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87 lines (77 loc) · 3.48 KB

File metadata and controls

87 lines (77 loc) · 3.48 KB

#Add-PnPFile Uploads a file to Web ##Syntax

Add-PnPFile -Path <String>
            -Folder <String>
            [-Checkout [<SwitchParameter>]]
            [-CheckInComment <String>]
            [-Approve [<SwitchParameter>]]
            [-ApproveComment <String>]
            [-Publish [<SwitchParameter>]]
            [-PublishComment <String>]
            [-UseWebDav [<SwitchParameter>]]
            [-Values <Hashtable>]
            [-ContentType <ContentTypePipeBind>]
            [-Web <WebPipeBind>]
Add-PnPFile -FileName <String>
            -Stream <Stream>
            -Folder <String>
            [-Checkout [<SwitchParameter>]]
            [-CheckInComment <String>]
            [-Approve [<SwitchParameter>]]
            [-ApproveComment <String>]
            [-Publish [<SwitchParameter>]]
            [-PublishComment <String>]
            [-UseWebDav [<SwitchParameter>]]
            [-Values <Hashtable>]
            [-ContentType <ContentTypePipeBind>]
            [-Web <WebPipeBind>]




Parameter Type Required Description
FileName String True Name for file
Folder String True The destination folder in the site
Path String True The local file path.
Stream Stream True Stream with the file contents
Approve SwitchParameter False Will auto approve the uploaded file.
ApproveComment String False The comment added to the approval.
CheckInComment String False The comment added to the checkin.
Checkout SwitchParameter False If versioning is enabled, this will check out the file first if it exists, upload the file, then check it in again.
ContentType ContentTypePipeBind False Use to assign a ContentType to the file.
Publish SwitchParameter False Will auto publish the file.
PublishComment String False The comment added to the publish action.
UseWebDav SwitchParameter False
Values Hashtable False Use the internal names of the fields when specifying field names
Web WebPipeBind False The web to apply the command to. Omit this parameter to use the current web.

###Example 1

PS:> Add-PnPFile -Path c:\temp\company.master -Folder "_catalogs/masterpage"

This will upload the file company.master to the masterpage catalog

###Example 2

PS:> Add-PnPFile -Path .\displaytemplate.html -Folder "_catalogs/masterpage/display templates/test"

This will upload the file displaytemplate.html to the test folder in the display templates folder. If the test folder does not exist it will create it.

###Example 3

PS:> Add-PnPFile -Path .\sample.doc -Folder "Shared Documents" -Values @{Modified="1/1/2016"}

This will upload the file sample.doc to the Shared Documnets folder. After uploading it will set the Modified date to 1/1/2016.

###Example 4

PS:> Add-PnPFile -FileName sample.doc -Folder "Shared Documents" -Stream $fileStream -Values @{Modified="1/1/2016"}

This will add a file sample.doc with the contents of the stream into the Shared Documents folder. After adding it will set the Modified date to 1/1/2016.

###Example 5

PS:> Add-PnPFile -FileName sample.doc -Folder "Shared Documents" -ContentType "Document" -Values @{Modified="1/1/2016"}

This will add a file sample.doc to the Shared Documents folder, with a ContentType of 'Documents'. After adding it will set the Modified date to 1/1/2016.