merge Interactive Visual Analytics tools with Data Science tools, prepare for MS thesis Platform Requirements and Packages
- Python 3
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python packages: ipywidgets, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, sklearn, random
Code Design
- Initialization of sliders
- MDS function
- Convert high-d data to 2D data
- Interactive Plot with Sliders
- Allow users to drag the sliders to change the weights
- Then the scatter plot will be changed simultaneously
- Draggable Plot with Updated Weights
- The input weights in this section is the updated version from the 3th step
- Allow the users to drag any points on the plot to any place
- Retrieve the Old and New Coordinates
- Retrieve the coordinates of points before and after being dragged by users
- Inverse lowD to highD
- Proposal:produce a new weight by moving to a random direction with a specific step
- Stress: calculate the stress between old low-d data and new low-d data calculated by high-d data
- invMDs: produce a weight list from the inverse process of MDS, which creates a new high dimensional data.