.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1
The REMORA executable reads run-time information from an “inputs” file which you put on the command line. This section describes the inputs which can be specified either in the inputs file or on the command line. If a value is specified on the command line, that value will override a value specified in the inputs file.
The problem geometry can be specified either by a NetCDF grid file or in the inputs.
Instructions for setting grid, initial, and Dirichelet boundary conditions from NetCDF file can be found
:ref:`here<icbc-parameters>`. If one of these quantities is specified from a NetCDF file, they all must be. Even if the grid is specified in the NetCDF file, the geometry and boundary parameters below must still be set. geometry.prob_lo
and geometry.prob_hi
do not need to agree with the file in this case.
The z-component of geometry.prob_lo
should be more negative than the deepest bathymetry, and the z-compoonent of geometry.prob_hi
should be 0.
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
geometry.prob_lo | physical location of low corner of the domain | [Real Real -Real] | must be set |
geometry.prob_hi | physical location of high corner of the domain | [Real Real 0] | must be set |
geometry.is_periodic | is the domain periodic in this direction | 0 if false, 1 if true. Z-component must be zero | 0 0 0 |
- geometry.prob_lo = 0 0 -200 defines the low corner of the domain at (0 m,0 m,-200 m) in physical space.
- geometry.prob_hi = 1.e8 2.e8 0 defines the high corner of the domain at (1.e8 m, 2.e8 m, 0 m) in physical space.
- geometry.is_periodic = 0 1 0 says the domain is periodic in the y-direction only.
Instructions for how to specify domain boundary conditions, with usage examples can be found in :ref:`Domain Boundary Conditions`<sec:domainBCs>`.
Grid, initial, and time-dependent boundary data can be specified using NetCDF files, as in ROMS. REMORA expects files in the same format as ROMS, in NetCDF classic format (32- or 64-bit). Other versions of NetCDF files can be converted to 64-bit NetCDF classic by running the command:
ncks -5 old_file.nc converted_file.nc
The utility ncks
is part of the NCO suite.
- Currently, if one of these are specified in a file, they all must be. Boundary condition options with NetCDF boundary data are equivalent to ROMS clamped, Chapman-Flather, and Orlanski + Nudging boundary conditions. Options and examples can be found in the section on :ref:`Domain Boundary Conditions`<sec:domainBCs>`.
- --
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
remora.ic_bc_type | read initial, grid, and boundary data from NetCDF files | true/false | false |
remora.nc_init_file_0 | initial data NetCDF file name | string | must be set
if remora.ic_bc_type
is true |
remora.nc_grid_file_0 | grid data NetCDF file name | string | must be set
if remora.ic_bc_type
is true |
remora.nc_bdry_file_0 | boundary data NetCDF file name | string | must be set
if remora.ic_bc_type
is true |
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
amr.n_cell | number of cells in each direction at the coarsest level | Integer > 0 | must be set |
amr.max_level | number of levels of refinement above the coarsest level | Integer >= 0 | must be set |
amr.ref_ratio | ratio of coarse to fine grid spacing between subsequent levels | 2 / 3 / 4 (one per level) | 2 for all levels |
amr.ref_ratio_vect | ratio of coarse to fine grid spacing between subsequent levels | 3 integers (one per dir) 2 / 3 / 4 | 2 for all directions |
amr.regrid_int | how often to regrid | Integer > 0 | must be set |
amr.regrid_on_restart | should we regrid immediately after restarting | 0 or 1 | 0 |
Note: if amr.max_level = 0 then you do not need to set amr.ref_ratio or amr.regrid_int.
amr.n_cell = 32 64 64
would define the domain to have 32 cells in the x-direction, 64 cells in the y-direction, and 64 cells in the z-direction at the coarsest level.
- amr.max_level = 2would allow a maximum of 2 refined levels in addition to the coarse level. Note that these additional levels will only be created only if the tagging criteria are such that cells are flagged as needing refinement. The number of refined levels in a calculation must be \leq amr.max_level, but can change in time and need not always be equal to amr.max_level.
