A data validation tool.
ABAP Data Validator is a tool to simplify data validation process for SAP ABAP development.
- General validation interface, which allows complete validation work by one method call.
- Centralize some validation logic, avoid duplicate & inconsistent, decrease maintenance cost.
- Avoid potential dump.
To achieve the goal, ABAP Data Validator has some features
- Built-in validation logic.
- Customizable validation rules.
- Extendable validation program.
- Internal exception handling.
ABAP Data Validator supports validations for types below (updating),
- Date.
- Time.
- Timestamp.
- Email.
- INT4.
- REGEX string.
- URL.
- HEX.
- BASE64.
- HTML (experimental). And validation of mandatory, validate by reference data elements are also supported.
For every type, ABAP Data Validator has a special check class. You can use static method is_valid
of check class to validate data just like a built-in function. Example:
IF zcl_adv_email_check=>is_valid( 'example@github.com' ).
"do something
Every check class implements the interface zif_adv_check
, which contains methodis_valid
The naming convention of check classes is ZCL_ADV_typename_CHECK.
All classes have unit tests.
For easy to use, is_valid
is a quite simple method, that means it can't provide function on validation of quantity and amount type. In order to solve this issue, ABAP Data Validator provide another way to validate data.
DATA(result) = NEW zcl_adata_validator( )->->validate_by_element(
data = '11.0'
element = 'MENGE_D' "quantity data element name
Now data elements with below type are supported,
- Date.
- Time.
- Timestamp.
- INT4.
- HEX.
- Packed(including most of the quantity type and amount type).
To keep the check method simple, there is also no exception definition of the method validate_by_element
. The method handles exceptions internally, and return a result with the result-valid = abap_false, result-type = 'Invalid Type' (fixed value).
Class zcl_adata_validator
provides a general validation method validate
DATA(result) = NEW zcl_adata_validator( )->validate(
rules = my_rules
data = uploaded_data
CATCH zcx_adv_exception INTO DATA(ex).
DATA(msg) = ex->get_text( ).
calls check methods internally according to the exporting rules and returns the result.
By the parameter RULES, you can customize the validation.
DATA: rules TYPE zcl_adata_validator=>ty_rules_t.
rules = VALUE #(
( fname = 'FIELD1' required = abap_true initial_or_empty = abap_false user_type = zcl_adata_validator=>c_type_date )
( fname = 'FIELD2' required = abap_false initial_or_empty = abap_true user_type = zcl_adata_validator=>c_type_date )
( fname = 'FIELD3' required = abap_true initial_or_empty = abap_false user_type = zcl_adata_validator=>c_type_email )
There are two ways to extend the validation:
- Pass regular expression by RULES-REGEX.
- Create a new class which implements
, and pass the type name & class name tozcl_adata_validator->constructor
Regex example. If you want to check whether the input email is a gmail address, you can assign gmail\.com$
to rule-regex
DATA: rules TYPE zcl_adata_validator=>ty_rules_t.
DATA: cases TYPE ty_case_t.
cases = VALUE #(
( field3 = 'ZZZ2@gmail.com') "correct, it is a gmail address
( field3 = 'ZZZ2@outlook.com') "incorrect, it is not a gmail address
rules = VALUE #(
( fname = 'FIELD3' user_type = zcl_adata_validator=>c_type_email regex = 'gmail\.com$' regex_msg = 'Only gmail supported')
Or add a new class, and add it to check config on demand:
DATA: check_class_config TYPE zcl_adata_validator=>ty_check_config_t.
check_class_config = VALUE #( ( type = zcl_adata_validator=>c_type_new class = 'ZCL_NEW_VALIDATOR' ) ).
DATA(result) = NEW zcl_adata_validator( check_class_conifg = check_class_config )->validate(
rules = rules
data = cases
CATCH zcx_adv_exception INTO DATA(ex).
DATA(msg) = ex->get_text( ).
The configuration is hard coded in zcl_adata_validator
's constructor. You can also pass you own configuration into the constructor. It allows you to change the function without modifying the existed program.
DATA: check_class_config TYPE zcl_adata_validator=>ty_check_config_t.
SELECT * FROM my_config_table INTO TABLE @check_class_config.
DATA(result) = NEW zcl_adata_validator( check_class_conifg = check_class_config )->validate(
rules = rules
data = cases
CATCH zcx_adv_exception INTO DATA(ex).
DATA(msg) = ex->get_text( ).
Note: Custom config will cover default config.
ABAP Version: 740 SP08 or higher
For ABAP Cloud, there is another release which was contributed by ArneVanH. Please find it on the Releases page. Refer to issue #21 for more details
The exception class zcx_adv_exception
is copied from zcx_abapgit_exception
for it is easy to use:)
Now only date, time and email type are supported. Need to add more check classes.
- More types.
- Auto Type detecting.