merge hostfiles for adblocking / privacy reasons
Bash script which merges domain data from different sources together to one hosts file for blocking.
USAGE: <script> [OPTION]
--verbose: print more info about what is going on
--check: check the whitelist and blacklist (whitelisted entries should exist and blacklisted entries should not exist in the uncleaned hosts data), furthermore non-resolving domains from the blacklist are reported
--clean: cleanup whitelist and blacklist files (fixes the issues reported by check)
--ipv6dup: duplicate all the domains with '::' as IP instead of ''
--output <filename>: use a different output file (default: hosts.txt)
--log <filename>: use a different log file (default: /tmp/hosts_merge.log)
If you're just looking for an up-to-date hosts file, you should probably check
I also collect a blocklist with common ad and tracking domains at