Maupassant theme, ported to Hugo.
- Preview: flysnow blog
- 中文文档
A simple Hugo template with great performance on different devices, ported from a Typecho theme by Cho, forked and modified from JokerQyou.
cd <YOUR Bolg Root Dir>
git clone themes/maupassant
theme = "maupassant"
baseURL = ""
languageCode = "zh-CN"
title = "飞雪无情的博客"
theme = "maupassant"
name = "飞雪无情"
author = "飞雪无情"
subtitle = "专注于Android、Java、Go语言(golang)、移动互联网、项目管理、软件架构"
keywords = "golang,go语言,go语言笔记,飞雪无情,java,android,博客,项目管理,python,软件架构,公众号,小程序"
description = "专注于IT互联网,包括但不限于Go语言(golang)、Java、Android、Python、项目管理、抖音分析、软件架构等"
identifier = "books"
name = "新书"
url = "/books/"
weight = 2
identifier = "archives"
name = "归档"
url = "/archives/"
weight = 3
identifier = "about"
name = "关于"
url = "/about/"
weight = 4
title = "Android Gradle权威指南"
name = "Android Gradle权威指南"
url = ""
title = "常用开发工具CDN镜像"
name = "常用开发工具CDN镜像"
url = ""
title = "领取¥1888阿里云产品通用代金券"
url = ""
title = "领取¥1888阿里云产品通用代金券"
url = ""
img = ""
title = "领取¥1888阿里云产品通用代金券"
url = ""
img = ""
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googleAnalytics = "GA ID"
disqusShortname = "yourdiscussshortname"
busuanzi = true
All kinds of contributions (enhancements, new features, documentation & code improvements, issues & bugs reporting) are welcome.
Looking forward to your pull request.
- Typecho:
- Octopress:
- Farbox:
- Wordpress:
- Ghost:
- Hexo:
- Hugo: