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Halide Bindings for Python

Halide provides Python bindings for most of its public API. Only Python 3.x is supported; at this time, Python 3.8 (or higher) is recommended. The Python bindings are supported on 64-bit Linux, OSX, and Windows systems.

In addition to the ability to write just-in-time Halide code using Python, you can also use existing Halide Generators (written in C++) to produce Python extensions that can be used within Python code.

(Note that the ability to write Halide Generators in Python is not supported at present, but is expected to be supported soon.)

Python Requirements:

Before building, you should ensure you have prerequite packages installed in your local Python environment. The best way to get set up is to use a virtual environment:

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ python3 -m pip install -U setuptools wheel
$ python3 -m pip install -r python_bindings/requirements.txt

Compilation Instructions

Build as part of the CMake build with -DWITH_PYTHON_BINDINGS=ON (this is the default). Note that this requires both Halide and LLVM to be built with RTTI and exceptions enabled, which is not the default for LLVM.

Documentation and Examples

As mentioned elsewhere, the Python API attempts to mimic the C++ Halide API as directly as possible; there isn't separate Python-specific documentation for the API at this time.

For now, examine the code for the example applications in the test/apps/ and tutorial/ subdirectories.

The tests run as part of the standard CTest infrastructure and are labeled with the python label. You can run the Python tests specifically by running:

$ ctest -L python

From the Halide build directory.

Differences from C++ API

The Python bindings attempt to mimic the Halide C++ API as closely as possible, with some differences where the C++ idiom is either inappropriate or impossible:

  • Most APIs that take a variadic argumentlist of ints in C++ take an explicit list in Python. For instance, the usual version of the Buffer ctor in C++ offers both variadic and list versions:

    Buffer<>(Type t, int extent_dim_0, int extent_dim_1, ...., extent_dim_N, string name = "");
    Buffer<>(Type t, vector<int> extents, string name = "");

    in Python, only the second variant is provided.

  • Func and Buffer access is done using [] rather than ()

    • For zero-dimensional Func and Buffer, you must explicitly specify [()] -- that is, use an empty tuple as the index -- because [] is not syntactically acceptable in Python.
  • Some classes in the Halide API aren't provided because standard Python idioms are a better fit:

    • Halide::Tuple doesn't exist in the Python bindings; an ordinary Python tuple of Halide::Expr is used instead.
    • Halide::Realization doesn't exist in the Python bindings; an ordinary Python tuple of Halide::Buffer is used instead.
  • static and instance method overloads with the same name in the same class aren't allowed, so some convenience methods are missing from Halide::Var

  • Templated types (notably Halide::Buffer<> and Halide::Param<>) aren't provided, for obvious reasons; only the equivalents of Halide::Buffer<void> and Halide::Param<void> are supported.

  • The functions in Halide::ConciseCasts are present in the toplevel Halide module in Python, rather than a submodule: e.g., use halide.i8_sat(), not halide.ConciseCasts.i8_sat().

  • Only things in the Halide namespace are supported; classes and methods that involve using the Halide::Internal namespace are not provided.

  • No mechanism is provided for overriding any runtime functions from Python.

  • No mechanism is provided for supporting Func::define_extern.

  • Buffer::for_each_value() isn't supported yet.

  • Func::in becomes Func.in_ because in is a Python keyword.

  • Func::async becomes Func.async_ because async is a Python keyword.

  • ParamMap isn't supported as an argument to any Func or Pipeline method, and never will be: it exists as a way to support thread-safe arguments to JIT-compiled functions, which can now be supported more simply and elegantly via compile_to_callable(). (It is likely that ParamMap will be removed from the C++ bindings in a future version of Halide as well.)

  • The not keyword cannot be used to negate boolean Halide expressions. Instead, the logical_not function can be used and is equivalent to using operator! in C++.

  • There is no way to override the logical and/or operators in Python to work with Expr: you must use the bitwise | and & instead. (Note that incorrectly using using and/or just short-circuits weirdly, rather than failing with some helpful error; this is an issue that we have not yet found any way to improve, unfortunately.)

  • Some error messages need to be made more informative.

  • Some exceptions are the "incorrect" type (compared to C++ expectations).

  • Many hooks to override runtime functions (e.g. Func::set_error_handler) aren't yet implemented.

