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Cloud Attack Surface Management - Assets Discovery

Generating AWS resources to sync/test

Follow CloudGoat Quick Start

Create 3 sample scenarios, like:

  • ./ create iam_privesc_by_key_rotation
  • ./ create rce_web_app
  • ./ create cicd

⚠️ Remember to destroy all the resources you create after the demo. ⚠️

Run below instructions to sync data using CloudQuery or Cartography.

CloudQuery AWS Assets Discovery and Visualization



Generate a CloudQuery API key

Create a .env file at cloudquery with content:


Setup AWS credentials either at .env or at ~/.aws/credentials

AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={Your AWS secret access key}

Sample .env:

AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={Your AWS secret access key}

Build containers with docker compose

Go to /cloudquery and run docker compose up

cd ./cloudquery
docker-compose up -d

Run CloudQuery sync

docker-compose run cloudquery

It can take around 15-25 minutes to complete, so be patient.

See results in grafana

Follow the instructions from cloudquery/plugins/source/aws/dashboards#aws-asset-inventory

Open Grafana for the first time at http://localhost:3000 and sign in using admin/admin credentials.

Open a shell into the postgres DB and run the resources.sql script

docker exec -it cloudquery-postgres-1 bash
psql -U postgres < /var/lib/postgresql/scripts/resources.sql

Add the CloudQuery postgres database as a data source to Grafana (Connections -> Data Sources -> Add new data source)

  • Search for PostgreSQL data-source and select it
  • Set the host url to postgres:5432
  • Set credentials postgres/pass
  • Disable TLS/SSL Mode
  • Save and test connection

Import the dashboards from cloudquery/grafana

Play around with more queries from CloudQuery query examples or the formerly Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) policies queries.

Alternative path dbt (experimental)

Follow instructions from OpenSource CSPM how to guide.

Install dbt from their Docker image.

Add the dbt container to docker-compose.yml file.

Cartography AWS Assets Discovery and Visualization


Option 1 - clone cartography and build locally

Used a slightly different Dockerfile from the official one, hence you have to build it locally.

Clone locally Cartography GitHub repository

cd cartography
git clone
docker build -t lyft/cartography .

Option 2 - use predefined build

Update the docker-compose-yml file to point out to heryxpc/cartography

    image: heryxpc/cartography
    user: cartography
    init: true

Build containers with Docker compose

docker-compose up -d

Run Cartography sync

docker-compose run cartography cartography --neo4j-uri bolt://neo4j:7687

Takes around 45 minutes to complete.

Visualize data with NeoDash

  1. Open NeoDash at http://localhost:5005/
  2. Click on New Dashboard
  3. Use defaults and set localhost as `Hostname``
  4. Click the load button from the left panel (small cloud with up arrow)
  5. Choose Select From File
  6. Open the file neodash/dashboard.json
  7. Click on Load Dashboard
  8. Play around with the information presented

Option 3 - use neo4j dump backup

Would need to restart and healthcheckoptions from the docker-compose.yaml to avoid Docker to keep restarting neo4j when shutting down.

# restart: unless-stopped
# healthcheck:
#         test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:7474"]
#         interval: 10s
#         timeout: 10s
#         retries: 10

Open a terminal at the neo4j container and stop neo4j

docker exec -it cartography-neo4j-1 bash
neo4j stop

Copy the DB dump from sample_data folder to the container

docker cp ./cartography/sample_data/neo4j.dump cartography-neo4j-1:/import/neo4j.dump

From the container, run the backup restore command and restart neo4j

neo4j-admin load --from=/var/lib/neo4j/import --database=neo4j --force
neo4j start