Scan QR to read a book - in other words: Online ebook QRCode generator
A simple online books library written in PHP enables you to upload pdf files and share them by showing QR Code images that automatically generated for you. Then, for example, you can print the QRCode within a flyer or a banner and place it on public places, then people scan it then they will directly gain access to the ebook on their mobile web browsers.
Some key features:
- Generates QR Code for each pdf ebook after being uploaded.
- Automatically rename cover image and pdf files based on slugified book's title.
- It has PIN feature enables Admin to lock some books with simple PIN/password.
- It has a nice home page showing all the uploaded books with quick search / filter feature.
Watch this video (Bahasa Indonesia):
Please add empty folder "upl" on the root directory along side the index.php file.