A simple MVC framework for Wordpress, support static class methods, merged with Smarty Template. WordPress-Simple-MVC-Framework is under MIT Copyright (c) 2012 Zhehai He hezahcary@gmail.com version 0.91
If you are looking for plugin solution, please check https://github.com/hezachary/WordPress-Simple-MVC-Framework-PlugIn-Mode
a. Please copy all the file to your theme folder.
Your project theme : \wp-content\themes\twentyeleven
The MVC framework : \wp-content\themes\twentyeleven\framework
After you install the mvc, the mvc.ini.php
is at \wp-content\themes\twentyeleven\framework\mvc.ini.php
b. The MVC also supports Zend Framework and Smarty by default, to install them, please:
- Zend Framework - Copy all the Zend framework files in \core\libs\Zend
- Smarty - Copy all the Smarty files in \core\libs\Smarty -- http://www.smarty.net/download
a. Please read the file comments in framework\config I. For Url Rewrite: router.config.php http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Rewrite
a. In you functions.php:
* For load image via cloudfront cdn
* @usage:
* $aryImageAttr = cdn_get_attachment_image_src($intImageId, $size);
* echo '<img src="'.aryImageAttr[0].'" alt=""/>';
function cdn_get_attachment_image_src($intImageId, $size='thumbnail', $icon = false){
return ImageModel::wp_get_attachment_image_src($intImageId, $size, $icon, mvc::app()->aryCDNSettings['cloudfront_host']);
* For easy debug
function _d($value, $blnDumpValues = true, $blnDieAfterDebug = false){
$debug_backtrace = debug_backtrace();
ToolsExt::_d($value,$blnDumpValues,$blnDieAfterDebug, $debug_backtrace);
b. In your theme files, example: page.php run('page', $post); ?>
a. Load local class first:
is for core codeframework\local\
is for project code- If local and core have same files and classes, local will be loaded. This rule almost apply to all the classes and files.
b. Locate class by CamelCase:
- Last CamelCase name becomes the base load folder
, will be loaded in :
i. classname3\Classname1Classname2Classname3
- right
ii. classname3\classname1\Classname2Classname3
- right
iii. classname3\classname1\classname2\Classname3
- wrong
c. Controler:
- Use
as controler name:
i. mvc::app()->run('page', $post)
will load controlers\PageController.class.php
- Use static method
load($objPage, $blnAjax, $aryClassName)
to locate proper class to ini the controler object.
Please read : framework\core\base\ControllerBase.class.php
comments for public static function load
Use Post Name (post-slug) as \page\ controller sub name, [-] will be replace with [] The name conversion in code: preg_replace('/\W/', '', ucfirst(strtolower($post_name)))
Post name [product-detail] - Controller Location: \framework\local\controlers\page\Product_detailController.class.php - In file Class: class PageProduct_detailController extends ControllerBase { ... }
Do not use any invalid value name as Post Name, such as: - 2way-drive - wrong - 10-speed-bicycle - wrong - drive-2way - right
Retrieve values from defined source with simple filter:
i. Like most modern mvc, WordPress-Simple-MVC-Framework also supports simple way to pass value direct from PHP magic global values
Such as: $_GET, $_POST, etc
The data source bases on supplied info in comments for the method
There are two types format involved: @packed and (@source + @param + @param + @param + ... etc)
Example: core\controlers\page\HomeStatusController.class.php
* @source $_GET
* @param $page_id int # you can only put native type here, no object type
public function ajax($page_id)
* @packed
* If you use packed, please defined the source (in lower case) as the paramater
* In here, it is `$post` - public function form(array $post)
public function form(array $post){//Inline area support auto convert array
Reminder: If you use Wordpress Url Rewrite, the value will auto pass into the packed data or the source you defined
- Router for choose a method in a controler:
i. $_REQUEST['r']
is the name of the method in controler
Example: `$_REQUEST['r'] = 'form'`, `$objControler->form(array $post)`
ii. By default, $objControler->index() will be called, if nothing matches the router defined controler
- Load View:
i. Please use $this->strTemplateName to define view file.
ii. All the view files are under [\framework\local\views] directory
- Load the Controller as you want, such as - use it in a plugin, or a cron job:
i. Create you custom Controller base and Controller, example: \framework\local\controlers\my_custom_admin\TestController.class.php
ii. In the code to load the controller:
$objTest = new stdClass();
$objTest->router = 'Test'; //The controller you want to load
mvc::app()->resetRouter('the_method');//The method you want to load
echo mvc::app()->run('my_custom_admin', $objTest);//pass in the controler base and object, export page as string
- Suggestion about ACL (Access Control Lists):
i. Use the controller entry as the filter:
public static function load($objPage, $blnAjax, $aryClassName){
//you may put you logical in here
//decided to load current controller or redirect
parent::load($objPage, $blnAjax, get_class(), get_class());
$aryUrlQuery['redirect_to'] = urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
wp_redirect(str_replace('http://', 'http://', get_permalink(get_page_by_path('/login')->ID)).'?'.http_build_query($aryUrlQuery));
d. Model, you can write any model you want, the rules is same as above 4.b
e. WordPress-Simple-MVC-Framework only supports Smarty as view at the moment, for all the smarty files, please name the extension as .tpl
uner \views\
f. View:
All the view files is under [\framework\local\views] directory
WordPress-Simple-MVC-Framework only support Smarty as view at the moment, all the smarty files please name the extension as [.tpl] uner [\views]
a. Data Validate + Filter Ext, please read the comments in :\framework\core\extensions\DataValidateExt.class.php
b. Mobile Dectect Ext, please read the comments in :\framework\core\extensions\MobileDectectExt.class.php
c. Tools Ext: \framework\core\extensions\ToolsExt.class.php
Build array tree:
$aryTest = ToolsExt::arySetNode($aryTest, $aryTest); $aryTree = ToolsExt::arySetTree($aryTest);
Retrieve User IP
Debug + Tracing
ToolsExt::_d($value, $blnDumpValues = true, $blnDieAfterDebug = false);
a. Suggestion for smarty template : {NavWidget::main($data_try_to_send_to, 'widget.you_want_to_call.tpl', $blnAjax, $blnSuccess, $aryExtratrue)}
b. Example for PHP: \framework\core\widgets\NavWidget.class.php
a. Ajax is supported by default, in - mvc::app()->run('controler_base_name', $data, $blnAjax)
$blnAjax = true
will pass back the result in json format:
{html : 'export data you want', success : true/false, extra_data_name : extra_data_value, extra_data_name : extra_data_value, etc}
a. The MVC supports mobile site by locate views into different directories, Please check \framework\config\views_path.config.php
a. Use as much Wordpress default supported function as possible, such as: $wpdb
for db operation, wp_mail()
for sending email
b. If you are looking some more powerful tools, you may install Zend framework. It has lots useful tools.
a. Advanced Custom Fields
b. CPT-onomies: Using Custom Post Types as Taxonomies
c. Rewrite Rules Inspector
I hope you enjoy the framework.
If you have any suggestion or find any bug, please contact me: hezachary@gmail.com