A list of awesome mobile machine learning resources curated by Fritz AI.
Fritz AI helps you teach your applications how to see, hear, sense, and think. Create ML-powered features in your mobile apps for both Android and iOS. Start with our ready-to-use feature APIs or connect and deploy your own custom models.
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- Getting Started
- Mobile Machine Learning Frameworks
- Code, Libraries, and Resources
- Tutorials & Learning
- Machine learning on mobile: What can you actually do with it?
- Machine Learning and the Future of Mobile App Development
- Machine Learning on Mobile Devices: 3 Steps for Deploying ML in Your Apps
- Embracing Machine Learning as a Mobile Developer
- Machine Learning on iOS and Android
- Deep Learning on the Edge
- Why Machine Learning on the Edge
- 5 App Ideas to Unleash the Power of Mobile Machine Learning
- How TensorFlow Lite Optimizes Neural Networks for Mobile Machine Learning
- Machine Learning for Mobile - EBook
- Why the Future of Machine Learning is Tiny
- Machine Learning on mobile: on the device or in the cloud?
- Cameras that understand: Portrait Mode and Google Lens
- Machine Learning App Development—Disrupting the Mobile App Industry
- How smartphones handle huge neural networks
- How to Fit Large Neural Networks on the Edge
- Advances in Machine Learning Are Revolutionizing the Mobile App Development Realm
- No cloud required: Why AI’s future is at the edge
- Comparing Mobile Machine Learning Frameworks
- How AI Accelerators Are Changing The Face Of Edge Computing
- Embedded and mobile deep learning research resources
- On-Device AI: MIT Technology Review Hub
- The 5 Algorithms for Efficient Deep Learning Inference on Small Devices
- PyTorch Mobile: Exploring Facebook’s new mobile machine learning solution
- AI in the Browser
- Federated Learning: An Introduction
- New to Data Science? Here are a few places to start
- Machine Learning Crash Course—Google
- Siraj Raval’s YouTube Channel
- Fast.ai
- Kaggle: The place to do data science projects
- Awesome Data Science with Python: A curated list of awesome resources for practicing data science using Python, including not only libraries, but also links to tutorials, code snippets, blog posts and talks.
- Fritz AI: Fritz AI is the machine learning platform for iOS and Android developers. Teach your mobile apps to see, hear, sense, and think.
- Core ML: With Core ML, you can integrate trained machine learning models into your iOS apps.
- TensorFlow Lite: TensorFlow Lite is an open source deep learning framework for on-device inference.
- Create ML: Use Create ML with familiar tools like Swift and macOS playgrounds to create and train custom machine learning models on your Mac.
- Turi Create API: Turi Create simplifies the development of custom machine learning models. You don’t have to be a machine learning expert to add recommendations, object detection, image classification, image similarity or activity classification to your iOS app.
- ML Kit: ML Kit beta brings Google’s machine learning expertise to mobile developers in a powerful and easy-to-use package.
- PyTorch Mobile: PyTorch Mobile is a new framework for helping mobile developers and machine learning engineers embed PyTorch ML models on-device.
- QNNPACK: QNNPACK (Quantized Neural Networks PACKage) is a mobile-optimized library for low-precision high-performance neural network inference. QNNPACK provides implementation of common neural network operators on quantized 8-bit tensors.
- Keras: Keras is a high-level neural networks API, written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. EASY
- ONNX: ONNX is an open format to represent deep learning models. With ONNX, AI developers can more easily move models between state-of-the-art tools and choose the combination that is best for them. EASY
- Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit: The Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) is an open-source toolkit for commercial-grade distributed deep learning. HARD
- IBM Watson: Watson is IBM’s suite of enterprise-ready AI services, applications, and tooling. EASY
- Caffe2: A lightweight, modular, and scalable deep learning framework. HARD
- Apache MXNet: A fast and scalable training and inference framework with an easy-to-use, concise API for machine learning. HARD
- PyTorch: An open source deep learning platform that provides a seamless path from research prototyping to production deployment..HARD
- swift: Swift for TensorFlow Project Home Page.
