diff --git a/examples/video/server/ooyala/pbs-ve-ooyala.html b/examples/video/server/ooyala/pbs-ve-ooyala.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2cf0a04725 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/video/server/ooyala/pbs-ve-ooyala.html @@ -0,0 +1,600 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + Prebid Server Video Example : Ooyala Player + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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Prebid Server Video | Ooyala

+ + +
This is an example of video with a pre-roll ad using Prebid Server and Ooyala Player.
+ + + + + +
+ + + + + +

Place this code in the page header.

+	<script async src="//acdn.adnxs.com/prebid/not-for-prod/1/prebid.js"></script>
+		 Load the Ooyala player scripts you plan to use.
+		 You must load the core player script, the scripts for
+		 whatever video formats you want to support, and the scripts
+		 for the ad manager you want to use.
+		 The scripts themselves and a guide for choosing which ones
+		 you need can be found here:
+		 http://help.ooyala.com/video-platform/documentation/concepts/pbv4_plugins.html
+	   -->
+        <!-- CORE PLAYER REQUIRED -->
+        <script src="//player.ooyala.com/static/v4/production/latest/core.min.js"></script>
+        <!-- VIDEO PLUGINS -->
+        <script src="//player.ooyala.com/static/v4/production/latest/video-plugin/main_html5.min.js"></script>
+        <script src="//player.ooyala.com/static/v4/production/latest/video-plugin/bit_wrapper.min.js"></script>
+        <script src="//player.ooyala.com/static/v4/production/latest/video-plugin/osmf_flash.min.js"></script>
+        <!-- HTML5 SKIN -->
+        <script src="//player.ooyala.com/static/v4/production/latest/skin-plugin/html5-skin.min.js"></script>
+        <!-- SKIN ASSET -->
+        <link rel="stylesheet" href="//player.ooyala.com/static/v4/production/latest/skin-plugin/html5-skin.min.css" />
+        <!-- IMA PLUGIN -->
+        <script src="//player.ooyala.com/static/v4/production/latest/ad-plugin/google_ima.js"></script>
+        <script>
+            var pbjs = pbjs || {};
+            pbjs.que = pbjs.que || [];
+            /* PRE-DEFINE `invokeVideoPlayer`
+            Because we have no way of knowing when all the bids will be
+            returned from Prebid we can't be sure that the browser will
+            reach the point where `invokeVideoPlayer` is defined before
+            `bidsBackHandler` fires and tries to call it.
+            To prevent an "`invokeVideoPlayer` not defined" error, we
+            pre-define it before we make the call to Prebid, and redefine
+            it later on with the code to create the player and play the
+            ad.
+            In this first version, it simply stores the winning VAST to
+            use later. */
+            var tempTag = false;
+            var invokeVideoPlayer = function(url) {
+                tempTag = url;
+            };
+            /* Prebid video ad unit */
+            var videoAdUnit = {
+                code: 'video1',
+                mediaTypes: {
+                    video: {
+                        playerSize: [640, 480],
+                        context: 'instream',
+                        mimes: ['video/mp4'],
+                        protocols: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
+                        playbackmethod: [2]
+                    }
+                },
+                bids: [{
+                    bidder: 'appnexus',
+                    params: {
+                        placementId: 13232361, // Add your own placement id here.
+                        video: {
+                            skippable: true,
+                            playback_method: ['auto_play_sound_off']
+                        }
+                    }
+                }]
+            };
+            pbjs.que.push(function() {
+                // configure prebid to use prebid cache and prebid server
+                // make sure to add your own accountId to your s2sConfig object
+                pbjs.setConfig({
+                    cache: {
+                        url: 'https://prebid.adnxs.com/pbc/v1/cache'
+                    },
+                    debug: true,
+                    s2sConfig: {
+                        endpoint: 'http://prebid.adnxs.com/pbs/v1/openrtb2/auction',
+                        enabled: true,
+                        accountId: 'c9d412ee-3cc6-4b66-9326-9f49d528f13e', // replace this with your account id
+                        bidders: ['appnexus']
+                    }
+                });
+                pbjs.addAdUnits(videoAdUnit); // add your ad units to the bid request
+                pbjs.requestBids({
+                    bidsBackHandler: function(bids) {
+                        console.log(bids);
+                        var videoUrl = pbjs.adServers.dfp.buildVideoUrl({
+                            adUnit: videoAdUnit,
+                            params: {
+                                iu: '/19968336/prebid_cache_video_adunit',
+                                cust_params: {
+                                    section: 'blog',
+                                    anotherKey: 'anotherValue'
+                                },
+                                output: 'vast'
+                            }
+                        });
+                        invokeVideoPlayer(videoUrl);
+                    }
+                });
+            });
+        </script>	
+ + +

