Official heidelpay Java Payment SDK
This repository will be replaced by Unzer Java SDK please refer to the Migration Guide to migrate to the new SDK.
Java 1.6 or later.
Documentation is available at
The Heidelpay class is instantiated using your private or public key:
Heidelpay heidelpay = new Heidelpay("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");
You can inject a custom implementation of the http-network communication into the Heidelpay constructor. For implementing a custom communication stack, you have to subclass the AbstractHeidelpayRestCommunication class together with a HeidelpayHttpRequest. For an example please refer to the reference implementation com.heidelpay.payment.communication.impl.HttpClientBasedRestCommunication.
The first step is to create a Payment Type and then do an authorize or charge for this Payment Type
Example for Authorize
Heidelpay heidelpay = new Heidelpay("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");
// Already created the payment type using our Javascript or Mobile SDK's
Authorization authorize = heidelpay.authorize(BigDecimal.ONE, Currency.getInstance("EUR"), "s-crd-fm7tifzkqewy", new URL(""));
// Without a payment type created before
Card card = new Card("4444333322221111", "12/19");
Authorization authorize2 = heidelpay.authorize(BigDecimal.ONE, Currency.getInstance("EUR"), card, new URL(""));
Example for Charge
Heidelpay heidelpay = new Heidelpay("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");
// Already created the payment type using our Javascript or Mobile SDK's
Charge charge = heidelpay.charge(BigDecimal.ONE, Currency.getInstance("EUR"), "s-sft-fm7tifzkqewy", new URL(""));
// Without a payment type created before
Charge charge2 = heidelpay.charge(BigDecimal.ONE, Currency.getInstance("EUR"), new Sofort(), new URL(""));
As a result for authorize or charge an Authorization or Charge object will be returned which contains a reference to a Payment object.
To query the status of a payment you can fetch the Payment:
Heidelpay heidelpay = new Heidelpay("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");
Payment payment = heidelpay.fetchPayment(authorize.getPayment().getId());
If you started the payment with an authorize (reservation) then you can do a Charge based on this Authorization. There are different options to Charge after an Authorization:
Heidelpay heidelpay = new Heidelpay("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");
// Charge using Authorize object
Authorization authorization = heidelpay.fetchAuthorization("s-pay-1");
Charge charge = authorization.charge();
// Charge using Payment object
Payment payment = heidelpay.fetchPayment("s-pay-1");
Charge charge2 = payment.charge();
// Charge using Heidelpay object
Charge charge3 = heidelpay.chargeAuthorization("s-pay-1");
Cancelling a payment after authorization. There are again three options how to do this:
Heidelpay heidelpay = new Heidelpay("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");
// Cancel Authorization
Authorization authorization = heidelpay.fetchAuthorization("s-pay-1");
Cancel cancel = authorization.cancel();
// Cancel Payment
Payment payment = heidelpay.fetchPayment("s-pay-1");
Cancel cancel2 = payment.cancel(new BigDecimal(0.1));
// Cancel using Heidelpay object
Cancel cancel3 = heidelpay.cancelAuthorization("s-pay-1");
Cancelling a charge refunds money from the merchant to the customer. There are several options how to do a refund:
Heidelpay heidelpay = new Heidelpay("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");
// cancel a charge using Charge object
Charge charge = heidelpay.fetchCharge("s-pay-1", "s-chg-1");
Cancel cancel = charge.cancel();
// cancel a charge using Heidelpay object
Cancel cancel = heidelpay.cancelCharge("s-pay-1", "s-chg-1", BigDecimal.ONE);
To execute a Shipment you need to call the shipment method in Heidelpay object:
Heidelpay heidelpay = new Heidelpay("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");
Shipment shipment = heidelpay.shipment(authorize.getPaymentId());