import numpy as np
import cv2
from locate_pixelcolor_cythonsingle import search_colors
# 4525 x 6623 x 3 picture
picx = r"C:\Users\hansc\Downloads\pexels-alex-andrews-2295744.jpg"
pic = cv2.imread(picx)
colors0 = np.array([[255, 255, 255]],dtype=np.uint8)
resus0 = search_colors(pic=pic, colors=colors0)
colors1=np.array([(66, 71, 69),(62, 67, 65),(144, 155, 153),(52, 57, 55),(127, 138, 136),(53, 58, 56),(51, 56, 54),(32, 27, 18),(24, 17, 8),],dtype=np.uint8)
resus1 = search_colors(pic=pic, colors=colors1)
%timeit resus0 = search_colors(pic=pic, colors=colors0)
51 ms ± 201 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
b,g,r = pic[...,0],pic[...,1],pic[...,2]
%timeit np.where(((b==255)&(g==255)&(r==255)))
150 ms ± 209 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
%timeit resus1 = search_colors(pic=pic, colors=colors1)
443 ms ± 1.19 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit np.where(((b==66)&(g==71)&(r==69))|((b==62)&(g==67)&(r==65))|((b==144)&(g==155)&(r==153))|((b==52)&(g==57)&(r==55))|((b==127)&(g==138)&(r==136))|((b==53)&(g==58)&(r==56))|((b==51)&(g==56)&(r==54))|((b==32)&(g==27)&(r==18))|((b==24)&(g==17)&(r==8)))
1 s ± 16.1 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
# cython: language_level=3
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cpdef searchforcolor(np.uint8_t[::1] pic, np.uint8_t[::1] colors, int width, int totallengthpic, int totallengthcolor, int[::1] outputx, int[ ::1] outputy, int[::1] lastresult):
cdef int counter = 0
cdef unsigned char r, g, b
cdef int i, j
for i in range(0, totallengthcolor, 3):
r = colors[i]
g = colors[i + 1]
b = colors[i + 2]
for j in range(0, totallengthpic, 3):
if ( r== pic[j]) and (g == pic[j+1]) and (b == pic[j+2]):
dividend = j // 3
quotient = dividend // width
remainder = dividend % width
outputx[counter] = quotient
outputy[counter] = remainder
lastresult[0] = counter
counter += 1
# .\python.exe .\ build_ext --inplace
# cython: language_level=3
from setuptools import Extension, setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
import numpy as np
ext_modules = [
Extension("colorsearchcythonsingle", ["colorsearchcythonsingle.pyx"], include_dirs=[np.get_include()],define_macros=[("NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API", "NPY_1_7_API_VERSION")])
# .\python.exe .\ build_ext --inplace
I wrote a couple of variations of this function. All of them can be used in Python.