$ go get github.com/hieven/go-instagram
This is still in an early stage. Welcome for any pull request if you find something you want but not in this repo yet.
Currently you can do
- like/unlike media
- get timeline feed
- get ranked medias / recent medias of location
- get inbox message
- broadcast to any inbox thread
- approve pending inbox thread
ig := instagram.Create(username, password) // init an instance
ig.Login() // login Instagram
ig.TimelineFeed.Get() // get timeline feed
ig.Like(ig.TimelineFeed.Items[0].ID) // like the first item of the feed
For more complicated one, please check out
- You shouldn't use this repo for spam, massive sending or any malicious activity.
- We don't give support to anyone who wants to violate this terms and conditions.
- We reserve the right to block any user who doesn't meet the conditions.
- instagram-private-api (Node.js)
- Instagram-API (PHP)