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160 lines (114 loc) · 3.83 KB

File metadata and controls

160 lines (114 loc) · 3.83 KB


First of all, make sure you have all settings up for Yoga to run it locally:

  1. Fork and clone this repo
  2. Install dependencies using:
$ yarn

This project follows the conventional-commit pattern and, to help you with it, we use commitizen. So, everytime you want to commit some change, please use:

$ yarn commit

We usually follow the {{feat|fix|doc|ci}}/{{what-am-i-doing}} for branch names.

New Component

At Yoga, a Component isn't just one file. It has its own docs, tests, exports, native, web, and so on. To make it easy, there is a script at the root:

$ yarn new NewComponent

This will create/edit all files for the NewComponent:

│   └─content
│       └─components
│           └─components
│               └─newcomponent
│                   ├─index.mdx
│                   ├─newcomponent-native.mdx
│                   └─newcomponent-web.mdx
│   └─pages
│       ├─index.js
│       └─NewComponent.jsx
        │   ├─native
        │   │   ├─index.js
        │   │   ├─NewComponent.jsx
        │   │   └─NewComponent.test.jsx
        │   ├─web
        │   │   ├─index.js
        │   │   ├─NewComponent.jsx
        │   │   └─NewComponent.test.jsx
        │   ├─NewComponent.theme.js
        │   ├─index.js
        │   └─index.native.js


Every component has its own theme file. You can find it in its own folder.

When building a new component, make sure to add values like paddings, colors, margins, to the component theme file.

To create custom themes, Yoga exposes a createTheme function in order to generate new themes, you can refer to Theme Generator in order to see how to create custom themes.


We use our doc environment to build our components. To develop your component, you can just type.

$ yarn dev:web

and the documentation app will open in your browser after few seconds.


For native development, certify you have all requirements as listed here.

Yoga has an app, for iOS and Android, named as LabNative used to develop the native version of our components.

iOS (Mac only)

For the iOS development, type, and the simulator will open automagically.

$ yarn dev:native:ios


First, you'll need to open a virtual device manually and then:

$ yarn dev:native:android


Each component has a specific documentation for each platform.


All Yoga components have tests. To execute it for just one component, you can run:

$ yarn test /path/to/your/component

Or you can run it by a platform:

$ yarn test:web /path/to/your/component
$ yarn test:native /path/to/your/component

When you finish the development of your component, don't forget to add its tests!

Before pushing your changes, certify all tests are passing, running:

$ yarn test

// or specifying the platform
$ yarn test:native
$ yarn test:web

New Doc

If you want to add a documentation that isn't of a component, like this one, you can create an .md file under ./docs/content/guidelines and it will be automagically added.

New Icon

Just add the .svg file under packages/icons/src/svg and modify the index.js and index.native.js to reflect your changes.

Git Hooks

We have two hooks inside Yoga repo:

  1. pre-commit: run eslint on all repo
  2. pre-push: run yarn test