- swift-models: Models and examples built with Swift for TensorFlow.
- swift-apis: Swift for TensorFlow Deep Learning Library.
- Swift-AI: Swift AI includes a collection of common tools used for artificial intelligence and scientific applications on iOS and macOS.
- Serrano: A Swift deep learning library with Accelerate and Metal support.
- Revolver: A framework for building fast genetic algorithms in Swift.
- fantastic-machine-learning: A curated list of machine learning resources, preferably, mostly focused on Swift/Core ML.
- awesome-ml-demos-with-ios: We tackle the challenge of using machine learning models on iOS via Core ML and ML Kit (TensorFlow Lite).
- Awesome-CoreML-Models: the largest collection of machine learning models in Core ML format. Also includes model conversion formats, external collections of ML models, and individual ML models—all of which can be converted to Core ML.
- iOS_ML: List of Machine Learning, AI, NLP solutions for iOS.
- Awesome-Design-Tools: A curated list of the best design tools and frameworks for iOS and macOS.
- awesome-ios: A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects.
- List-CoreML-Models: A list of Core ML models, projects, and resources.
- coremltools: Core ML community tools contains all supporting tools for CoreML model conversion and validation. This includes Scikit Learn, LIBSVM, Caffe, Keras and XGBoost.
- Bender: Bender is an abstraction layer over MetalPerformanceShaders useful for working with neural networks.
- StyleArt: The Style Art library processes images using Core ML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and converts them to different art styles.
- LocoKit: Location, motion, and activity recording framework for iOS; includes the ability to classify device activity by mode of transport.
- awesome-tflite: A curated list of awesome TensorFlow Lite models, samples, tutorials, tools and learning resources.
- awesome-android: A curated list of awesome Android packages and resources.
- awesome-java: A curated list of awesome frameworks, libraries and software for the Java programming language.
- AndroidTensorFlowMachineLearningExample: Android TensorFlow MachineLearning Example (Building TensorFlow for Android).
- onyx: An android library that uses technologies like artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning to make developers understand the content that they are displaying in their app.
- android-malware-analysis: This project seeks to apply machine learning algorithms to Android malware classification.
- awesome-tflite: A curated list of awesome TensorFlow Lite models, samples, tutorials, tools and learning resources.
- tfjs-models: Pretrained models for TensorFlow.js
- magenta-js: Music and Art Generation with Machine Intelligence in the Browser
- tfjs-node: TensorFlow powered JavaScript library for training and deploying ML models on Node.js
- tfjs-examples: Examples built with TensorFlow.js
- awesome-machine-learning: A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-deep-learning: A curated list of awesome Deep Learning tutorials, projects and communities.
- my-awesome-ai-bookmarks: Curated list of reads, implementations, and core concepts of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning.
- datasets: A collection of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow
- Mobile ML GitHub Repositories: List of repos with machine learning models ready for mobile, organized by feature type.
- Image Recognition Guide: Almost everything you need to know about how image recognition works.
- Object Detection Guide: Almost everything you need to know about how object detection works.
- Image Segmentation Guide: Almost everything you need to know about how image segmentation works.
- Pose Estimation Guide: Almost everything you need to know about how pose estimation works.
- Style Transfer Guide: Almost everything you need to know about how style transfer works.
- AI Startup Landscape: The AI and Machine Learning landscape is rapidly changing. Here’s a list of current organizations and tools, organized by ML lifecycle stage.
- AI and Machine Learning Newsletters: Explore a collection of helpful AI and ML newsletters.
- Mobile Development Newsletters: Explore a collection of helpful mobile development newsletters.
- Data Science Newsletters: Explore a collection of helpful data science newsletters.
- Facebook Groups: See our list of Facebook groups for AI and ML, mobile dev, data science, and programming.
