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#Remove-PnPNavigationNode Removes a menu item from either the quicklaunch or top navigation ##Syntax

Remove-PnPNavigationNode -Location <NavigationType>
                         -Title <String>
                         [-Header <String>]
                         [-Force [<SwitchParameter>]]
                         [-Web <WebPipeBind>]


Parameter Type Required Description
Location NavigationType True The location from where to remove the node (QuickLaunch, TopNavigationBar
Title String True The title of the node that needs to be removed
Force SwitchParameter False Specifying the Force parameter will skip the confirmation question.
Header String False The header where the node is located
Web WebPipeBind False The web to apply the command to. Omit this parameter to use the current web.

###Example 1

PS:> Remove-PnPNavigationNode -Title Recent -Location QuickLaunch

Will remove the recent navigation node from the quick launch in the current web.

###Example 2

PS:> Remove-PnPNavigationNode -Title Home -Location TopNavigationBar -Force

Will remove the home navigation node from the top navigation bar without prompting for a confirmation in the current web.