Query a pandas dataframe using plain English language
For People loves NLP and to get hands dirty, have a look at this program
Level: Basic
Here we can query a pandas dataframe using plain English Language
For example user may ask below question: hey computer, tell me favorite subject of name anand?
and computer gives below response after searching through the data frame: Computer response: For first_name anand we have favourite_subject Physics
Requirements: tensorflow tensorflow_hub nltk pandas sklearn bisect spacy flask
Model to be downloaded: USE(Universal Sentence Encoder) 3 https://tfhub.dev/google/universal-sentence-encoder-large/3?tf-hub-format=compressed
Mentions: Thanks to google corp for USE model
keywords: natural language querying, nlp, query, sql, nlp project, nlp mini project, n-grams, USE model, simple nlp project