- Intro to machine learning on iOS: Using Core ML to recognize handwritten digits
- Building Not Hotdog with Turi Create and Core ML—in an afternoon
- Core ML SImplified with Lumina
- CoffeeBot—Using Scikit-learn, Core ML for iOS, and Alexa to predict the right coffee to drink
- Emotion detection for cats—Custom Vision & Core ML on a Swift Playground
- Building an iOS camera calculator with Core ML’s Vision and Tesseract OCR
- Using Core ML and Vision in iOS for Age Detection
- Using Core ML and Custom Vision to Build a Real-Time Hand Sign Detector in iOS
- Using Core ML and ARKit to Build a Gesture-Based Interface iOS App
- Making a “Pokedex” for iOS Using Create ML and Core ML with Vision
- Moving AI from the Cloud to the Edge with Crowd Count and Apple’s Core ML
- Introduction to Core ML: Building a Simple Image Recognition App
- Building a real-time object recognition iOS app that detects sushi
- Detecting Pneumonia in an iOS App with Create ML
- Training a Core ML Model with Turi Create to Classify Dog Breeds
- Recreate Dominos Points for Pies app on iOS with Fritz Image Labeling
- Detecting Whisky brands with Core ML and IBM Watson services
- Powering an iOS app with ML: How to get started using Create ML and Core ML
- Machine Learning in iOS: Azure Custom Vision and Core ML
- Machine Learning in iOS: Turi Create and Core ML
- Creating a Custom Core ML Model Using Python and Turi Create
- Evaluate Construction Site Safety on iOS using Machine Learning
- Logo Recognition iOS Application Using Machine Learning and Flask API
- PyTorch Mobile: Image Classification on iOS
- Building a Barcode Scanner in Swift on iOS
- Incorporating machine learning into iOS apps
- Building a multi-class image classifier on iOS
- On-Device Machine Learning with SwiftUI and PyTorch Mobile
- Hand Detection with Core ML and ARKit
- MobileNetV2 + SSDLite with Core ML (Object Detection)
- Building a simple lane detection iOS app using OpenCV
- Live Face Tracking on iOS using Vision Framework
- Unity AR Foundation and CoreML: Hand detection and tracking
- MakeML’s Automated Video Annotation Tool for Object Detection on iOS
- Adding custom object detection to an iOS app with Turi Create and Fritz AI
- License Plate Recognition, Detection, and Plate Number Extraction on iOS
- Build a Touchless Swipe iOS App Using ML Kit’s Face Detection API
- Scanning Credit Cards with Computer Vision on iOS
- Face Recognition and Detection on iOS Using Native Swift Code, Core ML, and ARKit
- Using TensorFlow.js in a Native iOS App to Perform Object Detection
- Real-Time Style Transfer for iOS
- Creating a Prisma-like App with Core ML, Style Transfer, and Turi Create
- Style Transfer iOS Application Using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Build your own Portrait Mode on iOS using machine learning in < 30 minutes
- Try on a new style—Build an iOS app to change your hair color with Fritz Hair Segmentation
- MakeML: Nail Segmentation on iOS
- Simple Semantic Image Segmentation in an iOS Application — DeepLabV3 Implementation
- Integrating Google ML Kit in iOS for Face Detection, Text Recognition, and Many More
- Using Vision Framework for Text Detection in iOS 11
- Vision in iOS: Text detection and Tesseract recognition
- Comparing iOS Text Recognition SDKS Using Delta
- Text recognition on iOS 13 with Vision, SwiftUI and Combine
- License Plate Recognition, Detection, and Plate Number Extraction on iOS
- Scanning Credit Cards with Computer Vision on iOS
- Photo Stacking in iOS with Vision and Metal
- Computer Vision in iOS: Determine the Best Facial Expression in Live Photos
- Compute Image Similarity Using Computer Vision in iOS
- Introduction to XGBoost with an Implementation in an iOS Application
- Implementing a Natural Language Classifier in iOS with Keras + Core ML
- Train a Text Classification Model with Create ML
