This is a Java application that sends an email notification to new registered user. This small project demonstrate how to use JavaMail to send an email and how to load email credentials form a .env file for added security.
Follow these instructions to set up and run the this project on your local machine.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your machine.
- A text editor or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or NetBeans, But I like IntelliJ IDEA most.
- Open a Terminal and run the following commands.
mkdir javamail
cd javamail
git clone
Or you can download and extract ZIP
- Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add the following lines to it:
Replace with your actual sender email and your_email_password with your actual sender email password.
Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the root directory of the project.
Compile the Java classes using the following command:
javac -cp lib/javax.mail.jar:lib/activation.jar src/main/java/com/email/
- Run the application using the following command:
java -cp .:lib/javax.mail.jar:lib/activation.jar src/main/java/com/email/Main
- The application will prompt you to enter a new user's name and email. It will then send an email to the provided email address, simulating an email notification for a newly created user.
Please keep the .env file secure and do not share it publicly or include it in version control systems.
This project is for demonstration purposes and lacks proper error handling and security features. In a production environment, use environment variables or other secure methods to manage sensitive configuration.
- The JavaMail API and JavaBeans Activation Framework for enabling email functionality.