A python package to conduct match-filter earthquake detections.
If you are looking for a (relatively) stable release, please download the latest release. This is currently the first alpha release and things will change rapidly, however changes will be implemented first to the master branch, then pushed to the release and the release number updated. Please raise issues on this repository, preferably with helpful comments, like line numbers, the command run and the error messages. Alternatively, fork the master and help me develop this!
The full documentation for this package can be found here: EQcorrscan - you are also welcome to suggest documentation updates or update the doc in the master branch, please do not work on the documentation in the gh-pages branch!
This package contains routines to enable the user to conduct match-filter earthquake detections using obspy bindings when reading and writing seismic data, and the correlation routine in openCV. Neither of these packages are installed by this software, due to a range of licenses being implemented. However, both are open-source and should be installed before using this package. This package was written to implement the Matlab routines used by Chamberlain et al. (2014) for the detection of low-frequency earthquakes.
Also within this package are:
- Clustering routines for seismic data;
- Peak finding algorithm (basic);
- Automatic amplitude picker for local magnitude scale;
- Seisan S-file integration for database management and routine earthquake location;
- Stacking routines including phase-weighted stacking based on Thurber at al. (2014);
- Brightness based template creation based on the work of Frank et al. (2014)
This package is written by Calum Chamberlain of Victoria University of Wellington, and is distributed under the LGPL GNU License, Copyright Calum Chamberlain 2015.
To use this package you will need to set up default parameters in the parameter file. Currently these are located in the source directory, this will change in the future, hopefully. It is recommended that you copy these default parameter files before adding your own to allow you to easily transfer back to other parameter set ups.
Please fork this project and work on it there then create a pull request to merge back into the master.
When you make changes please run the tests in the test directory to ensure everything merges with minimum effort.
Please document your functions following the other documentation within the functions, these doc-scripts will then be built into the main documentation using Sphinx.
We are trying to impliment a better branching model, following that found here: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ To this end, please fork the development branch if you want to develop things, and flag issues in the master for us to bugfix. I fyou have a feature you want to develop please create a new branch of the development branch for this and work in there, we can then merge it back in to the development branch when it is stable enough.
- CJ Chamberlain, DR Shelly, J Townend, TA Stern (2014) Low‐frequency earthquakes reveal punctuated slow slip on the deep extent of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand, G-cubed,doi:10.1002/2014GC005436
- Thurber, C. H., Zeng, X., Thomas, A. M., & Audet, P. (2014). Phase‐Weighted Stacking Applied to Low‐Frequency Earthquakes, BSSA, doi:10.1785/0120140077.
- Frank, W. B., & Shapiro, N. M. (2014). Automatic detection of low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) based on a beamformed network response, Geophysical Journal International, 197(2), 1215-1223, doi:10.1093/gji/ggu058.