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hello2all committed Aug 11, 2017
0 parents commit 710b44d
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Showing 16 changed files with 2,251 additions and 0 deletions.
888 changes: 888 additions & 0 deletions 1.csv

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions 1.jpeg
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions README.MD
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Usage

Require MATLAB

Run `lidar_pipeline.m` to show the setup of the problem

# Question

Problem I am trying to solve is stated in `lidar_pipeline.m` line 19.

You may wanna look at `project3to2.m` and `projectPoints.m`.
888 changes: 888 additions & 0 deletions background.csv

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions background.jpeg
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38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions coord_trans.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
function points_trans = coord_trans(points)
%COORD_TRANS Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
% Lidar pose w.r.t Global, G2L: Global to Lidar
d2r = pi/180;
tr_vec_G2L =[-0.15, -22.1, 6.5];
eul_angles_G2L = [-50.0, 25.0, 120.0] * d2r;

H_G2L = homotrafo(eul_angles_G2L, tr_vec_G2L);
%H_L2G = inv(H_G2L);

% Stereo Unit w.r.t Global, G2S: Global to Stereo
tr_vec_G2S = [-0.15,-22.2,6.3];
eul_angles_G2S = [-50.0,15.0,120.0] * d2r;
H_G2S = homotrafo(eul_angles_G2S, tr_vec_G2S);

% Left camera w.r.t to Stereo Unit, S2L: Stereo to Left Camera

tr_vec_S2LC = [0.10, 0.20, 0.0];
eul_angles_S2LC = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
H_S2LC = homotrafo(eul_angles_S2LC, tr_vec_S2LC);

% Transformation from Lidar to Left Camera
H_L2LC = H_G2L \ H_G2S * H_S2LC;

XYZ = points(:, 1:3);
range = points(:, 4);
%XYZ = lidar_bg_xyz
rows = size(XYZ,1);
XYZ_aug = [XYZ,ones(rows,1)];
XYZ_aug_t = XYZ_aug';
XYZ_aug_t_cam = inv(H_L2LC) * XYZ_aug_t; %%
XYZ1_aug_cam = XYZ_aug_t_cam';
XYZ_cam = XYZ1_aug_cam(:,1:3);
points_trans = [XYZ_cam, range];


40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions edge_points.m
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function points_edge = edge_points(points)
%EDGE_POINTS Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here

pc_xyz = points(:,1:3);
pc_range = points(:, 4);
% figure;
% pcshow(pc(:,1:3));
layers_range = reshape(pc_range, [size(pc_range, 1)/8, 8]);

% range difference for each point compared to its previous point and next point
prev = abs(layers_range - shift_down(layers_range));
next = abs(layers_range - shift_up(layers_range));

% remove first & last row
prev = prev(2:end-1,:);
next = next(2:end-1,:);

% get the discountinuity values for each lidar point
%layers_range = layers_range(2:end-1,:);
X_val = abs(prev - next)./(prev + next);
% normalize vector
X_val = mat2gray(X_val);

% cut out first and last point in each layer in xyz list
pc_xyz = reshape(pc_xyz, [size(pc_xyz, 1)/8, 8, 3]);
pc_xyz = pc_xyz(2:end-1, :, :);
pc_xyz = reshape(pc_xyz, [size(pc_xyz, 1) * size(pc_xyz, 2), 3]);

% attach discontinuity value to xyz points
X_val = reshape(X_val, [], 1);
pc = [pc_xyz, X_val];

% filter points by: discontinuity > threshold
threshold = 0.4;
pc_filtered = pc(pc(:, 4) > threshold, :);
points_edge = pc_filtered(any(pc_filtered(:, 1:3),2),:);


11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions homotrafo.m
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function H = homotrafo(eul_angles, tr_vec)
eul_x = eul_angles(1);
eul_y = eul_angles(2);
eul_z = eul_angles(3);
rot_x = [1 0 0;0 cos(eul_x) -sin(eul_x);0 sin(eul_x) cos(eul_x)];% rotation matrix respect to x
rot_y = [cos(eul_y) 0 sin(eul_y);0 1 0;-sin(eul_y) 0 cos(eul_y)];% rotation matrix respect to y
rot_z = [cos(eul_z) -sin(eul_z) 0;sin(eul_z) cos(eul_z) 0;0 0 1];% rotation matrix respect to z
rot = rot_z * rot_y * rot_x;% rotation matrix according to the ZYX euler angle
%rot = eul2rotm(eul_angles);
H = rotm2tform(rot);% from rotation matrix to homogenous transformation matrix
H(1:3,4)=tr_vec';% add transition vector to homogenous transformation matrix
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions lidar_pipeline.m
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points_raw = csvread('1.csv');
d2r = pi/180;
eul_angles_G2LC =[-50.0*d2r,15.0*d2r,120.0*d2r]; % stereo camera or left camera w.r.t global coord
tr_vec_G2LC = [-0.28,-22.2150,6.1261];
% eul_angles = [0.0,0.0,0.0]*d2r;

