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Wingman: TODO(sandy) error pops up after the first tactic #2448



Your environment

Which OS do you use:
Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS

Which lsp-client do you use:
VS Code

Describe your project (alternative: link to the project):
It is a regular stack project which can be found here. Nothing really wierd, just a normal advent of code project with one executable per day.

stack snapshot: 18.6 -> GHC 8.10.7
HLS version: 1.5.1

Steps to reproduce

write the following file and positionate the cursor on the underscore, then trigger the code action "Wingman: case split on d"

module Main where

data Input = Input

example :: Input -> Input
example d = _

main :: IO ()
main = print "hello hls"

Expected behaviour

It should complete the line example d = _ introducing Input constructor like example Input = _d. Some times, It works fine when I re-start hls but 8 out of 10 times it keeps failing.

Actual behaviour

And error pops up TODO(sandy)

Include debug information

This is the output when I set VS code extension setting to debug. (I've been unable to run haskell-language-server-wrapper)

Debug output:
2021-12-07 12:01:51.274203053 [ThreadId 4442] INFO hls:	finish: Wingman.getIdeDynflags.GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps (took 0.00s)
2021-12-07 12:01:51.274730682 [ThreadId 4443] INFO hls:	finish: Wingman.judgementForHole.GetHieAst (took 0.00s)
2021-12-07 12:01:51.275544442 [ThreadId 4444] INFO hls:	finish: Wingman.judgementForHole.GetBindings (took 0.00s)
2021-12-07 12:01:51.275816949 [ThreadId 4445] INFO hls:	finish: Wingman.judgementForHole.TypeCheck (took 0.00s)
[Error - 12:01:51] Request workspace/executeCommand failed.
  Message: TODO(sandy)
  Code: -32603 
2021-12-07 12:01:51.276098968 [ThreadId 4446] INFO hls:	finish: Wingman.judgementForHole.GhcSessionDeps (took 0.00s)
2021-12-07 12:01:51.350012789 [ThreadId 4464] INFO hls:	finish: Pragmas.GetParsedModule (took 0.00s)
2021-12-07 12:01:51.350191098 [ThreadId 4467] INFO hls:	finish: retrie (took 0.00s)
2021-12-07 12:01:51.350225369 [ThreadId 4465] INFO hls:	finish: Wingman.getIdeDynflags.GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps (took 0.00s)




component: wingmantype: bugSomething isn't right: doesn't work as intended, documentation is missing/outdated, etc..


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