A Google Takeout Chat to PDF converter which also handles Hebrew. It is written in python and using reportlab.
First, download all your chats with Google Takeout. Run the program to extract each chat you had to a different pdf file in the specified output directory. Files added to these chats (and downloaded into the takeout folder) are linked into the generated pdfs.
This program handles Hebrew right-to-left reversal (although very crudely) if Hebrew is identified in the chats.
usage: GChat2Pdf.py [-h] -i IN_DIR -o OUT_DIR [-l LOG_LEVEL] [-s START_DATE] [-e END_DATE] [-z TIME_ZONE] [-p PAPER_SIZE] [-m MAX_FILENAME_LEN]
[-a | --all | --no-all] [-ih MAX_IMG_HEIGHT_IN]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IN_DIR, --in_dir IN_DIR
Google Chat folder within the Google Takeout folder
-o OUT_DIR, --out_dir OUT_DIR
Folder where chat files will be saved.
-l LOG_LEVEL, --log_level LOG_LEVEL
Which logging level to show on the terminal.
Default: INFO
-s START_DATE, --start_date START_DATE
Start date (YYYY-MM-DD).
Default: None (any)
-e END_DATE, --end_date END_DATE
End date (YYYY-MM-DD).
Default: None (today)
-z TIME_ZONE, --time_zone TIME_ZONE
Any pytz timezone (look them up at pytz.all_timezones).
Default: UTC
-p PAPER_SIZE, --page_size PAPER_SIZE
'A4' or 'letter' are accepted.
Default: A4
-m MAX_FILENAME_LEN, --max_filename_length MAX_FILENAME_LEN
Max filename length
-a, --all, --no-all Save files which don't include me participating in the chats.
Default: False (no-all)
-ih MAX_IMG_HEIGHT_IN, --max_img_height_in MAX_IMG_HEIGHT_IN
Maximum height in inches for embedded image thumbnails.
Default: 2 inches.