- amr.ref_ratio = 2 3would set factor 2 refinement between levels 0 and 1, and factor 3 refinement between levels 1 and 2. Note that you must have at least amr.max_level values of amr.ref_ratio (Additional values may appear in that line and they will be ignored).
- amr.ref_ratio_vect = 2 4 3would set factor {2 in x-dir, 4 in y-dir, 3 in z-dir} refinement between all adjacent levels. Note that you must specify 3 values, one for each coordinate direction.
- amr.regrid_int = 2 2tells the code to regrid every 2 steps. Thus in this example, new level-1 grids will be created every 2 level-0 time steps, and new level-2 grids will be created every 2 level-1 time steps.
The user defines how to tag individual cells at a given level for refinement. This list of tagged cells is sent to a grid generation routine, which uses the Berger–Rigoutsos algorithm to create rectangular grids that contain the tagged cells.
See :ref:`MeshRefinement` for more details on how to specify regions for refinement.
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
amr.regrid_file | name of file from which to read the grids | text | no file |
amr.grid_eff | grid efficiency at coarse level at which grids are created | Real > 0, < 1 | 0.7 |
amr.n_error_buf | radius of additional tagging around already tagged cells | Integer >= 0 | 1 |
amr.max_grid_size | maximum size of a grid in any direction | Integer > 0 | 32 |
amr.max_grid_size | maximum size | Integer | 32 |
amr.blocking_factor | grid size must be a multiple of this | Integer > 0 | 2 |
amr.refine_grid_layout | refine grids more if # of processors > # of grids | 0 if false, 1 if true | 1 |
- amr.n_error_buf, amr.max_grid_size and amr.blocking_factor can be read in as a single value which is assigned to every level, or as multiple values, one for each level
- amr.max_grid_size at every level must be even
- amr.blocking_factor at every level must be a power of 2
- the domain size amr.n_cell must be a multiple of amr.blocking_factor at level 0
- amr.max_grid_size must be a multiple of amr.blocking_factor at every level
- amr.regrid_file = fixed_gridsIn this case the list of grids at each fine level are contained in the file fixed_grids, which will be read during the gridding procedure. These grids must not violate the amr.max_grid_size criterion. The rest of the gridding procedure described below will not occur if amr.regrid_file is set.
- amr.grid_eff = 0.9During the grid creation process, at least 90% of the cells in each grid at the level at which the grid creation occurs must be tagged cells. Note that this is applied at the coarsened level at which the grids are actually made, and before amr.max_grid_size is imposed.
- amr.max_grid_size = 64The final grids will be no longer than 64 cells on a side at every level.
- amr.max_grid_size = 64 32 16The final grids will be no longer than 64 cells on a side at level 0, 32 cells on a side at level 1, and 16 cells on a side at level 2.
- amr.blocking_factor = 32The dimensions of all the final grids will be multiples of 32 at all levels.
- amr.blocking_factor = 32 16 8The dimensions of all the final grids will be multiples of 32 at level 0, multiples of 16 at level 1, and multiples of 8 at level 2.
The REMORA gridding and load balancing strategy is based on that in AMReX. See the Gridding section of the AMReX documentation for details.
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
max_step | maximum number of level 0 time steps | Integer >= 0 | -1 |
stop_time | final simulation time | Real >= 0 | -1.0 |
remora.start_time | initial simulation time | Real >= 0 | 0.0 |
To control the number of time steps, you can limit by the maximum number of level-0 time steps (max_step), or the final simulation time (stop_time), or both. The code will stop at whichever criterion comes first. Note that if the code reaches stop_time then the final time step will be shortened so as to end exactly at stop_time, not pass it.
- max_step = 1000
- stop_time = 1.0
will end the calculation when either the simulation time reaches 1.0 or the number of level-0 steps taken equals 1000, whichever comes first.
