Development of a web application called onlineLearner.
####### Functionalities #######
- A user can see under "My courses" the courses he has created and the ones he is enrolled in. The courses with at least one free place are under "Available courses".
- A user can create courses. Some information about the course (course name, description, total number of places, enrolment key) must be entered in a form and is sent via a mail request.
- Clicking on the title of a course displays the details of the course. The name, the number of free places, the description and a list of exercises of the course are displayed.
- A user can register for existing courses if there is still at least one free place. This can be done after viewing the course details page.
- A user can only delete courses that he has created. If he tries to delete another course, he will receive an error message. Deleting a course is only possible on the course details page.
- On the course details page it is possible to upload a submission for an exercise. A submission contains text. It can only be done once for an exercise.
####### NB: Users are hardcoded for simplicity. Therefore no login functionality. #######
####### Python Installation ####### 1. install Python ( on your computers
####### Change the config parameters ####### 1. replace the values in properties.settings with your account and DB data
####### Create a virtual environment (one-time) ####### 1. navigate to the project folder -> cd ../block3/projekte/python/onlineLearner 2. python3 -m venv venv 3. source venv/bin/activate
####### Install the dependencies (once) ####### pip install -r requirements.txt
####### Starting the web application ####### From the IDE PyCharm: Only the FIRST TIME: 1. select "Do not import settings". 2. -> Open -> Online Learner -> Settings -> Project Interpreter -> Add -> venv 3. under existing environment: select Interpreter ../block3/projekte/python/onlineLearner/venv/bin/python. Replace XXX with your group number.
Otherwise run the script
From the console:
1. change to the project directory (e.g. /home/dbpXXX/block3/projects/python/onlineLearner)
2. activate virtual environment with statement: source venv/bin/activate
3. Run python
####### To connect to a DB: ####### Revise the properties.settings file. Use the getExternalConnection() method in DBUtil (in script file
For German version, see file "LIESMICH"