Place this code in the page body.

+	<div id='container' style='width:640px;height:480px;'></div>
+	<script>
+	    var invokeVideoPlayer = function(url) {
+	        console.log("invoking video player with url " + url);
+	        Define the settings you want for your player in a JSON
+	        object. These lines will be part of the embed code you
+	        copy-paste from Ooyala Backlot, we just need to add the ad
+	        parameters.  */
+	        var playerParam = {
+	            'pcode': 'lsbWkyOjtI6LOjmlqk2o5I-TsWRA',
+	            'playerBrandingId': '45b8294c6ad14265b2b47586c911cb07',
+	            'debug': true,
+	            'autoplay': true,
+	            'initialVolume': 0.0,
+	            'skin': {
+	                'config': '//player.ooyala.com/static/v4/stable/4.6.9/skin-plugin/skin.json',
+	                'inline': {
+	                    'adScreen': {
+	                        'showAdMarquee': true,
+	                        'showAdCountDown': true,
+	                        'showControlBar': true,
+	                        'useGoogleAdUI': true
+	                    }
+	                }
+	            },
+	            Create a new JSON object in the player parameters. The key
+	            should be the ad manager you're using (in our case we're
+	            using the Google IMA ads manager, so the key is
+	            `"google-ima-ads-manager"`). The IMA ads manager requires
+	            an ad set (which we've named `"all_ads"`).
+	            For more information see the Ooyala docs:
+	            http://help.ooyala.com/video-platform/concepts/pbv4_ads_dev_google_ima.html:
+	            Make sure the ad parameters are properly formatted JSON.
+	            */
+	            "google-ima-ads-manager": {
+	                "all_ads": [{
+	                    "position": "0",
+	                    "position_type": "t",
+	                    "tag_url": url
+	                }],
+	                'showAdControls': true
+	            }
+	        };
+	        Use the `OO.ready()` event to make sure that all the
+	        necessary Ooyala plugins have loaded before attempting to
+	        create the player. Once it has, call `create()` and pass
+	        in:
+	        - the div you're creating the player in
+	        - the ID of the content video
+	        - the player settings we created above */
+	        OO.ready(function() {
+	            console.log("OO is ready, invoking");
+	            console.dir(playerParam);
+	            window.pp = OO.Player.create('container', 'ltcG54NzE6Bxk08Mqs1_KMcQZDN7lH8N', playerParam);
+	        });
+	    };
+	    If Prebid returned bids before the browser reached the end of
+	    the page, the first version of `invokeVideoPlayer` will have
+	    been called from `bidsBackHandler`, so the winning VAST tag will
+	    be stored in `tempTag`.
+	    If that's the case, we want to call the "real" version of
+	    `invokeVideoPlayer` with the stored URL to create the player and
+	    play the ad.
+	    If `tempTag` is not defined, that means the browser reached the
+	    end of the page before the bids came back from Prebid, meaning
+	    the "real" version of `invokeVideoPlayer` was already called.
+	    */
+	    if (tempTag) {
+	        invokeVideoPlayer(tempTag);
+	        tempTag = false;
+	    }
+	</script>
+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + +