A photo scorering application for a photography club
From this programme we need to retain the same format for entry i.e. name title etc, and the re sizing if we can. The max. size we can use otherwise is 1600x1200 is the max the long and short size cannot be swapped .
I would like to see dropped the titles going on the screen, this is because if they are not submitted just right they display incorrectly. I favour the images showing in order, with a list of titles that could be could read out. Although we score within the programme now, infact we record the score on paper and I think we will always do that. Most clubs I think do at least as a back up.
The area we need to improve, is the hold back, and display those held back. Usually, now other programmes allow all the held back images to be shown together, and then removed one by one as they are scored .