We'll run through an example on ethereums Sepolia test-net
Create a .env
file if it does not exist - you can copy .env.example
, and add the private key you want to use for the deployment
The deploymnet scripts only support deploying with a private key - i.e. no hardware signers are supported
First we add a section to the networks
section of the hardhat.config.js file:
sepolia: {
url: `https://rpc.sepolia.dev`,
accounts: [process.env.SEPOLIA_PK],
gasPrice: "auto",
gas: "auto",
we use the SEPOLIA_PK
is the private key of the account from which the contracts will be deployed, which you should set in the .env
In the file config.js, we add a section for the sepolia network:
"sepolia": {
"governance": "0xFc9F1d127f8047B0F41e9eAC2Adc2e5279C568B7",
"timelockDelay": 300,
"executors": [], // proposal executors - if this empty, governance will be an executor
"rewardControllersConf": [], // no reward controllers
"hatToken": "", // deploy a fresh HATToken contract
"hatVaultsRegistryConf": {
"bountyGovernanceHAT": "0",
"bountyHackerHATVested": "0"
Run the command:
npx hardhat deploy --network sepolia
This will compile the contracts in the contracts
directory and then run the deployment scripts that are defined in the deploy directory
You can run separate steps of the deployment scipts using the --tags
flag, for example::
npx hardhat deploy --network sepolia --tags HATVaultsNFT
The following command will run a number of sanity checks on the deployment:
npx hardhat --network sepolia etherscan-verify
The deploy procedure will write some information about the deployment to the deployments
directory. Consider committing this information to the git repository for future reference.