Thank you for the excellent library. I have stumbled upon one case while creating a form.
All the 6 marked in red boxes are separate custom views which are added to the viewcontroller. Notice that the next previous buttons did not appear for this case. For all other forms where the text fields are on the same scrollview/viewcontroller and not on custom views, the next/previous buttons appear and work just fine.
Upon further investigation, I found that the responderSiblings() function is not able to find any siblings for the textfields on these custom views. I also tried replacing responderSiblings() with deepResponderViews() but that too didnt work.
Hence as a temporary fix, I have made a small change in the IQKeyboardManager.m file where if a textfield from this particular viewcontroller comes up, in the responderViews() function, instead of fetching sibling responders from "textFields = [_textFieldView responderSiblings];" I pass an "array of responders", with responders i know exist on the viewcontroller for the textfield.
Have i missed something obvious over here?
Or will the responderSiblings()/deepResponderViews() fuctions have to be improved to fetch all siblings on the viewcontroller?
Or we can just facilitate an option to pass "sibling responders array" to textfields?