Docker images for single cell analysis.
All docker images contain an rstudio installation with some helpful packages for singlecell analysis. It also includes a conda environment to deal with necessary python packages (like umap-learn).
Docker Rstudio images are obtained from rocker/rstudio.
The R and Bioconductor versions are specified in the image name (along with the OS version):
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 --name <container_name> -e USER='rstudio' -e PASSWORD='rstudioSC' -e ROOT=TRUE -v <host_folder>:/home/rstudio/projects vbarrerab/<docker_image>)
option can be added to avoid Rstudio login prompt. Only use on local machine.
This instruction will download and launch a container using the singlecell image. Once launch, it can be access through a web browser with the URL 8787:8787 or localhost:8787.
-v option is mounting a folder from the host in the container. This allows for data transfer between the host and the container. This can only be done when creating the container!
--name assigns a name to the container. Helpful to keep thins tidy.
-e ROOT=TRUE options provides root access, in case more tweaking inside the container is necessary.
-p 8787: Change the local port to access the container. This can only be done when creating the container!
FYI: The working directory will be set as /home/rstudio, not /home/rstudio/projects as default behavior.
The dockerfile and other configuration files can be found on:
The docker images:
- R.4.0.2-BioC.3.11-ubuntu_20.04
- R.4.0.3-BioC.3.11-ubuntu_20.04
Docker changed its policies to only keep images that have been modified in the last 6 months. This means that previous images will eventually disappear. For previous versions. Check with availability with @vbarrera.
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