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(self.webpackChunkpersonal_website=self.webpackChunkpersonal_website||[]).push([[224],{79503:function(t){t.exports={title:"A field trip",tags:["thesis","data","visualisation","esports"],summary:"After learning which data I could get my hands on, it would also be useful to know which parts of the data are actually useful to the spectators. Of course, I could answer this question for myself ...",date:new Date(Date.UTC(2017,11,10)),componentPath:"./src/posts/5-a-field-trip/index.js",link:"/posts/a-field-trip"}},69247:function(t,e,a){"use strict";a.r(e),a.d(e,{default:function(){return r}});a(67294);var o=a(36633),s=a(79503),i=a.p+"static/riot_stream_sidebar-b8886fd6796025c59431b343d0c4d05c.png",n=a(75276),l=a(70917);var r=()=>(0,l.tZ)(o.S,{title:s.title,summary:s.summary,tags:s.tags,date:s.date},(0,l.tZ)("p",null,"After learning which data I could get my hands on, it would also be useful to know which parts of the data are actually useful to the spectators. Of course, I could answer this question for myself since I am a regular spectator too but in order to design live data visualisations for a general audience, I would need to get a deeper understanding of what’s useful to the majority."),(0,l.tZ)("h2",null,"Commentator study"),(0,l.tZ)("p",null,"As in traditional sports, esports has commentators talking about an ongoing game. They possess valuable game knowledge and point out the most useful things to know about the game at the moment. Hence, this would be a good place to start out."),(0,l.tZ)("p",null,"I sat down to rewatch a couple of games of the World Championship and wrote down the different conversation topics that came along. Finally an excuse to watch some games while working! I provided each conversation topic with tags and aggregated all the data. The most mentioned tags reveal what commentators consider the most useful statistics to talk about."),(0,l.tZ)("h2",null,"User study"),(0,l.tZ)("p",null,"Of course, commentators do not have absolute power in this world. In the end, the spectators outnumber them substantially. So I reached out to them via Reddit to ask them about the usefulness of current live data visualisations and different available statistics."),(0,l.tZ)("p",null,"They weren’t all too fond of the sidebar statistics Riot Games implemented (see image below). This is my opportunity to prove whether providing additional data while spectating just isn’t that helpful or this particular instance falls short."),(0,l.tZ)(n.N2,{src:i}),(0,l.tZ)("p",null,"The studies proved to be really valuable though and give me a good starting point for designing a prototype of my visualisations."))}}]);