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
remora.cfl | CFL number for hydro | Real > 0 and <= 1 | 0.8 |
remora.fixed_dt | set level 0 dt as this value regardless of cfl or other settings | Real > 0 | unused if not set |
remora.fixed_fast_dt | set fast dt as this value | real > 0 | inferred from fixed_dt and fixed_ndfast_ratio if not set |
remora.fixed_ndfast_ratio | set fast dt as slow dt / this ratio | int | inferred from fixed_dt and fixed_fast_dt if not set |
remora.change_max | factor by which dt can grow in subsequent steps | Real >= 1 | 1.1 |
- remora.cfl = 0.9defines the timestep as dt = cfl * dx / (u+c). Only relevant if fixed_dt not set
- remora.change_max = 1.1allows the time step to increase by no more than 10% in this case. Note that the time step can shrink by any factor; this only controls the extent to which it can grow.
- remora.fixed_dt = 1.e-4sets the level-0 time step to be 1.e-4 for the entire simulation, ignoring the other timestep controls. Note that if remora.init_shrink \neq 1 then the first time step will in fact be remora.init_shrink * remora.fixed_dt.
See :ref:`sec:Checkpoint` for how to control the checkpoint/restart capability.
See :ref:`sec:Plotfiles` for how to control the types and frequency of plotfile generation.
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
amr.v | verbosity of Amr.cpp | 0 or 1 | 0 |
remora.v | verbosity of REMORA functions |
0 |
remora.sum_interval | how often (in level-0 time steps) to compute integral quantities | Integer | -1 |
- remora.sum_interval = 2if remora.sum_interval > 0 then the code computes and prints certain integral quantities, such as total mass, momentum and energy in the domain every remora.sum_interval level-0 steps. In this example the code will print these quantities every two coarse time steps. The print statements have the form
TIME= 1.91717746 MASS= 1.792410279e+34
for example. If this line is commented out or if remora.v <= 0 then it will not compute and print these quantities.
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
remora.use_coriolis | Include Coriolis terms. | true / false | false |
remora.flat_bathymetry | Use flat bathymetry. | true / false | true |
remora.use_prestep | Do prestep terms. Only for debugging purposes. | true / false | true |
remora.use_uv3dmix | Include harmonic viscosity. Only for debugging purposes. | true / false | true |
remora.use_barotropic | Include 2d barotropic step. Only for debugging purposes. | true / false | true |
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
remora.ggrav | Gravitational field strength [kg m/s^2] | Real number | 9.81 |
remora.eos_type | Which equation of state to use. Nonlinear corresponds to UNESCO | Linear or Nonlinear | Linear |
remora.R0 | Background density [kg/m^3] used in Linear Equation of State. May be used in setup of some problems. | Real number | 1028 |
remora.S0 | Background salinity (nondimensional) used in Linear Equation of State State. May be used in setup of some problems. | Real number | 35 |
remora.T0 | Background temperature (Celsius) used in Linear Equation of State State. May be used in setup of some problems. | Real number | 5 |
remora.Tcoef | Linear EOS parameter (1/Celsius) | Real number | 1.7e-4 |
remora.Scoef | Linear EOS parameter (nondimensional) | Real number | 0.0 |
remora.rho0 | Mean density (kg/m^3) used when Boussinesq approx is inferred | Real number | 1025 |
remora.coriolis_type | Type of Coriolis forcing.
