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更新:markdown(GFM) - v2.0.0
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guobao2333 committed May 16, 2024
1 parent ff83bf4 commit 792634d
Showing 1 changed file with 78 additions and 51 deletions.
129 changes: 78 additions & 51 deletions mtsx/github_markdown.mtsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
name: ["github_markdown", ".markdown", ".md", ".mkd", ".mkdn", ".mdtxt", ".mdown"]
name: ["GitHub Flavored Markdown", ".md"]
ignoreCase: false
colors: [
"title", #E06C75, #E06C75
"escape" > "strEscape"
"ordered_list" > "number"
"unordered_list" > "number"
"short_code" > "string"
"code_block", #7050E0, #835CBD
"list" > "number"
"footnote", #4493F8, #4493F8
"math_short" > "meta"
"code_short" > "string"
"code_block", #7050E0, #7050E0
"syntax_name", #871094, #A64EAD
"code_content", #BABABA, #BABABA
"code_content", #AA9AB8, #AA9AB8
"quote_note", #2F81F7, #2F81F7
"quote_note_text", #2F81F7, #2F81F7
"quote_tip", #238636, #238636
Expand All @@ -22,70 +23,95 @@
"quote_caution_text", #F85149, #F85149
"quote_text", #777, #858F9A
"quote_background", #DDD, #444
"感叹号", #E8BF6A, #E8BF6A
"exclamation_mark", #FF7000, #D2B72D
"url_text", #508090, #58908A
"url_title" > "string"
"url", #508090, #58908A
"括号", #999, #999
"bracket", #999, #999
"split_line", #FFF000, #BBB529
// github可以使用html标签,注释后不渲染
comment: {startsWith: "<!--", endsWith: "-->"}

// 暂时不打算适配制表符(因为会有bug/:
// 暂时不打算适配制表符(因为会有bug)
defines: [
// (?m) ^匹配每行开头
// 不使用是因为会导致代码块不渲染,优化暂时搁置
// 但这里使用会导致代码块不渲染
"prefix": /(?:^|\n) */
"title": {match: include("prefix") + /#{1,6} .*/, 0: "title"}
"escape": {match: /\\./, 0: "escape"}

// lineBackground有点bug暂时没法用include
// "quoteBackground": /(?m)^ *>.*/

// 实现了基本渲染,暂时搁置优化匹配
"link": {match: /(!)?(\[)(.*)(\])(\()(.*?)( ".*?")?(\))/, 1: "感叹号" 2: "括号" 3: "url_text" 4: "括号" 5: "括号" 6: "url" 7: "url_title" 8: "括号"}

"setextTitle": {match: /(?m)^.+(?<!^-+|=+)\n^(=+|-+)$/, 0: "title"}
// "setextTitle": {match: /(?m)^\s^(?:.+\n){1,}^( {0,3}|-{3,}|={3,}) {0,}$/, recordAllGroups: true, 0: "title"}
"title": [
{match: /(?m)^ {0,3}#{1,6} .*/, 0: "title"}
// setext 标题
{match: /(?m)^.+(?<!^-+|=+)\n^(=+|-+)$/, 0: "title"}

"splitLine": {match: /(?m)^(\s*?$|[-=]*)^ {0,3}(\*{3,}|-{3,}|_{3,}) {0,}$/, 0: "split_line"}
"escape": {match: /\\[!"#$%&'()*+,-.\\\/:;<=>?@\[\]\^_`{|}~]/, 0: "escape"}

// 实现了基本渲染,暂时搁置优化
// 感觉已经没必要再改了……改复杂了不说,逻辑和效果也会变,暂时就这样
"link": {match: /(!)?(\[)(.*)(\])(\()(.*?)( ".*?")?(\))/, 1: "exclamation_mark" 2: "bracket" 3: "url_text" 4: "bracket" 5: "bracket" 6: "url" 7: "url_title" 8: "bracket"}