  • The following parts of the Halide public API are currently missing entirely from the Python bindings (but are all likely to be supported at some point in the future):

    • DeviceInterface
    • evaluate()

Example of Simple Usage

The Python bindings for Halide are built as a standard part of the install target, and are present in the Halide install location at $HALIDE_INSTALL/lib/python3/site-packages; adding that to your PYTHONPATH should allow you to simply import halide:

# By convention, we import halide as 'hl' for terseness
import halide as hl

# Some constants
edge = 512
k = 20.0 / float(edge)

# Simple formula
x, y, c = hl.Var('x'), hl.Var('y'), hl.Var('c')
f = hl.Func('f')
e = hl.sin(x * ((c + 1) / 3.0) * k) * hl.cos(y * ((c + 1) / 3.0) * k)
f[x, y, c] = hl.cast(hl.UInt(8), e * 255.0)
f.vectorize(x, 8).parallel(y)

# Realize into a Buffer.
buf = f.realize([edge, edge, 3])

# Do something with the image. We'll just save it to a PNG.
import imageio
imageio.imsave("/tmp/example.png", buf)

It's worth noting in the example above that the Halide Buffer object supports the Python Buffer Protocol ( and thus is converted to and from other compatible objects (e.g., NumPy's ndarray), at essentially zero cost, with storage being shared. Thus, we can usually pass it directly to existing Python APIs (like imsave()) that expect 'image-like' objects without any explicit conversion necessary.

Using Halide Generators from Python

Using a C++ Generator from Python

Let's say we have a very simple Generator:

class MyFilter : public Halide::Generator<Simple> {
    Input<Buffer<uint8_t, 2>> input{"input"};
    Input<uint8_t> mask{"mask"};
    Output<Buffer<uint8_t, 2>> output{"output"};

    void generate() {
        output(x, y) = input(x, y) & mask;
        output.vectorize(x, 8).compute_root();

If you are using CMake, the simplest thing is to use add_halide_library and add_halide_python_extension_library():

# Build a Halide library as you usually would, but be sure to include `PYTHON_EXTENSION`
                   GENERATOR my_filter_generator
                   SOURCES my_filter_generator.cpp
                   PYTHON_EXTENSION output_path_var
                   [ FEATURES ... ]
                   [ PARAMS ... ])

# Now wrap the generated code with a Python extension.
# (Note that module name defaults to match the target name; we only
# need to specify MODULE_NAME if we need a name that may differ)
                                    MODULE_NAME my_module
                                    HALIDE_LIBRARIES my_filter)

This compiles the Generator code in my_filter_generator.cpp with the registered name my_filter to produce the target my_filter, and then wraps the compiled output with a Python extension. The result will be a shared library of the form <target>.<soabi>.so, where describes the specific Python version and platform (e.g., cpython-310-darwin for Python 3.10 on OSX.)

Note that you can combine multiple Halide libraries into a single Python module; this is convenient for packagaing, but also because all the libraries in a single extension module share the same Halide runtime (and thus, the same caches, thread pools, etc.).

add_halide_library(my_filter1 ...)
add_halide_library(my_filter2 ...)
add_halide_library(my_filter3 ...)

                                    MODULE_NAME my_module
                                    HALIDE_LIBRARIES my_filter my_filter2 my_filter3)

Note that you must take care to ensure that all of the add_halide_library targets specified use the same Halide runtime; it may be necessary to use add_halide_runtime to define an explicit runtime that is shared by all of the targets:


add_halide_library(my_filter1 USE_RUNTIME my_runtime ...)
add_halide_library(my_filter2 USE_RUNTIME my_runtime ...)
add_halide_library(my_filter3 USE_RUNTIME my_runtime ...)

                                    MODULE_NAME my_module
                                    HALIDE_LIBRARIES my_filter my_filter2 my_filter3)

Calling a C++ Generator from Python

As long as the shared library is in PYTHONPATH, it can be imported and used directly. For the example above:

from my_module import my_filter
import imageio
import numpy as np

# Read in some file for input
input_buf = imageio.imread("/path/to/some/file.png")
assert input_buf.dtype == np.uint8

# arbitrary
mask = 0x7f

# create a Buffer-compatible object for the output; we'll use np.array
output_buf = np.empty(input_buf.shape, dtype=input_buf.dtype)

# Note, Python code throws exception for error conditions rather than returning an int
my_filter(input_buf, mask, output_buf)

imageio.imsave("/tmp/masked_file.png", output_buf)

Above, we're using common Python utilities (numpy, imageio) to construct the input/output buffers we want to pass to Halide.

Note: Getting the memory order correct can be a little confusing for numpy. By default numpy uses "C-style" row-major order, which sounds like the right option for Halide; however, this nomenclature assumes the matrix-math convention of ordering axes as [rows, cols], whereas Halide (and imaging code in general) generally assumes [x, y] (i.e., [cols, rows]). Thus what you usually want in Halide is column-major ordering. This means numpy arrays, by default, come with the wrong memory layout for Halide. But if you construct the numpy arrays yourself (like above), you can pass order='F' to make numpy use the Halide-compatible memory layout. If you're passing in an array constructed somewhere else, the easiest thing to do is to .transpose() it before passing it to your Halide code.)

Keeping Up To Date

If you use the Halide Bindings for Python inside Google, you are strongly encouraged to subscribe to announcements for new releases of Halide, as it is likely that enhancements and tweaks to our Python support will be made in future releases.


The Python bindings use the same MIT license as Halide.

Python bindings provided by Connelly Barnes (2012-2013), Fred Rotbart (2014), Rodrigo Benenson (2015) and the Halide open-source community.