% transfrom raw lidar points into camera's coordinate system

% points_trans = coord_trans(points_raw);
points_trans = trans_global(points_raw);
pcshow(points_trans(:, 1:3))
hold on;
% rot_G2LC = rottrafo(eul_angles_G2LC);
plotCamera('Location',tr_vec_G2LC,'Orientation', angle2dcm(50.0*d2r,-15.0*d2r,-120.0*d2r),'Opacity',0);
% angle2dcm(-50.0*d2r,15.0*d2r,120.0*d2r)
plot3(-7.8515,-10.0,1.1459279, 'r*') % the local of the car
hold off;

% set(gca,'CameraUpVector',[0 0 -1]);

% preprocess lidar points to get edge points
points_edge = edge_points(points_trans);

pcshow(points_edge(:, 1:3))
hold on
cam = plotCamera('Location',tr_vec_G2LC,'Orientation', angle2dcm(50.0*d2r,-15.0*d2r,-120.0*d2r),'Opacity',0);
% angle2dcm(-50.0*d2r,15.0*d2r,120.0*d2r)
plot3(-7.8515,-10.0,1.1459279, 'r*') % the local of the car
hold off

% project 3d points to 2d
points_2d = project3to2(points_edge);

%show the projection
scatter(points_2d(:,1),points_2d(:,2), 10, points_2d(:,3));
xlim([0 256]);
ylim([0 256]);
axis equal;
title('Points projected with camera model');

29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions project3to2.m
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function points_2d = project3to2(points_3d)
%project3to2 project 3d points to 2d points
% Detailed explanation goes here
% setup camera with focal length 280, centre 128,128
cam = [280,0,128;0,280,128;0,0,1];

%setup image
imageSize = [256,256];

% create a tform matrix
% angles = [45,45,45]*pi/180;
% position = [0,0,0];
angles = [-50.0,15.0,120.0]*pi/180;
% angles = [-5.0,60.0,165.0]*pi/180;
position = [-0.28,-22.2150,6.1261];

tform = eye(4);
tform(1:3,1:3) = angle2dcm(angles(1),angles(2),angles(3));
tform(1:3,4) = position;

%add a little lens distortion
dist = [0.0,0.000];

%project the points into image coordinates
[projected, valid] = projectPoints(points_3d, cam, tform, dist, imageSize, true);
points_2d = projected(valid,:); % ??
% points_2d = projected;

178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions projectPoints.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
function [ projected, valid ] = projectPoints( points, K, T, D, imageSize, sortPoints )
%PROJECTPOINTS Projects 3d points onto a plane using a camera model.
% Applies a standard pin-point camera model with optional distortion
% parameters to the points.
% Required Inputs:
% points- nxm set of 3D points, the first 3 columns are the point (x,y,z)
% locations and the remaining columns the intensity values
% (i1,i2,etc)
% K- either a 3x3 or 3x4 camera matrix
% Optional Inputs: (will give default values on empty array [])
% T- 4x4 transformation matrix to apply to points before projecting them
% (default identity matrix)
% D- 1xq distortion vector that matches opencv's implementation
% [k1,k2,p1,p2,k3], q can be from 1 to 5 and any values not given are
% set to 0 (default [0,0,0,0,0])
% imageSize- 1x2 vector that gives the size of image (y,x) the points
% will be projected onto, if it is given points that are outside this
% size or negitive will be treated as invalid (default [])
% sortPoints- 1x1 binary value, if true points are sorted by their
% distance (furthest away first) from the camera (useful for
% rendering points), (default false)
% Outputs:
% projected- nx(m-1) set of 2D points, the first 2 columns give the
% points (x,y) location and the remaining columns the intensity
% values (i1,i2,etc). Points behind the camera are assigned nan as
% their position.
% valid- nx1 binary vector, true if a 2d point is in front of the camera
% and projects onto a plane of size imageSize.
% References:
% The equations used in this implementation were taken from
% This code is a slightly more user friendly version of the code I used
% in generating results for the conference paper Motion-Based Calibration
% of Multimodal Sensor Arrays
% as well
% as several of my other publications.
% This code was written by Zachary Taylor

