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#New-PnPTermSet Creates a taxonomy term set ##Syntax

New-PnPTermSet -Name <String>
               -TermGroup <Id, Title or TermGroup>
               [-Id <Guid>]
               [-Lcid <Int>]
               [-Contact <String>]
               [-Description <String>]
               [-IsOpenForTermCreation [<SwitchParameter>]]
               [-IsNotAvailableForTagging [<SwitchParameter>]]
               [-Owner <String>]
               [-StakeHolders <String[]>]
               [-CustomProperties <Hashtable>]
               [-TermStore <Id, Name or Object>]




Parameter Type Required Description
Name String True The name of the termset.
TermGroup Id, Title or TermGroup True Name, id or actualy termgroup to create the termset in.
Contact String False An e-mail address for term suggestion and feedback. If left blank the suggestion feature will be disabled.
CustomProperties Hashtable False
Description String False Descriptive text to help users understand the intended use of this term set.
Id Guid False The Id to use for the term set; if not specified, or the empty GUID, a random GUID is generated and used.
IsNotAvailableForTagging SwitchParameter False By default a term set is available to be used by end users and content editors of sites consuming this term set. Specify this switch to turn this off
IsOpenForTermCreation SwitchParameter False When a term set is closed, only metadata managers can add terms to this term set. When it is open, users can add terms from a tagging application. Not specifying this switch will make the term set closed.
Lcid Int False The locale id to use for the term set. Defaults to the current locale id.
Owner String False The primary user or group of this term set.
StakeHolders String[] False People and groups in the organization that should be notified before major changes are made to the term set. You can enter multiple users or groups.
TermStore Id, Name or Object False Term store to check; if not specified the default term store is used.

###Example 1

PS:> New-PnPTermSet -Name "Department" -TermGroup "Corporate"

Creates a new termset named "Department" in the group named "Corporate"