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A simple MVC framework for Wordpress, support static class methods, merged with Smarty Template

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A simple MVC framework for Wordpress, support static class methods, merged with Smarty Template. WordPress-Simple-MVC-Framework is under MIT Copyright (c) 2012 Zhehai He version 0.91

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a. Please copy all the file to your theme folder.


Your project theme : \wp-content\themes\twentyeleven

The MVC framework : \wp-content\themes\twentyeleven\framework

After you install the mvc, the mvc.ini.php is at \wp-content\themes\twentyeleven\framework\mvc.ini.php

b. The MVC also supports Zend Framework and Smarty by default, to install them, please:

  1. Zend Framework - Copy all the Zend framework files in \core\libs\Zend
  2. Smarty - Copy all the Smarty files in \core\libs\Smarty --


a. Please read the file comments in framework\config I. For Url Rewrite: router.config.php

How to use:

a. In you functions.php:

     * For load image via cloudfront cdn
     * @usage: 
     * $aryImageAttr = cdn_get_attachment_image_src($intImageId, $size);
     * echo '<img src="'.aryImageAttr[0].'" alt=""/>';
    function cdn_get_attachment_image_src($intImageId, $size='thumbnail', $icon = false){
        return ImageModel::wp_get_attachment_image_src($intImageId, $size, $icon, mvc::app()->aryCDNSettings['cloudfront_host']);
     * For easy debug
    function _d($value, $blnDumpValues = true, $blnDieAfterDebug = false){
        $debug_backtrace = debug_backtrace();
        ToolsExt::_d($value,$blnDumpValues,$blnDieAfterDebug, $debug_backtrace);

b. In your theme files, example: page.php run('page', $post); ?>

How to developing:

a. Load local class first:

  1. framework\core\ is for core code
  2. framework\local\ is for project code
  3. If local and core have same files and classes, local will be loaded. This rule almost apply to all the classes and files.

b. Locate class by CamelCase:

  1. Last CamelCase name becomes the base load folder
  2. Classname1Classname2Classname3, will be loaded in :

i. classname3\Classname1Classname2Classname3 - right

ii. classname3\classname1\Classname2Classname3 - right

iii. classname3\classname1\classname2\Classname3 - wrong

c. Controler:

  1. Use post-type as controler name:

i. mvc::app()->run('page', $post) will load controlers\PageController.class.php

  1. Use static method load($objPage, $blnAjax, $aryClassName) to locate proper class to ini the controler object.

Please read : framework\core\base\ControllerBase.class.php comments for public static function load


  1. Use Post Name (post-slug) as \page\ controller sub name, [-] will be replace with [] The name conversion in code: preg_replace('/\W/', '', ucfirst(strtolower($post_name)))


            Post name [product-detail]
             - Controller Location: \framework\local\controlers\page\Product_detailController.class.php
             - In file Class: class PageProduct_detailController extends ControllerBase { ... }


            Do not use any invalid value name as Post Name, such as:
             - 2way-drive - wrong
             - 10-speed-bicycle - wrong
             - drive-2way - right
  2. Retrieve values from defined source with simple filter:

i. Like most modern mvc, WordPress-Simple-MVC-Framework also supports simple way to pass value direct from PHP magic global values

Such as: $_GET, $_POST, etc

The data source bases on supplied info in comments for the method

There are two types format involved: @packed and (@source + @param + @param + @param + ... etc)

Example: core\controlers\page\HomeStatusController.class.php

             * @source $_GET
             * @param $page_id int # you can only put native type here, no object type
            public function ajax($page_id)
             * @packed
             * If you use packed, please defined the source (in lower case) as the paramater
             * In here, it is `$post` - public function form(array $post)
            public function form(array $post){//Inline area support auto convert array

Reminder: If you use Wordpress Url Rewrite, the value will auto pass into the packed data or the source you defined
  1. Router for choose a method in a controler:

i. $_REQUEST['r'] is the name of the method in controler

Example: `$_REQUEST['r'] = 'form'`, `$objControler->form(array $post)`

ii. By default, $objControler->index() will be called, if nothing matches the router defined controler

  1. Load View:

i. Please use $this->strTemplateName to define view file.

ii. All the view files are under [\framework\local\views] directory

  1. Load the Controller as you want, such as - use it in a plugin, or a cron job:

i. Create you custom Controller base and Controller, example: \framework\local\controlers\my_custom_admin\TestController.class.php

ii. In the code to load the controller:

            $objTest = new stdClass();
            $objTest->router = 'Test'; //The controller you want to load
            mvc::app()->resetRouter('the_method');//The method you want to load
            echo mvc::app()->run('my_custom_admin', $objTest);//pass in the controler base and object, export page as string
  1. Suggestion about ACL (Access Control Lists):

i. Use the controller entry as the filter:

            public static function load($objPage, $blnAjax, $aryClassName){
                //you may put you logical in here
                //decided to load current controller or redirect
                    parent::load($objPage, $blnAjax, get_class(), get_class());
                    $aryUrlQuery['redirect_to'] = urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
                    wp_redirect(str_replace('http://', 'http://', get_permalink(get_page_by_path('/login')->ID)).'?'.http_build_query($aryUrlQuery));

d. Model, you can write any model you want, the rules is same as above 4.b

e. WordPress-Simple-MVC-Framework only supports Smarty as view at the moment, for all the smarty files, please name the extension as .tpl uner \views\

f. View:

  1. All the view files is under [\framework\local\views] directory

  2. WordPress-Simple-MVC-Framework only support Smarty as view at the moment, all the smarty files please name the extension as [.tpl] uner [\views]

Build-in useful extension:

a. Data Validate + Filter Ext, please read the comments in :\framework\core\extensions\DataValidateExt.class.php

b. Mobile Dectect Ext, please read the comments in :\framework\core\extensions\MobileDectectExt.class.php

c. Tools Ext: \framework\core\extensions\ToolsExt.class.php

  1. Build array tree:

        $aryTest = ToolsExt::arySetNode($aryTest, $aryTest);
        $aryTree = ToolsExt::arySetTree($aryTest);
  2. Retrieve User IP

  3. Debug + Tracing

        ToolsExt::_d($value, $blnDumpValues = true, $blnDieAfterDebug = false);

Widgets for smarty template:

a. Suggestion for smarty template : {NavWidget::main($data_try_to_send_to, 'widget.you_want_to_call.tpl', $blnAjax, $blnSuccess, $aryExtratrue)}

b. Example for PHP: \framework\core\widgets\NavWidget.class.php

About AJAX:

a. Ajax is supported by default, in - mvc::app()->run('controler_base_name', $data, $blnAjax) $blnAjax = true will pass back the result in json format:

{html : 'export data you want', success : true/false, extra_data_name : extra_data_value, extra_data_name : extra_data_value, etc}

Mobile Site Support:

a. The MVC supports mobile site by locate views into different directories, Please check \framework\config\views_path.config.php

Extra suggestion:

a. Use as much Wordpress default supported function as possible, such as: $wpdb for db operation, wp_mail() for sending email

b. If you are looking some more powerful tools, you may install Zend framework. It has lots useful tools.

The WP plugins highly recommanded for developing with WordPress-Simple-MVC-Framework

a. Advanced Custom Fields

b. CPT-onomies: Using Custom Post Types as Taxonomies

c. Rewrite Rules Inspector

I hope you enjoy the framework.

If you have any suggestion or find any bug, please contact me:




A simple MVC framework for Wordpress, support static class methods, merged with Smarty Template






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