Face Mask Detection With TFlite
An app made with flutter and tensor flow lite for face mask detection.
Delect mask on the live camera
Detect mask from a photo
MVVM architecture
- Install Packages
camera: get the streaming image buffers
tflite: run our trained model
image_picker: pick image from gallery
2. Configure Project
- Android
android {
aaptOptions {
noCompress 'tflite'
noCompress 'lite'
minSdkVersion 21
3. Train our model
* Download the dataset for training
* Training
- go to https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com to train our model
- Get Started
- Image Project
- Edit `Class 1` for any Label(example `WithMask`)
- Edit `Class 2` for any Label(example `WithoutMask`)
- Update image from dataset download above
- Click `Train Model`(using default config) and waiting...
- Click `Export Model` and select `Tensorflow Lite`
- Download (include: *.tflite, labels.txt)
- https://www.kaggle.com/prasoonkottarathil/face-mask-lite-dataset
- https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com
4. Load model
loadModel() async {
await Tflite.loadModel(
model: "assets/model.tflite",
labels: "assets/labels.txt",
//numThreads: 1, // defaults to 1
//isAsset: true, // defaults: true, set to false to load resources outside assets
//useGpuDelegate: false // defaults: false, use GPU delegate
5. Run model
Future<List<dynamic>?> runModelOnFrame(CameraImage image) async {
var recognitions = await Tflite.runModelOnFrame(
bytesList: image.planes.map((plane) {
return plane.bytes;
imageHeight: image.height,
imageWidth: image.width,
imageMean: 127.5, //defaults to 127.5
imageStd: 127.5, //defaults to 127.5
rotation: 90, // defaults to 90, Android only
numResults: 2, // defaults to 5
threshold: 0.5, // defaults to 0.1
asynch: true, // defaults to true
return recognitions;
Future<List<dynamic>?> runModelOnImage(File image) async {
var recognitions = await Tflite.runModelOnImage(
path: image.path,
numResults: 2,
threshold: 0.5,
imageMean: 127.5,
imageStd: 127.5,
return recognitions;
Output format:
index: 0,
label: "WithMask",
confidence: 0.989
6. Issue
1.'vector' file not found
Open ios/Runner.xcworkspace in Xcode, click Runner > Tagets > Runner > Build Settings, search Compile Sources As, change the value to Objective-C++
2. 'tensorflow/lite/kernels/register.h' file not found
The plugin assumes the tensorflow header files are located in path "tensorflow/lite/kernels".
However, for early versions of tensorflow the header path is "tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels".
7. Source code
please checkout repo github
- Demo Illustration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2er_XZb_oi4&ab_channel=HienNguyen
- Image