- Text Classification on iOS Using Create ML
- Classifying Movie Reviews With Natural Language Framework
- Easy Topic Classifier on iOS with Apple’s Natural Language Framework
- Using Create ML on iOS to auto-complete forms
- Training a Core ML Model for Sentiment Analysis
- Sentiment analysis with Natural Language and SwiftUI
- Using Core ML and Natural Language for Sentiment Analysis on iOS
- Processing Tweets Using Natural Language and Create ML on iOS
- Sentiment analysis with Natural Language and SwiftUI
- Introduction to natural language processing in Swift
- Sentiment Analysis on iOS Using Swift, Natural Language, and Combine: Hacker News Top Stories
- Sentiment Analysis iOS Application Using Hugging Face’s Transformers Library
- Text Recognition and Translation on iOS Using ML Kit and Google Translate
- Language Identification, Translation, and Smart Reply in iOS with Firebase ML Kit
- Natural Language on iOS 12: Customizing tag schemes and named entity recognition
- Introduction to Natural Language Processing in Swift
- Core ML with GloVe Word Embedding and a Recursive Neural Network
- 4 Techniques You Must Know for Natural Language Processing on iOS
- Exploring Word Embeddings and Text Catalogs with Apple’s Natural Language Framework in iOS
- Matching Natural Language Text for Predefined Data Patterns on Apple's Devices
- On-Device Video Subtitle Generation in SwiftUI
- Building a Sound Classification iOS Application using AI
- Data-Free Speech Translator using SFSpeechRecognizer and ML Kit on iOS
- iOS On-Device Speech Recognition
- Sound Classification on iOS Using Core ML 3 and Create ML
- Speech recognition and speech synthesis on iOS with Swift
- Recognizing Speech Locally on an iOS Device Using the Speech Framework
- Powering Accessibility on iOS with SwiftUI and Machine Learning
- Reverse Engineering Core ML
- How to fine-tune ResNet in Keras and use it in an iOS app via Core ML
- iOS 12 Core ML Benchmarks
- Reducing Core ML 2 Model Size by 4X Using Quantization in iOS 12
- Using coremltools to Convert a Keras Model to Core ML for iOS
- Train and Ship a Core ML Object Detection Model for iOS in 4 Hours—Without a Line of Code
- Advanced Tips for Core ML
- Does my Core ML model run on Apple’s Neural Engine
- Instantly deploy your Core ML model on Maive without writing an iOS app
- Figuring out if Core ML models use the Apple Neural Engine
- Working with Create ML’s MLDataTable to Pre-Process Non-Image Data
- What’s New in Core ML 2
- Beginner’s Guide to Core ML Tools: Converting a Caffe Model to Core ML Format
- Custom Layers in Core ML
- Machine Learning in iOS: IBM Watson and Core ML
- Running Keras models on iOS with Core ML
- TensorFlow to Core ML conversion and model inspection
- An in-depth look at Core ML 3
- What's new in Core ML 3
- Hello, Core ML 3
- Designing Great Mobile ML Experiences
- On-device training with Core ML – part 1
- On-device training with Core ML - part 2
- Exploring the new ML Kit features on iOS using Swift
- Introduction to Machine Learning for iOS Developers
- How To Create Updatable Models Using Core ML 3
- Build iOS-ready machine learning models using Create ML
- Create ML for iOS— Increasing model accuracy
- Incorporating machine learning into iOS Apps
- Exploring Use Cases of Core ML Tools
- How to convert a NN model from TensorFlow Lite to CoreML
- MLDataTable: The Panda For iOS Developers
- How to convert images to MLMultiArray
- Swift loves TensorFlow and Core ML
- Upsampling in Core ML
- How to Get a Core ML Model to Produce Images as Output
- Core ML On-Device Training, with Transfer Learning from Swift for TensorFlow Models
- Ray Wenderlich iOS Machine Learning Tutorials
- Build a Core ML Recommender Engine for iOS Using Create ML
- Introduction to Machine Learning on Android Part 2: Building an app to recognize handwritten digits