"all_list": [
{match: include("prefix") + /[1-9][0-9]*\. /}
{match: include("prefix") + /[*+-] /}

"list": [
{start: {include: "all_list"}
end: {match: /(?m)$/}
color: "list"
matchEndFirst: true
contains: [
{include: "escape"}
{include: "footnote"}
{include: "link"}

// LaTeX
"math": [
{start: {match: /\$/, 0: "math_short"}
end: {match: /(?m)\$|$/, 0: "math_short"}
color: "string"
matchEndFirst: true
contains: {
{match: /\\\$/, 0: "escape"}

"quote": [
{match: /(?m)^> *\[(!)(?:(NOTE)|(TIP)|(IMPORTANT)|(WARNING)|(CAUTION))\](?:\n>(.*))+/, recordAllGroups: true,0: "quote_text" 1: "exclamation_mark" 2: "quote_note_text" 3: "quote_tip_text" 4: "quote_important_text" 5: "quote_warning_text" 6: "quote_caution_text" 7: "default"}
{match: /(?m)^ *>.*/, 0: "quote_text"}

// 有点bug暂时没法用
// "quoteBackground": include("prefix") + />.*/
"footnote": [
{match: /(?m)^\[\^.+?\]: /, 0: "footnote"}
{match: /\[\^.+?\]/, 0: "footnote"}

// lineBackground: {match: include("quoteBackground"), color: "quote_background"}
lineBackground: {match: /(?m)^ *>.*/, color: "quote_background"}

// ##################################################################
// 取消注释下行,为分割线添加背景
// lineBackground: {match: /^( {0,3}\*{3,}|-{3,}|_{3,})$/, color: "default"}
// ##################################################################

// lineBackground: {match: include("quoteBackground"), color: "quote_background"}
lineBackground: {match: /(?m)^ *>.*/, color: "quote_background"}

contains: [
// 这样写是为了后续方便调整顺序,以最佳顺序高亮语法,避免bug
{include: "title"}
{include: "setextTitle"}
{include: "link"}
{include: "escape"}
{include: "footnote"}
{include: "math"}
{include: "splitLine"}
{match: include("prefix") + /[1-9][0-9]*\. .*/, 0: "ordered_list"}
{match: include("prefix") + /[*+-] .*/, 0: "unordered_list"}
{match: /> *\[(!)(?:(NOTE)|(TIP)|(IMPORTANT)|(WARNING)|(CAUTION))\](?:\n>(.*))+/, recordAllGroups: true,0: "quote_text" 1: "感叹号" 2: "quote_note_text" 3: "quote_tip_text" 4: "quote_important_text" 5: "quote_warning_text" 6: "quote_caution_text" 7: "default"}
{match: /(?m)^ *>.*/, 0: "quote_text"}

// 已经把链接匹配的优化雏形放这了,等待我的后续更新吧~
// 或者你也可以自行将下方代码补全
// {
// start: {
// start: {match: /\[/}
// end: {match: /\]/}
// }
// end: {
// start: {match: /\(/}
// end: {match: /\)/}
// }
// color: "string"
// matchEndFirst: true //优先匹配结尾
// contains: [

// ]
// }
{include: "list"}
{include: "quote"}

start: {match: include("prefix") + /(?i)`{3}([ a-z]*)/, 0: "code_block" 1: "syntax_name"}
Expand All @@ -99,12 +125,13 @@
start: {match: /`/}
end: {match: /`|$/}
color: "short_code"
contains: [
{include: "escape"}
end: {match: /(?m)`|$/}
color: "code_short"
// matchEndFirst: true
// contains: [
// 以我当前水平和mt的局限性,只能做到没有`闭合的后面所有字符不渲染,但这个`还是会渲染,有能力的大牛可以自己尝试一下(: 但这又会让后面所有内容全都不渲染……放弃了):
// {match: /(?m)(?<=`).*$/, 0: "default"}
// ]
{builtin: #ESCAPED_CHAR#}

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