terraform-plugin-framework is a module for building Terraform providers. It is built on terraform-plugin-go. It aims to provide as much of the power, predictability, and versatility of terraform-plugin-go as it can while abstracting away implementation details and repetitive, verbose tasks.
- Try the Terraform Plugin Framework collection on HashiCorp Learn.
- Clone the terraform-provider-scaffolding-framework template repository on GitHub for new providers.
- Follow the Terraform Plugin Framework migration guide for converting existing terraform-plugin-sdk providers.
- Read the Terraform Plugin Framework website for full documentation.
- Browse the terraform-plugin-framework module on the Go package documentation website.
- Ask questions in the Terraform Plugin Development section on HashiCorp Discuss.
terraform-plugin-framework has reached General Availability phase and follows semantic versioning for Go and Terraform compatibility promises. We recommend only using tagged releases of this Go module and examining the CHANGELOG when upgrading to a new release. Major version releases contain breaking changes to existing provider code. Minor version releases introduce new functionality. Patch version releases contain bug fixes or documentation updates.
Refer to Plugin Framework Benefits for more information about benefits over terraform-plugin-sdk.
Providers built with this framework are compatible with Terraform version v0.12 and above.
This project follows the support policy of Go as its support policy. The two latest major releases of Go are supported by the project.
Currently, that means Go 1.23 or later must be used when including this project as a dependency.