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HAProxy kubernetes ingress controller

This is autogenerated from doc.yaml. Description can be found in generator readme

Image can be run with arguments:

Argument Default
--configmap default/haproxy-configmap
--job-check-crd false
--empty-ingress-class false
--disable-ipv4 false
--disable-ipv6 false
--ipv6-bind-address ::
--http-bind-port 8080
--https-bind-port 8443
--disable-http false
--disable-https false
--sync-period 5s
--cache-resync-period 10m
--log info
--external false
--program haproxy in PATH location
--config-dir /tmp/haproxy-ingress/etc
--runtime-dir /tmp/haproxy-ingress/run
--disable-service-external-name false
--channel-size 600
--disable-quic false


Sets the ConfigMap object that defines global settings for the ingress controller. An empty ConfigMap is deployed by default and you can see its name by calling kubectl get configmaps. You can either override the default ConfigMap with your own object that uses the same name, or you can set this argument to point to a different ConfigMap. See the ConfigMap Options to learn which values you can store in the ConfigMap.

Possible values:

  • The name of the ConfigMap that contains global settings. Defaults to default/haproxy-configmap



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Special mode for controller that checks if the CRDs are installed and are on latest version. Note that this will not run ingress controller, it just checks if CRDs are OK and exits

Possible values:

  • this is boolean flag



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Sets the ConfigMap that contains mappings for TCP services to proxy through the ingress controller. This ConfigMap contains mappings like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: tcp
  namespace: haproxy-controller
  3306:                    # Port where the frontend is going to listen to.
    mysql-ns/mysql:3306    # Kubernetes service in the format NS/ServiceName:ServicePort
    ldap-ns/ldap:389:ssl   # ssl option will enable ssl offloading for target service.

ℹ️ Ports of TCP services should be exposed on the controller's Kubernetes service

Possible values:

  • The name of the ConfigMap that contains mappings for TCP services



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Sets the ConfigMap object that defines contents to serve instead of HAProxy errors. As explained in the haproxy documentation it is important to understand that errorfile content is not meant to rewrite errors returned by the server, but rather errors detected and returned by HAProxy. In the following example, instead of HAProxy returning a 503 error, it will return the corresponding content in the ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: errorfile
  namespace: haproxy-controller
  503: |-
    HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html

    <html><body><h1>Oops, that's embarrassing!</h1>
    There are no servers available to handle your request.

Possible values:

  • The name of the ConfigMap containing errorfile content



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Sets the ConfigMap object that defines pattern files to be used in HAProxy configuration. Controller will create corresponding files and update them when ConfigMap is updated. Pattern files are particularly useful for HAProxy ACLs where we can load patterns from file. The following example will load two pattern files:

% cat /tmp/ips
% cat /tmp/names
kubectl create -n default configmap acl-patterns --from-file=/tmp/ips --from-file=/tmp/names

The resulting configmap will be:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: acls-patterns
  namespace: haproxy-controller
  ips: |
  names: |

Pattern files are useful in config-snippets. Example:

backend-config-snippet: |
  http-request deny if !{ src -f patterns/ips }

ℹ️ In order to use pattern files, the target file should be prefixed with "patterns/"

Possible values:

  • The name of the ConfigMap in format NS/ConfigMapName



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The name of the Kubernetes service to send requests to when no Ingress rules match. By default, it uses the builtin HTTP backend.

Possible values:

  • The name of the backend service



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if default-backend-service is not used with this you can set default port used for same purpose

Possible values:

  • port that will be used for default service within controller pod



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enable pprof endpoint, if default-backend-port is not used 6060 will be used

Possible values:

  • this is boolean flag



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enable prometheus endpoint, if default-backend-port is not used 6060 will be used

Possible values:

  • this is boolean flag



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The name of a TLS Secret that contains the certificate to use for SSL/TLS traffic. This can be overridden with the ssl-certificate setting.

Possible values:

  • The name of the TLS Secret



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A name to assign to the ingress controller so that Ingress objects can target it apart from other running ingress controllers.

ℹ️ In kubernetes 1.18+, a new IngressClass resource can be referenced by Ingress objects to target an Ingress Controller. More details can be found in the IngressClass doc entry.

Possible values:

  • The name of the ingress class



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A flag to indicate the controller should process ingresses with empty ingress.class annotation.

Possible values:

  • No value.Being a flag you add it or not.



