#Set-PnPGroup Updates a group ##Syntax
Set-PnPGroup -Identity <GroupPipeBind>
[-SetAssociatedGroup <AssociatedGroupType>]
[-AddRole <String>]
[-RemoveRole <String>]
[-Title <String>]
[-Owner <String>]
[-Description <String>]
[-AllowRequestToJoinLeave <Boolean>]
[-AutoAcceptRequestToJoinLeave <Boolean>]
[-AllowMembersEditMembership <Boolean>]
[-OnlyAllowMembersViewMembership <Boolean>]
[-RequestToJoinEmail <String>]
[-Web <WebPipeBind>]
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Identity | GroupPipeBind | True | A group object, an ID or a name of a group |
AddRole | String | False | Name of the permission set to add to this SharePoint group |
AllowMembersEditMembership | Boolean | False | A switch parameter that specifies whether group members can modify membership in the group |
AllowRequestToJoinLeave | Boolean | False | A switch parameter that specifies whether to allow users to request membership in the group and to allow users to request to leave the group |
AutoAcceptRequestToJoinLeave | Boolean | False | A switch parameter that specifies whether users are automatically added or removed when they make a request |
Description | String | False | The description for the group |
OnlyAllowMembersViewMembership | Boolean | False | A switch parameter that specifies whether only group members are allowed to view the list of members in the group |
Owner | String | False | The owner for the group, which can be a user or another group |
RemoveRole | String | False | Name of the permission set to remove from this SharePoint group |
RequestToJoinEmail | String | False | The e-mail address to which membership requests are sent |
SetAssociatedGroup | AssociatedGroupType | False | One of the associated group types (Visitors, Members, Owners |
Title | String | False | The title for the group |
Web | WebPipeBind | False | The web to apply the command to. Omit this parameter to use the current web. |
##Examples |
###Example 1
PS:> Set-PnPGroup -Identity 'My Site Members' -SetAssociatedGroup Members
Sets the SharePoint group with the name 'My Site Members' as the associated members group
###Example 2
PS:> Set-PnPGroup -Identity 'My Site Members' -Owner 'site owners'
Sets the SharePoint group with the name 'site owners' as the owner of the SharePoint group with the name 'My Site Members'