elseif fcn = LET or fcn = LETREC
then let newn = cons(car(args), n)
and values = cadr(args)
and body = caddr(args)
in if fcn = let
then cons(NIL,
compile-app(values, n,
compile-lambda(body, newn, cons(AP, c))))
else #letrec
append((DUM NIL),
compile-lambda(body, newn, cons(RAP,
else #fcn must be a variable
compile-app(args, n, cons(
LD, cons(index(fcn,n), cons(AP, c)))))
else #an application with nested function
cons(NIL, compile-app(
args, n, compile(fcn, n, cons(AP, c))))
You still there? Seriously??
Auxiliary functions:
compile-builtin(args, n, c) =
if null(args)
then c
else compile-builtin(cdr(args), n, compile(car(args), n, c))
compile-if(test, then, else, n, c) =
compile(test, n, cons(SEL, cons(compile(then, n, cons(JOIN, nil)),
cons(compile(else, n, cons(JOIN, nil)), c))))
compile-lambda(body, n, c) =
cons(LDF, cons(compile(body, n, cons(RTN, nil)), c))
compile-app(args, n, c) =
if null(args)
then c
else compile-app(cdr(args), n,
compile(car(args), n, cons(CONS, c)))
index(e,n) = index(e, n, 1)
index(e, n, i) =
if null(n) then nil
else letrec indx2(e, n, j) =
if null(n) then nil
elseif car(n) = e then j
else indx2(e, cdr(n), j + 1)
in let j = indx2(e, car(n), 1)
in if null(j)
then index(e, cdr(n), i + 1)
else cons(i, j)
The code generated for the application of built-in functions consists of the sequences of SECD code needed for each argument appended to the SECD instruction that performs the function.
The code consist of the instructions that evaluates the test expression, followed by SEL and two lists which correspond to then and else expressions. Both sublists end with JOIN.
The code compiled for lambda expression consists of a two element list, LDF instruction and the list consisting of the compiled form of the lambda expression's body terminated by a RTN.
Executing such code sequence will push onto S a closure whose code pointer is pointing to the sublist following the LDF and whose embedded environment is the cell pointed to by E when the LDF is executed. When compile-lambda is called, namelist already contains lambda arguments.
and letrec
expressions correspond to evaluating a series of
expressions, associating them with identifiers, and then evaluating a new
expression that references these identifiers. The compiled code must compute
each of these expressions and then cons the results together into a list
that can be passed as an argument to the lambda function implied by the in
All let
expressions are pushed onto S - these will serve as arguments to the
lambda function, which is pushed next. Body of the lambda is made by in
expression and terminated by RTN.
For the let
expression, the final instruction compiled is an AP. When
executed, this instruction unpacks the closure, and starts the body, with
computed values estabilished on the top of E.
The only difference for a letrec
is that a RAP is used instead, and
there is an extra instruction to begin the sequence, DUM.
Original abstract program to compile:
let x = 3 and one = 1 in
letrec fact(n, m) =
if (eq n 0) then m
else fact(n - one, n * m)
in fact(x, one)
As s-expression:
(let (x one) (3 1)
(letrec (fact)
((lambda (n m) (if (= n 0)
(fact (- n one) (* n m)))))
(fact x one)))
And the compilation process:
compile((let...), nil, (STOP))
Step 1:
(NIL.compile-app((3 1), nil,
compile-lambda((letrec...), ((x one)), (AP STOP))))
Step 2:
(NIL.compile-app((3 1), nil,
(LDF.(compile((letrec...), ((x one)), (RTN)), (AP STOP)))))
Step 3:
(NIL.compile-app((3 1), nil,
(LDF (DUM NIL.compile-app(((lambda ...)),
((fact) (x one)),
compile-lambda((fact x one),
((fact) (x one)),
(AP STOP))))))
Step 4:
compile-lambda((fact x one), ((fact) (x one)), (RAP RTN))
(LDF (NIL LD (2.2) CONS LD (2.1) CONS LD (1.1) AP RTN) RAP RTN)
Step 5:
(NIL.compile-app((3 1), nil,
(LDF (DUM NIL.compile-app(((lambda ...)),
((fact) (x one)),
(AP STOP))))))
Step 6:
compile-app(((lambda ...)), ((fact) (x one)), (AAAAA))
compile-app((), ((fact) (x one)),
compile((lambda...), ((fact) (x one)), (CONS AAAAA)))
compile((lambda...), ((fact) (x one)), (CONS AAAAA))
(LDF.(compile((if...), ((m n) (fact) (x one)), (RTN)).(CONS AAAAA)))
((m n) (fact) (x one)) => nmfactxone
(LDF.(compile((= n 0), nmfactxone,
cons(compile((then), nmfactxone, (JOIN)),
cons(compile((else), nmfactxone, (JOIN)), (RTN))))).(CONS
Step 7:
compile((then), nmfactxone, (JOIN))
compile(m, nmfactxone, (JOIN))
= (LD (1.1) JOIN) => THEN
Step 8:
compile((else), nmfactxone, (JOIN))
compile((fact ...), nmfactxone, (JOIN))
cons(NIL, compile-app(((- n one) (* n m)), nmfactxone,
cons(LD, cons((2.1), cons(AP JOIN)))))
cons(NIL, compile-app(((- n one) (* n m)), nmfactxone,
(LD (2.1) AP JOIN)))
(NIL LD (1.2) LD (1.1) MPY CONS
LD (1.2) LD (3.2) SUB CONS
LD (2.1) AP JOIN) => ELSE
Step 9:
Step 10:
(NIL.compile-app((3 1), nil,
Step 11:
(NIL.compile-app((3 1), nil,
Step 12:
(NIL.compile-app((), nil
compile((3 1), nil, CCCCC)))
(NIL.compile-app((1), nil,
(NIL.compile-app((), nil
Step 13:
(LD (1.1) JOIN)
(NIL LD (1.2) LD (1.1) MPY CONS
LD (1.2) LD (3.2) SUB CONS
LD (2.1) AP JOIN)
(NIL LD (2.2) CONS LD (2.1) CONS LD (1.1) AP RTN)
If we try to implement SECD Machine on conventional stacks (which are much more performant), all kinds of strange results can occur, when dealing with closures. This goes by the name funard problem. On conventional stack, popping the value and then pushing other value just overwrites the memory area, it does not allocate more more space.
Funarg problem can occur whenever a function which produces result contains free variables.
Solutions are to use linked lists, separate heaps for storing environments, duplicate environment stacks, spaghetti stacks or cactus stacks, or doing explicit code copying and substituting argument values.
Tail recursion occurs when the last thing a function does is call some
other function. Instructions generated by the compiler are (... AP RTN)
. When
executed, AP
pushes values for S, E, and C onto D. The RTN
of the called
function will pop these values, only to be replaced by the RTN
in the current
An extension to the SECD architecture is needed - DAP
(direct apply)
instruction. The instruction performs only the environment modification and
does not push values onto D. Sequence (... AP RTN)
would be replaced by (... DAP)
Now very common sequence is:
(... LDF (...code... RTN) DAP)
A closure is created just to be taken apart by DAP
. We introduce a new
instruction - AA
(Add Arguments) with following register transition:
AA: (v.s) e (AA.c) d => s (v.e) c d
And the above sequence could be replaced by:
(... AA ...code... RTN
When the called function does not need reference to the current arguments,
a new arguments does not have to be consed on E, the existing cells could be
reused. A new instruction is to be added - TRAP
(Tail-Recursive Apply),
TRAP: ((f.(e'.e''))v.s) e (TRAP c) d => NIL (v.e'') f d
or even better:
TRAP: ((f.e') v.s) e (TRAP c) d => NIL rplaca(e', v) f d
As before, rplaca replaces the car subfield. Now the compiler must verify
that the arguments are not used, and there is one very common case when this is
true - self-recursion, where there is no way how to use old arguments.
Further optimization along the lines of AA
would be MA
MA: (v.s) e (MA.c) d => rplaca(e,v) c d
This instruction replaces the first element of the current environment by the argument list currently on the top of the S.
Generate the SECD code for the following:
(let (x y) (1 2) (* x y))
let f = (let y = 4 in (->x| y * x)) in f(3)
letrec f=(->n | if n then 1 else f(n - 1) + f(n - 2)) in f(3)
- The towers of Hanoi
Compilation of
(let (x y) (1 2) (* x y))
:(NIL *2 CONS *1 CONS LDF (LD (1.2) LD (1.1) MUL RTN) AP) -> (NIL LDC 2 CONS LDC 1 CONS LDF (LD (1.2) LD (1.1) MUL RTN) AP)
