AberCompSci Cheat Sheets
A set of quick guides for using the Linux and Mac OS X machines in the Aberystwyth Computer Science department. All students and staff in the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science (IMPACS) are able to use the Linux machines in the Delphinium and the dual-boot macOS and Linux machines in the Orchard.
The following information is relevant for users of mac OS Sierra.
- Launching Applications - Launchpad, Terminal (command line), Spotlight.
- Filestore - Understanding where to save files on macOS in the Orchard
- Apple Keyboard basics - Cmd, #, Ctrl, Option.
- Apple Mouse - right click, and more.
- Terminal command line operation - including access to the Console.
- General Unix terminal commands (see bash.md).
- Mounting file shares - e.g. M: drive.
- Understanding Finder - the Macintosh Desktop Experience.
- File and Print dialogs - using the standard dialogs.
- PDF manipulation - print to PDF from any application, as well as rotate pages, merge files, annotate documents.
- Image manipulation - basic image manipulation with Preview.
- Accessibility - including Text to Speech.
- Airdrop - wirelessly share files with other Macs nearby.
- System Preferences - adjusting system settings.
- Bash commands (see bash.md)
- Launching applications (?)
The macOS and Linux machines are managed by Computer Science Support (CS Support). If you have a problem with a machine, please contact CS Suport by email cs-support@aber.ac.uk. Tell them which machine you are working on; you can find that information on the machine.
You can also ask for help via the Aber Comp Sci Q & A Facebook group.