- Using TensorFlow Lite and ML Kit to Build a “Pokedex” in Android
- Visual Recognition in Android Using IBM Watson
- Building a Custom Machine Learning Model on Android with TensorFlow Lite
- Exploring Firebase ML Kit on Android: Barcode Scanning (Part 3)
- Using TensorFlow on Android—step by step code explanation
- Mobile intelligence—TensorFlow Lite Classification on Android
- How to apply Machine Learning to Android using Fritz
- Image Recognition with ML Kit
- Creating a Google Lens clone using Firebase ML Kit
- Applying TensorFlow in Android in 4 steps
- Using TensorFlow Lite and ML Kit to build custom machine learning models for Android
- Inspecting TensorFlow Lite image classification model
- Image Classification on Android with TensorFlow Lite and CameraX
- Image Labeling on Android in Kotlin using Fritz AI and CameraX
- Plant Disease Classification with TensorFlow Lite on Android - Part 1 and Part 2
- Testing TensorFlow Lite image classification model
- Image Classification on Android using OpenCV
- Image Classification on Android using a Keras Model Deployed in Flask
- PyTorch Mobile: Image classification on Android
- Build TensorFlow Lite model with Firebase AutoML Vision Edge
- Image Recognition for Android with a Custom TensorFlow Lite Model
- Working with TensorFlow Lite in Flutter
- TensorFlow Lite Model Maker: Build an Image Classifier for Android
- Real-Time Face Detection on Android with ML Kit
- Creating an Android app with Snapchat-style filters in 7 steps using Firebase’s ML Kit
- Identifying and Counting Items in Real-Time with Fritz Object Detection for Android
- Exploring Firebase ML Kit on Android: Landmark Detection (Part 4)
- Detecting Pikachu on Android using TensorFlow Object Detection
- Building a pet monitoring app in Android with machine learning
- Building a real-time object detection app on Android using Firebase ML Kit
- Blink detection on Android using Firebase ML Kit’s Face Detection API
- Flutter Face Detection
- Solve WordSearch games with Android and ML Kit
- Embrace your new look with Hair Segmentation by Fritz—Now available for Android developers
- Creating a Pet Sticker App on Android with Fritz Pet Segmentation
- Text Recognition with ML Kit
- Solve WordSearch games with Android and ML Kit
- Extracting Text from Images on Android
- Card Scanner on Android Using Firebase’s ML Kit and CameraX
- Working with the OpenCv Camera for Android: Rotating, Orienting, and Scaling
- CameraX: ‘The’ Machine Learning Camera Library for Android
- Automate testing of TensorFlow Lite model implementation
- Running Artificial Neural Networks in Android using OpenCV
- On-Device Activity Recognition
- Implementing ML Kit’s Smart Reply API in an Android App
- How to Code Natural Language Processing on Android with IBM Watson
- Machine Learning in Action: Building a Universal Translator App for Android with Kotlin
- Creating an offline translation Android app using Firebase ML Kit
- Enhancing Word Suggestions for Auto-completing Text in Android
- Intro to Machine Learning on Android Part 1—How to convert a custom model to TensorFlow Lite
- Deploying PyTorch and Kera Models to Android with TensorFlow Mobile
- Compiling a TensorFlow Lite Build with Custom Operations
- Benchmarking TensorFlow Mobile on Android devices in production
- Profiling TensorFlow Lite Models for Android
- Exploring Firebase ML Kit on Android: Introducing ML Kit (Part 1)
- Deploying Keras Deep Learning Models with Java
- Exporting TensorFlow models to ML Kit
- From Keras to ML Kit
- Using TensorFlow Lite on Android
- Using Deep Learning and Neural Networks in Android Applications
- Loading and running a quantized TensorFlow Lite model on Android
- Machine Learning models on the edge: mobile and Iot
- Troubleshooting TensorFlow Lite on Windows 10
- The Mobile Neural Network Lottery
- Transfer learning: Can it enable AI on every smartphone?
