This repository contains detailed steps to configure and enable UDP and TCP ports in Traefik Ingress, facilitating traffic from external sources to the cluster through configured ports and protocols. By default, Traefik does not support this functionality, making this project essential for seamless UDP and TCP configuration.
The POC involves researching and implementing how to enable TCP/UDP communication to the pods in the Kubernetes (k8s) cluster from outside the host system.
- Kubernetes cluster with Treafik ingress
- TCP test app
- UDP test app
Entrypoint can be simply understood as listening ports, which by identifying which entry point the traffic comes in, traefik would use different routers and then route to different services, there are several predefined entrypoints:
- web — port 8000 (exposed as port 80)
- websecure — port 8443 (exposed as port 443)
We can enable TCP/UDP ports by adding new entry points to Traefik, and there are two ways to achieve this. One is through Helm charts, and the other is by updating the deployment and service YAML files of Traefik to include new entry points and port mappings.
In this Proof of Concept (POC), I have utilized port 8085 for TCP and port 3000 for UDP communication within the cluster
To add an additional entry point, with helm, we can see the section in value.yaml having the “ports” key that I have used in one our cluster for testing.
After installing or updating Traefik with the below Helm values, Traefik will have the following entry points:
- web — port 8000 (exposed as port 80)
- websecure — port 8443 (exposed as port 443)
- tcp8085 — port 8085 (exposed as port 8085)
- udp — port 3000 (exposed as port 3000)
- "--accesslog=true"
- "--accesslog.format=json"
- "--log.level=DEBUG"
replicas: 1
loadBalancerIP: <loadBalancerIP>
"": "<resource-group>"
port: 8085
expose: true
exposedPort: 8085
protocol: TCP
port: 3000
expose: true
exposedPort: 3000
protocol: UDP
To add an additional entry point using YAML, you need to update the deployment and service YAML files of Traefik
- Updating Args Section to Include TCP/UDP Entry Points
- args:
- --global.checknewversion=false
- --global.sendanonymoususage=false
- --providers.kubernetesingress
- --providers.kubernetescrd
- --entryPoints.http.address=:8000/tcp
- --entrypoints.udp.address=:3000/udp
- --entrypoints.tcp8085.address=:8085/tcp
- --entryPoints.http.forwardedHeaders.insecure
- --entryPoints.https.address=:8443/tcp
- --entryPoints.https.forwardedHeaders.insecure
- --entryPoints.traefik.address=:9000/tcp
- --api.dashboard=false
- --ping=true
- --ping.entryPoint=traefik
- --log.level=INFO
- Updating Ports Section to Include TCP/UDP Entry Points
- containerPort: 3000
name: udp
protocol: UDP
- containerPort: 8085
name: tcp8085
protocol: TCP
- Updating Ports Section to Include TCP/UDP Entry Points
- name: udp
nodePort: 30086
port: 3000
protocol: UDP
targetPort: udp
- name: tcp8085
nodePort: 30085
port: 8085
protocol: TCP
targetPort: tcp8085
The TCP app that I used for testing is available here and following are the yamls for deploying the app. Only difference from usual http apps are the ingress route where Traefik has sepaarte CRD for TCP ingress rules
The UDP app that I used for testing is available here and following are the yamls for deploying the app. Only difference from usual http apps are the ingress route where Traefik has sepaarte CRD for UDP ingress rules
- UDP - host:3000
- TCP - host:8085