NodeJS Server for running automatic synchronization of files between repos
What it Does:
- Checks if event is a push to GitHub
- Decodes encrypted webhook, RepoA and RepoB may have separate pass-phrases
- Updates local Repo-A using a pull request
- read commit message from webhook
- Checks pushed file type and location in repo A
- creates a new branch of Repo-B
- cp local Repo-A files to new branch of local Repo-B
- Commit local Repo-B with message and username
- Push new branch of local Repo-B to GitHub
- Generate pull request from new branch of Repo-B to specified branch of Repo-B (usually master)
- Check if Push was successful (checks uploaded file names and commit)
- Checks user who initiated webhook (prevents push loop or false push confirm)
- server side logging system
- gracefully exit if errors result from terminal commands or JSON
- Setup Documentation
- Confirm files are the same in repos A and B (line by line)
- Notify Kevin S of new uploads, or improper use (file deletion, etc).
- Public Facing IP (or equilvallent - See step 1)
- local git install
- command line access
- http - required to run JS server to listen for webhooks
- crypto - required to unencrypt webhook json
- execSync - required to exicute shell commands from JS
- fs - required to write files
- XMLHttpRequest - required to send JSONs to the GitHub API
- dns - required to resolve domain names
- Node.JS - required to run the Java Script script
If you are running this script on a server with a public IP or URL skip to step 2.
In order for the webhooks to be recieved you will need a web acessible server with a public IP. If you are running this code for testing on your machine, I recomend installing Ngrok to create a public URL which tunnels through trough your NAT or firewall.
You will need to launch ngrok from the same directory as the Git-Sync.JS script using ./ngrok http [port number] Using the default port number is command is ./ngrok http 8080
ngrok by @inconshreveable (Ctrl+C to quit)
Session Status online
Account DannoPeters (Plan: Free)
Update update available (version 2.3.30, Ctrl-U to update)
Version 2.3.28
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding -> http://localhost:8080
Forwarding -> http://localhost:8080
Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90
0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
The above text will be displayed your terminal, note your forwarding URL as it will be required for the webhook setup. NOTE: Your forwarding URL will be updated each time Ngrok is started.
The Git-Sync.JS script can be placed in any folder of your web server, as it will listen on localhost:8080 for requests forwarded from a public facing IP or URL
Use a fresh github account, ensure this account has read priveldges from your master repo and read/write privledges to the slave repo. In these instructions and the Sync-Git.JS script Repo A is the master and Repo B is the slave.
Setup SSH authentication from your machine to your fresh github account utilising sha keys. If you have not used SSh authentication before, consult the github guide:
A personal access token is requiered to use the GitHub Rest API to create pull requests. Tokens can be generated from the GitHub web interface by following this guide: This token should only be used for this app. This allows for usage monitoring and revoking of the keys for individual applications Ensure that your git-sync_config.js file in NOT synced with any public repositoires or exposed on the server.
Using your fresh github account clone both of the repos you would like to sync to your local git.
Using the GitHub web interface inside of your repos navigate to Settings -> Webhooks Then select "Add Webhook" at the top right
Enter the following values in the data fields for the webhooks of both Repo's A (master) and B (slave)
Payload Url - Enter your public facing IP or URL and your chosen port into the text box
Content Type - Select "aplication/json" from the drop down
Secret - A password/message to ensure your webhook is authentic. This does NOT need to be the same for both hooks.
Which events would you like to trigger this webhook? - Select the "Just the push event." radio button
Active Leave this checkbox unselected to avoid partial syncs until the full system is setup
NOTE: if the github webhook is set as active by mistake you will recive an error stating "last delivery was not sucessful" This error is normal and expected, plese deactivate the webhook by selecting the edit button, then deselcting the "active" check box.
