#New-PnPWeb Creates a new subweb under the current web ##Syntax
New-PnPWeb -Title <String>
-Url <String>
-Template <String>
[-Description <String>]
[-Locale <Int>]
[-BreakInheritance [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-InheritNavigation [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-Web <WebPipeBind>]
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Template | String | True | The site definition template to use for the new web, e.g. STS#0. Use Get-PnPWebTemplates to fetch a list of available templates |
Title | String | True | The title of the new web |
Url | String | True | The URL of the new web |
BreakInheritance | SwitchParameter | False | By default the subweb will inherit its security from its parent, specify this switch to break this inheritance |
Description | String | False | The description of the new web |
InheritNavigation | SwitchParameter | False | Specifies whether the site inherits navigation. |
Locale | Int | False | |
Web | WebPipeBind | False | The web to apply the command to. Omit this parameter to use the current web. |
##Examples |
###Example 1
PS:> New-PnPWeb -Title "Project A Web" -Url projectA -Description "Information about Project A" -Locale 1033 -Template "STS#0"
Creates a new subweb under the current web with URL projectA