beta_plane uses a linear
approximation. custom is
calculated from a function in
prob.cpp , and real is
read from the netcdf grid file |
beta_plane /
custom /
real |
beta_plane |
remora.coriolis_f0 | f-plane constant for Coriolis param f = f_0 + \beta y when using beta plane Coriolis type | Real number | 0.0 |
remora.coriolis_beta | beta-plane constant for Coriolis param f = f_0 + \beta y when using beta plane Coriolis type | Real number | 0.0 |
remora.horizontal_mixing_type | Horizontal mixing type. analytical
function is specified in
prob.cpp . |
analytical /
constant |
analytical |
remora.visc2 | Constant horizontal viscosity,
everywhere. Needed when
horizontal_mixing_type is
constant . |
Real number | 0.0 |
remora.tnu2_salt | Constant horizontal diffusivity,
everywhere for salt. Needed when
horizontal_mixing_type is
constant . |
Real number | 0.0 |
remora.tnu2_temp | Constant horizontal diffusivity,
everywhere for temperature. Needed
when horizontal_mixing_type is
constant . |
Real number | 0.0 |
remora.tnu2_scalar | Constant horizontal diffusivity,
everywhere for passive scalar. Needed
when horizontal_mixing_type is
constant . |
Real number | 0.0 |
remora.vertical_mixing_type | Vertical mixing type. analytical
function is specified in
prob.cpp . |
analytical /
analytical |
remora.gls_stability_type | Stability function to use for GLS | Canuto_A /
Canuto_B /
Galperin |
Canuto_A |
remora.Akv_bak | Minimum/initial value of Akv | Real number | 5.0e-6 |
remora.Akt_bak | Minimum/initial value of Akt | Real number | 1.0e-6 |
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
remora.bottom_stress_type | Bottom drag type | linear / quadratic / logarithmic | linear |
remora.rdrag | Linear drag coefficient (used if remora.bottom_stress_type = linear) | Positive real number | 3.0e-4 |
remora.rdrag2 | Quadratic drag coefficient (used if remora.bottom_stress_type = quadratic) | Positive real number | 3.0e-3 |
remora.Zob | Bottom roughness [m] (used if remora.bottom_stress_type = logarithmic and for GLS | Positive real number | 0.02 |
remora.Zos | Surface roughness [m] (used for GLS) | Positive real number | 0.02 |
remora.Cdb_min | Minimum threshold for transfer coefficient of momentum | Positive real number | 1.0e-6 |
remora.Cdb_max | Maximum threshold for transfer coefficient of momentum | Positive real number | 0.5 |
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
remora.gls_P | Real number | 3.0 | |
remora.gls_M | Real number | 1.5 | |
remora.gls_N | Real number | -1.0 | |
remora.gls_Kmin | Real number | 7.6e-6 | |
remora.gls_Pmin | Real number | 1.0e-12 | |
remora.gls_cmu0 | Real number | 0.5477 | |
remora.gls_c1 | Real number | 1.44 | |
remora.gls_c2 | Real number | 1.92 | |
remora.gls_c3m | Real number | -0.4 | |
remora.gls_c3p | Real number | 1.0 | |
remora.gls_sigk | Real number | 1.0 | |
remora.gls_sigp | Real number | 1.3 | |
remora.Akk_bak | Initial/minimum value of Akk | Real number | 5.0e-6 |
remora.Akp_bak | Initial/minimum value of Akp | Real number | 5.0e-6 |
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
remora.tracer_horizontal_advection_scheme | Scheme for horizontal advection of tracers | upstream3, centered4 | upstream3 |
remora.uv_horizontal_advection_scheme | Scheme for horizontal advection of momenta | upstream3, centered2 | upstream3 |
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
remora.theta_s | Stretching parameter for surface refinement of vertical S-grid | 0 \leq \theta_S \leq 10 | 3.0 |
remora.theta_b | Stretching parameter for bottom refinement of vertical S-grid | 0 \leq \theta_B \leq 4 | 0.0 |
remora.tcline | Surface/bottom layer width (m) in vertical S-grid | Positive number | 150 |
These parameters are used to calculate the vertical S-grid stretch/transform functions detailed in :ref:`Vertical S-Coordinate<VerticalSCoord>`.
Through AMReX functionality, REMORA supports options to raise errors when NaNs, division by zero, and overflow errors are detected. These checks are activated at runtime using the input parameters below.
When running on Macs using the Apple-Clang compilers with optimization
in the GNUmakefile
), these checks may lead to false positives
due to optimizations performed by the compiler and the flags should be turned off.
It is still possible to run with these error checks with Apple-Clang debug builds.
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
amrex.fpe_trap_invalid | Raise errors for NaNs | 0 / 1 | 0 |
amrex.fpe_trap_zero | Raise errors for divide by zero | 0 / 1 | 0 |
amrex.fpe_trap_overflow | Raise errors for overflow | 0 / 1 | 0 |