- What's Vuls-On-Docker?
- Server Setup
- Install Docker
- Instal Docker Compose
- Start A Vuls Container
- Vuls Setup
- Locate a appropriate ssh-key
- Edit toml
- Scan servers with Vuls-On-Docker
- See the results in a browser
- This is a dockernized-Vuls with DockerRepo UI in it.
- It's designed to reduce the cost of installation and the dependencies that vuls requires.
- You can run install and run Vuls on your machine with only a few commands.
- The result can be viewed with a browser
Make sure that you can run the following commands before you move on.
$ docker version $ docker-compose version
Create a working directory for Vuls
mkdir work cd work git clone https://github.com/hikachan/vuls.git cd vuls/docker
Execute the following command to build and run a Vuls Container
docker-compose up -d
Locate ssh-keys of servers in (vuls/docker/conf/id_rsa)
Create and ajust config.toml(vuls/docker/conf/config.toml) to your environment
[servers] [servers.172-31-4-82] host = "" user = "ec2-user" keyPath = "conf/id_rsa" containers = ["container_name_a", "4aa37a8b63b9"]
Use the embedded script to scan servers for vulsrepo(or run whatever with docker exec)
docker exec -t vuls vuls prepare -config=conf/config.toml docker exec -t vuls scripts/scan_for_vulsrepo.sh