Liquid grammar for tree-sitter.
tree-sitter-liquid is included in nvim-treesitter and will work out of the box with any files using the .liquid
extension, injecting HTML over the template file. That being said, liquid also allows for templating in JavaScript, CSS, and SCSS files using the .js.liquid
and .scss.liquid
file extensions. Since in nvim-treesitter there is no way to distinguish and inject different languages depending on the extension, you can optionally add the following custom query and injections to your neovim configuration to add the correct highlighting for these additional file types.
-- custom query predicate for allowing injections based on file extension
require"vim.treesitter.query".add_directive("set-lang-by-filetype!", function (_, _, bufnr, pred, metadata)
local function find_nth_dot_from_end(str, n)
for i = #str, 1, -1 do
if str:sub(i, i) == "." then
n = n - 1
if n <= 0 then
return i
return nil
local filename = vim.fn.expand("#"..bufnr..":t")
local dots_in_extension = select(2, string.gsub(pred[2], "%.", "")) + 1
local extension_index = find_nth_dot_from_end(filename, dots_in_extension)
if not extension_index then
if pred[2] == filename:sub(extension_index + 1) then
metadata["injection.language"] = pred[3]
end, true)
local liquid_injections = [[
((template_content) @injection.content
(#set-lang-by-filetype! "liquid" "html")
(#set-lang-by-filetype! "js.liquid" "javascript")
(#set-lang-by-filetype! "css.liquid" "css")
(#set-lang-by-filetype! "scss.liquid" "scss")
(#set! injection.combined))
(js_content) @injection.content
(#set! injection.language "javascript")
(#set! injection.combined))
(json_content) @injection.content
(#set! injection.language "json")
(#set! injection.combined))
(style_content) @injection.content
(#set! injection.language "css")
(#set! injection.combined))
((comment) @injection.content
(#set! injection.language "comment"))
vim.treesitter.query.set("liquid", "injections", liquid_injections)
This repository was originally forked from Shopify's archived tree-sitter-liquid repository.