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identifier of your controller to know which gatewayclass it will handle

Possible values:

  • The name of the controllerName in GatewayClass


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Namespaces that the ingress controller should not monitor for changes to pods and services.

Possible values:

  • The namespace to exclude from monitoring; You can specify this argument multiple times


--namespace-blacklist=foo --namespace-blacklist=bar

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Namespaces that the ingress controller should monitor for changes to pods and service.

Possible values:

  • The namespace to monitor; You can specify this argument multiple times


--namespace-whitelist=foo --namespace-whitelist=bar

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Copies the ingress controller's IP address to the 'Address' field in all Ingress objects that the controller manages. This is useful for tools like external-dns, which use this information to create DNS records.

Possible values:

  • Name of the ingress controller's service, e.g. default/kubernetes-ingress



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Disabling the IPv4 bind support.

Possible values:

  • Boolean value, just need to declare the flag to disable the IPv4.



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Disabling the IPv6 bind support.

Possible values:

  • Boolean value, just need to declare the flag to disable the IPv6.



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Customize the IPv4 binding address.

Possible values:

  • A valid IPv4 addresses. Default:



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Customize the IPv6 binding address.

Possible values:

  • A valid IPv6 addresses. Default: ::



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Customize the HTTP frontend binding port.

Possible values:

  • A valid port in the range. Default: 8080



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Customize the HTTPS frontend binding port.

Possible values:

  • A valid port in the range. Default: 8443



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Disabling the HTTP frontend.

Possible values:

  • Boolean value, just need to declare the flag to disable the HTTP frontend.



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Disabling the HTTPS frontend.

Possible values:

  • Boolean value, just need to declare the flag to disable the HTTPS frontend.



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The interval at which the controller syncs its configuration with updated Kubernetes objects. In the case where the ingress controller is reloading too frequently, a higher value may be required. Note, if using helm charts you must also adjust the startupProbe's initialDelaySeconds value. Its value must be higher than the --sync-period value.

Possible values:

  • An integer with unit of time (1s = 1 second, 1m = 1 minute, 1h = 1 hour); Defaults to 5s



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Sets the default re-synchronization period at which the controller will re-apply the desired state.

Possible values:

  • The duration in time.Duration format; Defaults to 10m (10 minutes).



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The level of logging to perform; Defaults to info

Possible values:

  • error
  • warning
  • info (default)
  • debug
  • trace



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Run as external Ingress Controller (out of kubernetes cluster). This can be done by cloning Ingress Controller project and building Controller with go build. Or using export GO111MODULE=on; go get

Possible values:

  • Boolean value.



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Path to HAProxy binary to use when running controller in external mode.

⚠️ this is only available in external mode

Possible values:

  • Path to HAProxy binary


--external --program=/usr/bin/haproxy

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Path to HAProxy configuration directory when running controller in external mode. Configuration directory is where resources like configuration file, certificates, haproxy map files, are located.

⚠️ this is only available in external mode

Possible values:

  • Path to configuration directory


--external --config-dir=/haproxy-ingress/etc

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Path to HAProxy runtime directory when running controller in external mode. Runtime directory is where resources like PID file, runtime socket, etc are located.

⚠️ this is only available in external mode

Possible values:

  • Path to runtime directory


--external --runtime-dir=/haproxy-ingress/run

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Disable forwarding to ExternalName Services due to CVE-2021-25740

Possible values:

  • Boolean value, just need to declare the flag to disable forwarding to ExternalName Services.



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Sets the size of controller buffers used to receive and send k8s events. This parameter is a cursor to adapt to the number of resources inside your clusters and that generate a lot of events. Rule of thumb: the more resources the higher the value.

Possible values:

  • Size of channels used for k8s resources events with regards to ingresses, etc.



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Allow to disable one or several of the following config snippets: backend, frontend, global.

Possible values:

  • Comma separated list of the kind of config snippets to disable. Possible values in the list are
  • backend,frontend,global,all
  • If 'all' is present then all (backend, frontend, global) config snippets are disabled.



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option to disable the quic binding used by default if a certificate is provided throug ssl-certificate annotation. Please be aware that the quic implementation is activated with the "limited-quic" global option. Please refer to the documentation for details.

Possible values:


  - --disable-quic

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adjust the port in the alt-svc header to redirect to the exposed port in case it differs from the quic binding port.

Possible values:


  - --quic-announce-port=10443

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sets the binding port for quic in HTTPS frontend.

Possible values:


  - --quic-bind-port=4443

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