Unofficial kotlin-multiplatform library for Finnhub API. Unlike the official kotlin library, this one supports also WebSockets for real-time updates, uses kotlin coroutines and can be used on multiple platforms (currently android, ios, JVM, macos, windows, linux, web/JS).
Note: Not all endpoints were tested yet, especially the premium ones, please feel free to open an issue or pull request, if any of the endpoints is not working or up-to-date.
Add the finnhub-api dependencies in build.gradle.kts
in your module.
val finnhubApiVersion = "0.2.0"
dependencies {
implementation("com.hibernix.finnhub:finnhub-api-[PLATFORM]:$finnhubApiVersion") // for REST API
implementation("com.hibernix.finnhub:finnhub-websocket-[PLATFORM]:$finnhubApiVersion") // for real-time updates
replace [PLATFORM]
with one of platfroms, depending on the platform you are using (e.g. android
for Android)
Add the finnhub-api dependencies in build.gradle.kts
in your multiplatform module.
val finnhubApiVersion = "0.2.0"
sourceSets {
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
implementation("com.hibernix.finnhub:finnhub-api:$finnhubApiVersion") // for REST API
implementation("com.hibernix.finnhub:finnhub-websocket:$finnhubApiVersion") // for real-time updates
val finnhubApi = FinnhubApi.create(apiKey = "finnhub_api_key")
scope.launch {
// company profile
finnhubApi.companyProfile2("AAPL").let { println(it) }
// price candles history
val fromDate = LocalDate.parse("2022-01-01").atStartOfDayIn(TimeZone.UTC)
resolution = "60",
from = fromDate.epochSeconds,
to = (fromDate + 3.days).epochSeconds,
.toCandleList() // convenience method that converts the response to a more useful list of candles
.forEach { candle -> println("$candle") }
val ws = FinnhubWebSocket.create("finnhub_api_key")
ws.onError = { error -> ... }
ws.connect {
ws.tradesFlow.onEach { trades -> // you can lso use flow.collect {} in coroutine
trades.forEach { trade -> println("Trade: $trade") }
}.launchIn(GlobalScope) // use your regular scope
ws.newsFlow.onEach { news -> ... }
.launchIn(GlobalScope) // use your regular scope
See official Finnhub API Docs or project docs
Check some examples in samples folder (coming soon)
- Examples
- Tests
- WebSocket ping and auto-reconnect