###ABOUT Tetrament is a combination of the games Tetris and Boggle.
Control the falling pieces with the WASD or arrow keys. As your pieces fall to the floor, Tetris-style, drag your mouse along the letters of the blocks to form words, Boggle-style. You may only move your cursor to adjacent letters that are also occupied by a Tetris block. You can gain points by clearing lines with the Tetris blocks and/or making words (longer words are worth bonus).
Don't let the blocks reach the top of the screen!
W / ↑
· rotate piece clockwise
A / ←
· move piece left
S / ↓
· move piece downwards
D / →
· move piece right
· instant drop
· click and drag to form words
- record demo to showcase gameplay
- add pause and game over screens
- add local highscores list
- implement multiplayer functionality (similar to Wordament rounds/leaderboard)
- dynamic letter insertions, insert new row of letters at the top of the board when user clears a row
###LICENSE The code is released under the MIT license.