- Building an Image Recognition Model for Mobile using Depthwise Convolutions
- 8-bit Quantization and TensorFlow Lite: Speeding up mobile inference with low precision
- Neural Networks on Mobile Devices with TensorFlow Lite: A Tutorial
- Building Text Detection apps for iOS and Android using React-Native
- Using ONNX to Transfer Machine Learning Models from PyTorch to Caffe2 and Mobile
- Hardware acceleration for machine learning on Apple and Android devices
- 20-Minute Masterpiece: Training your own mobile-ready style transfer model
- Comparing Firebase ML Kit’s Text Recognition on Android & iOS
- Creating a 17 KB style transfer model with layer pruning and quantization
- Leveraging AI with Location Data in Mobile Apps
- Exploring the MobileNet Models in TensorFlow
- Distributing on-device machine learning models with tags and metadata
- Real-Time 2D/3D Feature Point Extraction from a Mobile Camera
- Using Generative Deep Learning Models On-Device
- Using Generative Deep Learning Models On-Device, Part 2: Text & Audio
- Build and AI-Powered Artistic Style Transfer App with Fritz and React Native
- How to use the Style Transfer API in React Native with Fritz
- Machine Learning and Augmented Reality Combined in One Sleek Mobile App – How We Built CarLens
- Increasing the Accuracy of the Machine Learning Model in the CarLens Mobile App
- How to build custom TensorFlow binary for Android and iOS
- Testing TensorFlow Lite image classification model
- Deploy ML models using Flask as REST API and access via Flutter app
- How to Deploy Machine Learning Models on Mobile and Embedded Devices
- Real-time Mobile Video Object Detection using Tensorflow
- Create AR experiences with the Fritz Unity SDK — Bird Perch Tutorial with Pose Estimation
- Image Classification on React Native with TensorFlow.js and MobileNet
- Training a TensorFlow Lite model for mobile using AutoML Vision Edge
- GPU-Accelerated Mobile Multi-view Style Transfer
- Android Image Classification with TensorFlow Lite & Azure Custom Vision Service
- Text Recognition in Flutter Using Firebase’s ML Kit
- Real-Time 3D Object Detection on Mobile Devices with MediaPipe
- Using TensorFlow.js to Automate the Chrome Dinosaur Game
- Real-Time Object Detection on Raspberry Pi Using OpenCV DNN
- Building an image recognition app using ONNX.js
- Edge TPU: Hands-On with Google’s Coral USB Accelerator
- Building a Vision-Controlled Car Using Raspberry Pi—From Scratch
- Raspberry Pi and machine learning: How to get started
- Keras and deep learning on the Raspberry Pi
- Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks on Raspberry Pi
- Machine Learning in Node.js with TensorFlow.js
- How to run a Keras model on Jetson Nano
- Build AI that works offline with Coral Dev Board, Edge TPU, and TensorFlow Lite
- Google Coral Edge TPU vs NVIDIA Jetson Nano: A quick deep dive into EdgeAI performance
- Benchmarking Edge Computing
- Merging TensorFlow Lite and μTensor
- Object detection and image classification with Google Coral USB Accelerator
- Build a Hardware-based Face Recognition System for $150 with the Nvidia Jetson Nano and Python
- A Brief Guide to the Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick with Raspberry Pi 3
- Coral USB Accelerator, TensorFlow Lite C++ API & Raspberry Pi for Edge TPU object detection
- Portable Computer Vision: TensorFlow 2.0 on a Raspberry Pi (Part 1 of 2)
- TensorFlow Lite Ported to Arduino
- Getting Started with Edge AI Using the GAP8 Processor
- Real-Time Person Tracking on the Edge with a Raspberry Pi
- Building Brains on the Edge
- Using TensorFlow.js to Train a “Rock-Paper-Scissors” Model
- The Big Benchmarking Roundup
- Comprehensive TensorFlow.js Example
- Fruit identification using Arduino and TensorFlow