Compilation of
let f = (let y = 4 in (->x| y * x)) in f(3)
:*(LET (F) ((LET (Y) (4) (lambda (x) (* y x)))) (f 3)) -> (NIL *(LET (Y) (4) (lambda (x) (* y x))) CONS LDF (LDC 3 CONS LD(1.1) AP RTN) AP)-> *(LET (Y) (4) (lambda (x) (* y x))) -> (NIL LDC 4 CONS LDF (*(lambda (x) (* y x)) RTN) AP) *(lambda (x) (* y x)) -> (LDF (LD (1.1) LD (2.1) MUL) RTN) ------> (NIL NIL LDC 4 CONS LDF (LDF (LD (1.1) LD (2.1) MUL) RTN) AP CONS LDF (LDC 3 CONS LD(1.1) AP RTN) AP)
Compilation of
letrec f=(->n | if n then 1 else f(n - 1) + f(n - 2)) in f(3)
:-> *(LETREC (f) (LAMBDA (n) (IF n 1 (+ (f (- n 1)) (f (- n 2))))) (f 3)) -> (DUM NIL *(LAMBDA (n) (IF n 1 (+ (f (- n 1)) (f (- n 2)))) RTN) CONS LDF (LDC 3 CONS LD(1.1) AP RTN) RAP) *(LAMBDA (n) (IF n 1 (+ (f (- n 1)) (f (- n 2)))) RTN) -> (LDF (*(IF n 1 (+ (f (- n 1)) (f (- n 2)))) RTN)) *(IF n 1 (+ (f (- n 1)) (f (- n 2)))) -> (LD (1.1) SEL (LDC 1) *(+ (f (- n 1)) (f (- n 2)))) *(+ (f (- n 1)) (f (- n 2))) -> (NIL LDC 2 LD (1.1) SUB CONS LDF (LD (2.1) RTN) AP NIL LDC 1 LD (1.1) SUB CONS LDF (LD (2.1) RTN) AP ADD) -------> (DUM NIL LDF (LD (1.1) SEL (LDC 1) (NIL LDC 2 LD (1.1) SUB CONS LDF (LD (2.1) RTN) AP NIL LDC 1 LD (1.1) SUB CONS LDF (LD (2.1) RTN) AP ADD) RTN) CONS LDF (LDC 3 CONS LD(2.1) AP RTN) RAP)
Tower of Hanoi:
toh(n) = (lambda (n) (let (l r m b) (n 0 0 nil) (letrec (h) (lambda (n f t o b) (if (eq n 1) (append (cons f t) b) (h (- n 1) o t f (append (cons f t) (h (- n 1) f o t b))))) (h n l r m b)))) -> (LDF (*AAAAA RTN) RTN) where AAAAA = (let (l r m b) (n 0 0 nil) (letrec (h) (lambda (n f t o b) (if (eq n 1) (append (cons f t) b) (h (- n 1) o t f (append (cons f t) (h (- n 1) f o t b))))) (h n l r m b))) -> *AAAAA -> (NIL NIL CONS LDC 0 CONS LDC 0 CONS LD (1.1) CONS LDF (*BBBBB RTN) AP) where BBBBB = (letrec (h) (lambda (n f t o b) (if (eq n 1) (append (cons f t) b) (h (- n 1) o t f (append (cons f t) (h (- n 1) f o t b))))) (h n l r m b)) *BBBBB -> (DUM NIL *CCCCC CONS LDF (LD (2.4) CONS LD (2.3) CONS LD (2.2) CONS LD (2.1) CONS LD AP)) where CCCCC = (lambda (n f t o b) (if (eq n 1) (append (cons f t) b) (h (- n 1) o t f (append (cons f t) (h (- n 1) f o t b))))) *CCCCC -> (LDF (*DDDDD RTN)) where DDDDD = (if (eq n 1) (append (cons f t) b) (h (- n 1) o t f (append (cons f t) (h (- n 1) f o t b)))) *DDDDD -> (LDC 1 LD (1.1) EQ SEL (LD (1.5) ld (1.3) LD (1.2) CONS APPEND) (LD (1.5) CONS LD (1.3) CONS LD (1.4) CONS LD (1.2) CONS LDC 1 LD (1.1) SUB CONS LD (2.1) AP CONS LD (1.2) CONS LD (1.3) CONS LD (1.4) CONS LDC 1 LD (1.1) SUB CONS LD (2.1) AP)) --------> (LDF (NIL NIL CONS LDC 0 CONS LDC 0 CONS LD (1.1) CONS LDF (DUM NIL LDF (LDC 1 LD (1.1) EQ SEL (LD (1.5) ld (1.3) LD (1.2) CONS APPEND JOIN) (LD (1.5) CONS LD (1.3) CONS LD (1.4) CONS LD (1.2) CONS LDC 1 LD (1.1) SUB CONS LD (2.1) AP CONS LD (1.2) CONS LD (1.3) CONS LD (1.4) CONS LDC 1 LD (1.1) SUB CONS LD (2.1) AP JOIN) RTN) CONS LDF (LD (2.4) CONS LD (2.3) CONS LD (2.2) CONS LD (2.1) CONS LD AP) RAP RTN) AP RTN) RTN)
If one were to implement the SECD memory model out of a conventional memory with 32-bit words, how many bits could be allocated to integers, and how big could the memory be (in cells) if:
- one memory word was one cell =
31 bits for integers, 15 bits for address
- two memory words made up one cell =
63 bits for integers, 31 bits for address
- one memory word was one cell =
Write an SECD program for:
append(x,y) = if atom(x) then y else car(x).append(cdr(x),y) (LETREC (a) (lambda (x y) (if (atom x) y (cons (car x) (a (cdr x) y)))) a)
- How many new memory cells are used during the compilation of
append((1 2), (3 4))
? =2
- If you had 100 000 cells available, how big a list could you append to
(3 4)? =
99998 if not counting those 2 used by (3 4)
- How many new memory cells are used during the compilation of