Open the [example]git-sync_config.js file in a text editor, remove the "[example]" from the file name and set the following varibales:
personal_access_token : '[*** INSERT YOUR PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN HERE***]',
secretA : "VerySecretSecret", //Secret for verifying WebHook from RepoA
secretB : "AnotherVerySecretSecret", //Secret for verifying WebHook from RepoB
const Setup = {
gitSync : "/run/media/peters/Danno_SuperDARN/Git_Projects/Git-Sync-NodeJS", //Location of Git-Sync.js on server
gitA : "DannoPeters/Repo-A", //Full repo name, used to identify Webhook Sender
gitB : "DannoPeters/Repo-B", //Full repo name, used to identify Webhook Sender
repoA : "/run/media/peters/Danno_SuperDARN/Git_Projects/Repo-A", //location of repo-A on server
repoB : "/run/media/peters/Danno_SuperDARN/Git_Projects/Repo-B", //location of repo-b on server
repoA_branch : "master", //branch to sync from
repoB_branchB : "master", //final sync location (this is where you want the pull request to go to)
port : 8080, //specify the port for the server to listen on
dirA : "", //directory to copy files from in repo-A. Set "" if none specified
dirB : "hardware_dir", //directory to copy files to in repo-B. Set "" if none specified
user : "DannoPeters", //set the github username of the server (configured using ssh)
//Files to Sync
sync : {
nameContains : 'hdw', //specify string contained in the file name to sync
typeDeliminator : '.', //specify deliminator for file sections, "none" to search substrings
typePosition : 'any', //specify the position to expect the string, "any" for any position (indexing starts at 0)
//Branch to pull From
branch : {
prefix : '',
constant : false, //set to "true" to have branch name only determined by prefix and suffix. This will cause the same branch to be used for all syncs. "false" allows dynamic branch naming based on first modifed file
typeDeliminator : '.', //specify deliminator for file sections, "none" to search substrings
typePosition : 2, //specify the position to expect the string (indexing starts at 0)
suffix : '_dev'
module.exports = { Auth, Setup }
personal_access_token - personal acess token generated int eh previous step. This allows for the use of the github API for generating pull requests
Replace [*** INSERT YOUR PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN HERE***] with your token which will look something like this: ff34885a8624460a855540c6592698d2f1812843
NOTE: This is an example token, not an actual token for any account, please use your own
secretA - Secret set for Repo A
secretB - Secret set for Repo B
gitA - Full name of remote Repo A ie) the full name of this repo is "DannoPeters/Git-Sync"
gitB - Full name of remote Repo B
repoA - location of local Repo A clone on server
repoB - location of local Repo B clone on server
gitSync - location of the Git-Sync.JS (File youa re currently editing) on the server
port - the listening port for incoming webhooks
dirA - subdirectory in remote Repo A to sync files from, should be set to "" if whole repo is to be synced
dirB - subdirectory in remote Repo B to sync files to, should be set to "" if Repo A is to be synced to root directory
user - username of the fresh github account setup with SSH access
nameContains - sub string contained in files which are to be synced.
typeDeliminator - specify the deliminator (what sperates portions of the filename ie) hardware.dat is superated by .) or enter "none" to search substrings
typePosition - numberical position of the deliminated string, specify "any" for any position, or "last" for the file extension. Note: this section is N/A if "none" is selected for typeDeliminator.
Allows for branches to be named dyanamically.
prefix - string to be placed before dynamic portion
constant - bool, set to true for fixed branch naming (combination of prefix and suffix) or set to false to create banches based on file names
typeDeliminator - specify the deliminator (what sperates portions of the filename ie) hardware.dat is superated by .) or enter "none" to search substrings
typePosition - numberical position of the deliminated string, specify "any" for any position, or "last" for the file extension. Note: this section is N/A if "none" is selected for typeDeliminator.
- Start the git-sync.js script
- If you are using Ngrok, start the Ngrok session and copy your forwarding URL
- Going to your public facing IP or URL assigned to local port 8080 you should see the following screen confirming git-sync.JS is running and acessible through your firewall/NAT.
- in each of the repos navigate to Settings -> Webhooks, slect edit and press the Active checkbox, then Update Webhook
- To test your webhook post a commit to your Repo A, a commit of the following format should be made in repo B User: {user} Message:{message} ie) User: DannoPeters Message:Update hdw.dat.ade