i'm a computer science student who is interested in programming and free software.
i support the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve.
- flamingo, share ideas and opinions with tags
- flint, social platforming application
- qrbook, create pages and share them with qr
- fireware, a top down multiplayer shooter game 🔫
- enka360, a website for my school club
- flint-flutter, miniblogging app rewritten in flutter
- aci sozluk, ekşi sözlük clone
- shortenxpress, url shortener application
- i'm very interested in unix and unix-like systems, especially linux 🐧
- my favorite scripting language is javascript 📜
- i like coding in
- my current shell of choice is fish 🐟
- i like free software 👨💻