%% check inputs

validateattributes(points, {'numeric'},{'2d'});
if(size(points,2) < 3)
error('points must have at least 3 columns, currently has %i',size(points,2));
points = double(points);

if(size(K,2) == 3)
K(end,4) = 0;
validateattributes(K, {'numeric'},{'size',[3,4]});
K = double(K);

if(nargin < 3)
T = [];
T = eye(4);
validateattributes(T, {'numeric'},{'size',[4,4]});
T = double(T);

if(nargin < 4)
D = [];
D = [0,0,0,0,0];
validateattributes(D, {'numeric'},{'nrows',1});
if(size(D,2) > 5)
error('distortion vector D, must have 5 or less columns currently has %i',size(D,2));
D = double(D);

if(nargin < 5)
imageSize = [];
validateattributes(imageSize, {'numeric'},{'size',[1,2],'positive'});

if(nargin < 6)
sortPoints = [];
sortPoints = false;
validateattributes(sortPoints, {'logical'},{'scalar'});

%% project points

%split distortion into radial and tangential
if(size(D,2) < 5)
D(1,5) = 0;
k = [D(1),D(2),D(5)];
p = [D(3),D(4)];

%split into point locations and colour
if(size(points,2) > 3)
colour = points(:,4:end);
points = points(:,1:3);
colour = zeros(size(points,1),0);

%transform points
points = (T*[points,ones(size(points,1),1)]')';

%sort points by distance from camera
dist = sum(points(:,1:3).^2,2);
[~,idx] = sort(dist,'descend');
points = points(idx,:);
colour = colour(idx,:);

%reject points behind camera
valid = points(:,3) > 0;
points = points(valid,:);
colour = colour(valid,:);

%project onto a plane using normalized image coordinates
x = points(:,1)./points(:,3);
y = points(:,2)./points(:,3);

%find radial distance
r2 = x.^2 + y.^2;

%find tangential distortion
xTD = 2*p(1)*x.*y + p(2).*(r2 + 2*x.^2);
yTD = p(1)*(r2 + 2*y.^2) + 2*p(2)*x.*y;

%find radial distortion
xRD = x.*(1 + k(1)*r2 + k(2)*r2.^2 + k(3)*r2.^3);
yRD = y.*(1 + k(1)*r2 + k(2)*r2.^2 + k(3)*r2.^3);

%combine distorted points
x = xRD + xTD;
y = yRD + yTD;

%project distorted points back into 3D
points = [x,y,ones(size(x,1),1)].*repmat(points(:,3),1,3);

%project using camera matrix
points = (K*[points, ones(size(points,1),1)]')';
points = points(:,1:2)./repmat(points(:,3),1,2);

%output nans for points behind camera
projected = nan(size(valid,1),2+size(colour,2));
projected(valid,:) = [points,colour];

%set points outside of the image region as invalid
inside = points(:,1) < imageSize(2);
inside = and(inside, points(:,2) < imageSize(1));
inside = and(inside, points(:,1) >= 0);
inside = and(inside, points(:,2) >= 0);
valid(valid) = inside;
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions rottrafo.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
function rot = rottrafo(eul_angles)
eul_x = eul_angles(1);
eul_y = eul_angles(2);
eul_z = eul_angles(3);
rot_x = [1 0 0;0 cos(eul_x) -sin(eul_x);0 sin(eul_x) cos(eul_x)];% rotation matrix respect to x
rot_y = [cos(eul_y) 0 sin(eul_y);0 1 0;-sin(eul_y) 0 cos(eul_y)];% rotation matrix respect to y
rot_z = [cos(eul_z) -sin(eul_z) 0;sin(eul_z) cos(eul_z) 0;0 0 1];% rotation matrix respect to z
rot = rot_z * rot_y * rot_x;% rotation matrix according to the ZYX euler angle
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions shift_down.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
function matrix_out = shift_down(matrix_in)
n = size(matrix_in, 2);
add_on = zeros(1, n);
matrix_out = [add_on; matrix_in];
matrix_out = matrix_out(1:end-1, :);
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions shift_up.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
function matrix_out = shift_up(matrix_in)
n = size(matrix_in, 2);
add_on = zeros(1, n);
matrix_out = [matrix_in; add_on];
matrix_out = matrix_out(2:end, :);

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