A simple e-commerce website using Flask, Jinja2, SQLite, jQuery, Bootstrap and Python.
The application loads a gallery of clothing items that includes: image, name, price, and a small form to add clothing items to shopping cart. The clothing information is stored in a SQLite database and is displayed using Bootstrap's card class.
The application contains filters that were implemented through SQLite queries so that the user can scroll through the items according to different categories such as, Shirts, Pants, Shoes, Price etc.
The application can be visited here:
Use the package manager pip to install the dependencies.
Go in the same directory as the requirements.txt file and run the following
pip install -r requirements.txt
There are two ways to run the application the application
Go to the same directory as the main application and run the following
python wsgi.py
Go to the same directory as the main application and run the following
set FLASK_APP=application.py
flask run
The entry point to the application is in wsgi.py file
from application import app
if __name__ == "__main__":
We then need to create a Procfile to deploy to Heroku
web: gunicorn wsgi:app
Use the HerokuCLI to deploy the application to Heroku
heroku login
git init
heroku create sampleclothing
git add.
git commit -am "First python app"
git push heroku master
Once the files are deployed your application will be visible and can be visited. In our case the application is deployed at the link below:
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.