- AutoML Vision Edge: Build machine learning models for mobile and edge devices—in hours
- Creating a TensorFlow Lite Object Detection Model using Google Cloud AutoML
- AutoML Vision Edge: Exporting and Loading TensorFlow SavedModels with Python
- AutoML Vision Edge: Loading and Running a TensorFlow.js Model (Part 1)
- AutoML Vision Edge: Loading and Running a TensorFlow.js Model (Part 2)
- Hacking Google Coral Edge TPU: motion blur and Lanczos resize
- PhotoBooth Lite on Raspberry Pi with TensorFlow Lite
- AutoML Vision Edge: Deploying and Running TensorFlow Models using Docker Containers
- Machine Learning at the Edge — μML
- Face and hand tracking in the browser with MediaPipe and TensorFlow.js
- AutoML Vision Edge: Comparing Model Formats
- Using Google Cloud AutoML Edge Image Classification Models in Python
- Using Google Cloud AutoML Edge Object Detection Models in Python
- Running TensorFlow Lite Image Classification Models in Python
- Running TensorFlow Lite Object Detection Models in Python
- Core ML: Machine Learning for iOS—Udacity
- Fundamentals of Core ML: Machine Learning for iOS—Udemy
- Machine Learning in iOS Using Swift—Udemy
- Complete iOS Machine Learning Masterclass—Udemy
- Machine Learning with Core ML 2 and Swift 5—Udemy
- A Guide to Core ML on iOS
- Understand Core ML in 5 Minutes
- Machine Learning tutorial with Core ML 2—Part 1
- Machine Learning tutorial with Core ML 2—Part 2
- iOS 12 Swift Tutorial: Create a Fruit Classifier with Creat ML
- Machine Learning with Core ML in iOS 11: Training Core ML & Using Vision Framework
- Core ML Survival Guide
- Machine Learning by Tutorials
- Machine Learning with Core ML: An iOS developer’s guide to implementing machine learning in mobile apps
- Machine Learning with Swift
- Building Mobile Applications with TensorFlow
- Practical Artificial Intelligence with Swift
- The Mobile Machine Learning Lifecycle
- Mobile Machine Learning for Android: TensorFlow and Python—Udemy
- Machine Learning for Android App Development Using ML Kit—Udemy
- Machine Learning with TensorFlow—On-Device
- A Guide to Running TensorFlow Models on Android
- Android Developer’s Guide to Machine Learning: With ML Kit and TensorFlow Lite
- Building Mobile Applications with TensorFlow
- TinyML Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Arduino, and Ultra-Low Power Micro-Controllers
- Heartbeat: Covering the intersection of machine learning and mobile app development.
- ProAndroidDev: Professional Android Development: the latest posts from Android Professionals and Google Developer Experts.
- Flawless App Stories: Community around iOS development, mobile design and marketing
- AppCoda Tutorials: A great collection of Swift and iOS app development tutorials.
- Swift Programming: Tutorials and articles covering various Swift-related topics.
- Analytics Vidhya: Analytics Vidhya is a community of Analytics and Data Science professionals.
- Towards Data Science: A platform for thousands of people to exchange ideas and to expand our understanding of data science.
- FreeCodeCamp: Stories worth reading about programming and technology from an open source community.
- Machine, Think!: Matthijs Hollemans’s blog that features deep dives on topics related to deep learning on iOS.
- Pete Warden’s Blog: Pete Warden is the CTO of Jetpac and writes about a variety of ML topics, including frequent looks at issues in mobile/edge ML.
- Machine Learning Mastery: Jason Brownlee's library of quick-start guides, tutorials, and e-books, all designed to help developers learn machine learning.
- Think, mobile!: Mirek Stanek's excellent blog covering a range of topics on mobile intelligence.
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