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Carlos Vigil edited this page Dec 7, 2016 · 23 revisions

This list is incomplete; if you find additions to make, please contribute by editing it.


Key Symbol
Count {n}
Character {x}
Motion {m}
Enter {ENTER}
Escape {ESC}

Vintageous Commands

Description Command
Move around in NORMAL and VISUAL modes {n}h, j, k, l
Go to n+1 line from top of screen {n}H
Go to n-1 line from bottom of screen {n}L
Go to middle line of screen {n}M
Find n next char x ahead of cursor {n}f{x}
Find n char x behind cursor {n}F{x}
Find n-1 char x ahead of cursor {n}t{x}
Find n+1 char x behind cursor {n}T{x}
Repeat latest f, F, t, or T in opposite direction {n},
Repeat latest f, F, t, or T {n};
Search pattern /
Search current word forward *
Search current word backward #
Go to next instance of searched pattern n
Go to previous instance of searched pattern N
Go to first char of line ^
Go n lines downward to 1st non-blank char {n}_
Go n lines upward to 1st non-blank char {n}-
Go to EOL $
Go to BOL 0
Move forward by words {n}w
Move forward by word ends {n}e
Move backward by words {n}b
Move forward by big words {n}W
Move forward by big word ends {n}E
Move backward by big words {n}B
Go to BOF or to nth line {n}gg
Go to EOF or to ntn line {n}G
Go to matching bracket or to n percent lines {n}%
On a symbol, go to its declaration in active file gd
On a symbol, go to its declaration in project gD

Vintageous Actions

Description Command
Switch to NORMAL mode {ESC}
Switch to INSERT mode before cursor i
Switch to INSERT mode at BOL I
Append, switch to INSERT at EOL A
Append, switch to INSERT mode after cursor a
INSERT line below o
INSERT line above O
VISUAL mode v
REPLACE mode (type over existing) R
??? ctrl+r, = (enter expression; uses Python eval())
INSERT and repeat n times after ESCAPE {n} i
Delete char forward {n}x
Delete char backward {n}X
Repeat last change .
Undo last n changes {n}u
Delete n items (depends on motion) {n}d{m}
Delete to EOL D
Substitute current caracter s
Substitute current line S
Change n lines or chars, depending on motion {n}c{m}
Change from cursor to EOL C
Change line cc
Delete line dd
Combine next line to current one J
N lines or chars to lowercase, depending on motion {n}gu{m}
N lines or chars to UPPERCASE, depending on motion {n}gU{m}
Yank n lines or chars, depending on motion {n}y{m}
Yank n entire lines down from cursor {n}yy or {n}Y
Paste n times from register after the cursor {n}p
Paste n times from register before the cursor {n}P
Replace n times with char from cursor forward {n}r
Delete n chars from cursor forward {n}x
??? {n}< (VISUAL)
??? {n}> (VISUAL)
Indent backward on NORMAL mode {n}<<
Indent forward on NORMAL mode {n}>>
Place active line at the top of screen z{ENTER} or zt
Place active line at the middle of screen zz
??? z-
Place active line at the bottom of screen zb
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